
BASE Progression, Aerials: From KL Tower thread

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I don't think anyone's arguing gymnastic/aerial talent, here. And if they are, I think they're missing the point. My point is that no matter how much training you have in aerials, when you have few jumps, you have little experience getting yourself out of...well, bad experiences.

I ,on the contrary, think that gymnastics and aerial talent are indeed very relevant to someone capacity to do a sucessfull aerial base jump. My point is, that no matter how you look at it, an aerial base jump is nothing else than a highdive jump from a tall platform.
During the first five seconds of the jump, if you screwed up the launch/impulsion, you are just SOL! That's why the gymnastic/diving experience is really relevant! So you don't screw that part up!
Past four/five seconds mark of a jump, another set of skills come in and that would be your freeflying/skydiving skills... those are the skills that will get you out of a bad situation should you have lost controll of the spins.
The above mentioned skills can be acquired in an other environment than BASE. That's why number of base jumps are not so important in my opinion.
Now of course, after the aerial, there is pull time! But usually the ones with good diving experience and freeflying skills will be able to pull relatively stable after their aerial.
Then what you are left with is a conventional more or less stable pull which, like any other base opening even after a flat launch, can go to shit very easily. And that's where the base skills relevant to jump numbers come into play in my opinion.
Now I am not saying, go head and throw all kinds of weird off axis stuff at 20 jumps. But if you really have the feeling you can nail a gainer (which to be honest in my book doesn't even count as an aerial) and only have 20 base jumps. I say go for it.
But you have to have the background to do it... which is:
- You have great body awareness.
-you have thrown many aerial manoeuvres in an other ground sport (trampoline,highdiving, snowboarding..ect)
-you have good canopy skills and you have the objects avoidance drills covered.
- And last but not least, choose an appropriate object to do it... A 270 feet cliff or building is not appropriate for a first gainer.
Someone mentioned that aerial are "for show" and are not necessary. I totally agree!!
But following that reasoning... so is a BASE jump!! Totally unnecessary! But we still do it cause it's fun...
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:D I know for real!! You must be in suspense to see what I might say next! :D

Well, just in case I got blasted or something people wouldn’t think I was backing down but just busy. :P


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i have 180 now and i havent done such a thing/flip....dont kill youself man...be carefull

That's only because you are a total wimp. :) And dude, a week a go you told me you had 170, you've been pretty busy lately ? But who's counting anyway, give or take 10 right ? :)

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ok. to be exact...178 now :ph34r:

F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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