
BASE WIKI needs Web Artist and Contributors

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BASE WIKI is looking for an experienced web designer to spice up its website. We need somebody to help us redesign the skin, create a logo, and generally help us turn it from todays minimalistic website to a fully fledged good looking BASE encyclopedia.

You don't have to be a BASE jumper to help out.

We are also looking for contributors that can add new articles or expand existing ones. BASE WIKI is a volunteer effort. Consider it a chance to give something back to a great community.

Please PM if you are interested.

Jaap Suter

p.s. Also crossposted in the Bonfire, with my apologies to the moderators.

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BASE WIKI is looking for an experienced web designer to spice up its website. We need somebody to help us redesign the skin, create a logo, and generally help us turn it from todays minimalistic website to a fully fledged good looking BASE encyclopedia.

i like the current skin.
keep up the good work!
thank you for your efforts!

PS: why "anonymous"?

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