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***don't get me wrong, there is some very good people on this forum who post positive and usful things. ***
Thats a very nice thing to say about Jimmy Halliday. I'm sure he'll appreciate it.
Thats a very nice thing to say about Jimmy Halliday. I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

avenfoto 0
Quoteso, please, if you dont have any positive replies or any useful tips/hints/advice. i would appreciate it if you do not respond.
mr knut.
i am sorry to inform you that i too, have nothing useful or positive to add to your very informative and useful thread. many apologies from me and my associates here in florida.
-mr foto.
ps. there are no towers in florida. not a single one.
sabre210 0
This is a wind up right???
Sean621 0
read getting into BASE...then read i again...then go away and then read it again...then when ouve done 1 or 250 more skydives come back here and ask again.
wwarped 0
If you are already disappointed,
you aren't tough enough for BASE.
this is a sport where you frequently must be ready to deal or avoid law enforcement.
you must also be prepared to attend to a busted up friend (or be the busted up party...).
this forum can be unnecessarily harsh. it pales to what you might face on a jump.
learn to adapt or please reconsider BASE.
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
Base733 0
"Harden up tiger"
-D. Weston
-D. Weston
Tyrion 0
If you are already disappointed,
you aren't tough enough for BASE.
Please call your mom to pick you up.
Haha that was gold!
Seriously tho baseknut, you coulda saved yourself alot of crap by spending a few hours (or months in reality) just reading everything you could possibly devour on BASE. There are plenty of good resources on pretty much EVERY topic and answers to nearly every question a newbie could have about BASE.
Here's a good place to get started (if you haven't already):
People are more inclined to take you for real and answer your questions when they see you've already put some serious time into researching your topic.
My 2c....
Extrakt 0
Yer read robbys article from that site-
Awesome read, robby knows his shit.
Quoting brian germain, the way to get good at this sport, be it skydiving, base, swooping, is to simply not die. Survival is paramount to success. Become an awesome skydiver, then start thinking about base. It should be enough of a buzz for a lot more that 200 jumps.
Just wait till you try some freeflying, best thing out there.
Good luck and welcome to the sport.
"If murder and suicide are illegal, then why is it ok to kill yourself and others with cigarettes?????"
Awesome read, robby knows his shit.
Quoting brian germain, the way to get good at this sport, be it skydiving, base, swooping, is to simply not die. Survival is paramount to success. Become an awesome skydiver, then start thinking about base. It should be enough of a buzz for a lot more that 200 jumps.
Just wait till you try some freeflying, best thing out there.
Good luck and welcome to the sport.

"If murder and suicide are illegal, then why is it ok to kill yourself and others with cigarettes?????"
If you are already disappointed,
you aren't tough enough for BASE.
Please call your mom to pick you up.
God bless you,
I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton
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