
Double PLF

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CactusJack just had an awesome "double plf" landing tonight.
The key to pulling this one off is downwinding it on a downhill slope. As you plf roll down the hill so you still tension the risers allowing the canopy to drag you down the hill then dropping you for the second PLF. Executed properly this sounds like kathump... kathump and your buddies laugh once they realize you didn't just break yourself.
In his defense it was real dark and CJ couldn't see the ground. He made me say this.
word to your mother,
BASE 1117

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Mr. Money,

Just wondering...

If you can't see the ground.... Is it a real "PLF"???


this sounds like kathump... kathump

Maybe it should sound like, "whomp there it is, whomp there it is".

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Just wondering...

If you can't see the ground.... Is it a real "PLF"???


this sounds like kathump... kathump

Maybe it should sound like, "whomp there it is, whomp there it is".

They were definitely PLF's, that's that only reason I can walk right now--although it probably looked much less graceful. Oh and there is no video so it never happened, I have no clue what you're talking about . . .

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In his defense it was real dark and CJ couldn't see the ground.

Then don't jump.

Glad you guys are out having fun! :)
Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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