
Training for BASE

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While jumping a BASE canopy at the dropzone before actually taking it to a fixed object would you recommend jumping the canopy in a skydiving container or in a BASE specific container?

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If you know how to pack a BASE canopy slider up into a BASE container, and your dropzone allows it (with or without a bellymount), I'd say use the BASE specific container.

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Are you saying that if possible someone with a grand total of 55 skydives should skydive a BASE rig (with or without a bellymount)?

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How about if your MENTOR say's "Yea dude, go for it". Your parachute assembly MUST be approved for use in aircraft in the U.S., I think Canada has the same requierment. In the U.S. it is the pilots licence that is in peril if something happens. It is not too hard to get a large CERTIFIED dual container to use if you have your head screwed on straight. Do NOT put someone in the position of having to defend themself because of your actions.

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While jumping a BASE canopy at the dropzone before actually taking it to a fixed object would you recommend jumping the canopy in a skydiving container or in a BASE specific container?

I'd recommend using a setup that is legal in your country.
-- Tom Aiello


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right on Pete I love how people never seen to care if the pilot losses his license or not If the rig is not TSOED with a dual
parachute system then u can not legaly jump from a plane and if your not smart enough to all this then u should not be jumping im an IDIOT and i no this shit
go make 300 jumps and then start BASE go to eloy u can easily do 300 jumps in a month show some level of commit ment I cant even spell but I new enough not to jump from a fixed object till i new what i was doing skydiving when I hit 2000 jumps i realized ididn't no shit and i still dont
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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Your parachute assembly MUST be approved for use in aircraft in the U.S., I think Canada has the same requierment. In the U.S. it is the pilots licence that is in peril if something happens. It is not too hard to get a large CERTIFIED dual container to use if you have your head screwed on straight. Do NOT put someone in the position of having to defend themself because of your actions.

wha??? a BASE jumper advising someone to obey every law? does the devil need woolen underwear?

certainly don't use a BASE rig from an aircraft in the US without the pilot's consent. who knows, the pilot might want to get into BASE as well...
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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How about if your MENTOR say's "Yea dude, go for it". Your parachute assembly MUST be approved for use in aircraft in the U.S., I think Canada has the same requierment.

Nope! In Canada we don't need no stinkin TSO or no stinking dual parachute containers! If the DZO says go, BASE gear with belly mount is fine....actually even without the belly mount except that goes against CSPA's BSR's.B|

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Well it's like this, all that needs to happen is the jump need to be seen or just heard about to cause shit. Base is unregulated but airplane jumps are. If you go in with a base rig on from a plane, the pilot might not fly again for along time.

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Well it's like this, all that needs to happen is the jump need to be seen or just heard about to cause shit. Base is unregulated but airplane jumps are. If you go in with a base rig on from a plane, the pilot might not fly again for along time.

um, that is why you get the pilot's consent. I guess I didn't make that too clear...
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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Rock on in Canada!!!! Still a guy with 55 jumps, I dunno.

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For the record I am just planning on jumping all summer to get in experience for bridge day in the fall. I am not planning to jump anything fixed until then and by that time I hope to have 200+ jumps.

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u know what let them do what they want in the end pete they will only screw them selves
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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you realize I was asking for advice. not permission.

Are you saying it's a bad idea to train with a BASE canopy from a plane all summer and jump in the fall with over 200 jumps?

I have been platform diving all winter as well and will continute to do so indefinately. Apparently that's worth something according to some BASE jumpers.

Aren't you mentoring a girl with less than 200 jumps?

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I have been platform diving all winter as well and will continute to do so indefinately. Apparently that's worth something according to some BASE jumpers.

Don't get it all mixed up my friend... Platform diving will help you for the first few sec of a jump. After that you are shit of luck if you don't have the required skydiving skills/freeflying/ canopy control skills to deal with with all the nasty stuff that can happen past the four second mark...

skydiving is a crap load of fun too!!! take your time and build the others skills that will keep you alive in Base first.
Base is not going anywhere. You'll get your piece of the pie too... in due time!
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Rock on in Canada!!!! Still a guy with 55 jumps, I dunno.

YEah, 55 jumps is probably not the best time to start jumping BASE rigs out of planes. Stuffing that BASE canopy in a skydiving rig and jumping the shit out of it like I think this person wants to do is highly recommended in my books. It shows some dedication.

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