
Hecker needs ALL of our help!

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As many of you have heard, Matt Hecker, fellow jumper and all-around adventurer was critically injured last week (read more about it here). He needs our help. Let's prove that we can see past our differences as BASE jumpers/skydivers and unite as human beings to show him some support. We have set up a donation spot on the web, where you can donate money, send well-wishes via email, or get info to send him a card or other encouragement.

Please give what you can afford, even if it's only a well-wishing hello.
Please go to the place to donate to hecker on the Triax Page.

Any questions about this site/effort can be directed to myself or Alex G.


PS: All donations go straight to Matt. The Triax page is just a place for the site.

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I'm kind of poor at this moment (I never should have bought that JVX as it's ultra expensive and I'm in debt because of it) and I only recently started work again after my 10 month layoff. But I did make a small donation towards Matt's recovery.

PS: I miss CO, but what can you do. Take care ... :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Hey Chris thanks for the links and the head's up.

Knowing my bros & sistahs as I do, flowers, balloons & oxycotin will be headed directly to Matt soon. B|

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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I hope that Tom will sticky this for awhile.

It's a great idea, and Triax deserves a round of applause for volunteering to handle the administrative function.

Thanks, guys.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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flowers, balloons & oxycotin

Skip the oxycontin--that's baby food compared to what he's getting. I'm not sure how he'd feel about the other two, although I know he'd love the support!

Thanks all.

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Just back from a trip to central Europe, donated what I could!

Hecker, never give up!

Swedish BASE Team

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I just got on this site and want you all to know that Matt's family appreciates all your support, good thoughts and prayers. He continues to show signs of improvement and we are all optimistic for a full recovery.---Again thanks---Marty Hecker

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this is SO much better than all that scotts dead crap.....

matt will be back soon enough. scott can stay dead.

dream immortal,calvin.dream immortal

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