
The Ninja team

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ok, have one base jump. bridge day. that really doesnt count but i did it to do it. im a swooper. thats my story. so i do pca's, vid and pics for my 3 ninjas. lemme know if you recognize anyone.

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u could of found a better pic than that of me any way but nice pics of the boys rolling over and Colin I bet u would like to see me in a skirt.
PS Kris your the best ground crew ever
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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learn how to spell my damn name jerri. anyways i cant find that first rollover you did off of the trainstation, you know, with the 180 off and flying back under the bridge to land over your head in the river! so how do you get a 180 off on a rollover anyway slick?


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Nice pics. Looks like an old AT&T tower. Check the buildings. There's an 80,000sq ft bunker under one of those near here. B|
Very fun to play around in;)

May we live long and die out

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Ok maggot, hows this one? i cant tell how nice your hair looks cause you have one of those "things" on your head........ what were you thinking?


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Was that the time were maggot tried to fit Tommy Walshes pocket pussy over his head..

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Smizo jesus christ!

First you need to buy a man's flash because you cannot even see my psychedelic jungle ninja pants on the roll-over!

Second, what's up with Jerry always being the super-star? I know I am not as good looking as he is but having Little Buddy's hand covering my face really sends me a clear message :"Dude, you're fucking ugly!"

And Simzo, fix your profile you do have a DZ!

By the way folks, Smizo is the best ground crew money can buy and having seen I taught him how to fly, he's not half bad of a stick ;)

Actually he started to fly when he was still a virgin without a driver license :$
Memento Audere Semper


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yea, you werent saying you taught me how to fly when i was kicking your ass in the citabria! anyways, as for the dz, i needed a place to put that i dont log my jumps so people dont think im a no jump wonder posting on the forum;)

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evil, ill see what i can do for a pic of you tonight. i might have one of you about to ff the ts........ you know...... before the tree!

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What about the newest addition to the team?

The fourth and only female ninja?
Memento Audere Semper


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A bit stiff giving the thumb up in that second pic though! :P Congrats on her first jump! :)
Oh and yeah what's up with all the Amercan base jumpers and the camo pants?!? Can someone explain that to me??;)
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Let it be known that I am American and my pants are not cammo.

Most Americans' pants wouldn't be cammo unless they were standing in front of a denim wall.

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You are not a real base jumper unless you know how to turn your tshirt into a ninja mask.

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Oh and yeah what's up with all the Amercan base jumpers and the camo pants?!? Can someone explain that to me??;)

Herr Van Der Rugai is Dutch, not American.
-- Tom Aiello


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i only wear camo pants because i got tons of them for free from my uncle. so when i fall down and rip them i don't feel so bad. thanks for the paycheck!:P

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Herr Van Der Rugai is Dutch, not American.

Hey! There's a difference between having a passport that says you're Dutch, and actually being Dutch.

Rugai is Italian...

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Really nice shot at the cliff.

Which flash did you use at thouse night shots?
Im looking for a flash on my Canon that is powerfull and fast enough to catch exits but small and cheap enough to get rid off in a hurry or no need to worry if it gets hurt..


Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Im looking for a flash on my Canon that is powerfull and fast enough to catch exits but small and cheap enough to get rid off in a hurry or no need to worry if it gets hurt.

i dont believe youll be able to find that combination, unfortunatley....

theres always a trade off.... a flash strong/fast enough for nite action is going to be expensive....[:/]

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which do you guys recomend..? i guess im into speedlite dor digital cams

I have a bag for my stills cam that easy locks it tight and takes the worst bust on the cam,however i dont have room for a flash there[:/]

any solutions? problem aint on faylight jumps were i just need that extra light but on urban jumps like on the S in this tread were i need to get rid of it quickly.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Smizzo (cessna54tango) has a sweet Sony Digital Camera..those night shot looking pics were taken after sunset, and at a full resolution are clear concise pics. No Dount!!

-lil buddy Cavage..thats french, hence why I dont wear the Normal Ninja Wear.

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