toni 0 #1 April 24, 2006 Hello Everyone, Discussions are going and we are sure, they are for the good of all. The rules of the valley are well known and spread all over. These remain the same. One thing we would like to add since the sad easter weekend: when anything bad happens, DON'T TALK TO THE MEDIA, DON'T TALK TO THE MEDIA. DON'T TALK TO THE MEDIA!!! It is the rule of the police to inform the news agencies, not the one of the jumpers. I did multiple times the experience, that it is best not to speak to any of them. They will gather the news agencies reports and this will finish by a objective small report, which is best in those cases. The article printed in the BLICK (Swiss German sensation newspaper) is again reflecting us as sucidal crazy badass guys. take care /toni Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shunkka 0 #2 April 24, 2006 as one who worked 7 years in the media zone i can only say PLS DONT TALK to the media in any case of incident... media present all in a spectacular way and difform the truth in a specacular story... ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tenshi 0 #4 April 24, 2006 Der Wahnsinn!!! Other than that, it's a pretty decent article in my humble opinion. They probably could have interviewed people who hate Basejumpers... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
franz69 0 #5 April 24, 2006 Hi, honestly I find that this article is very positive and that the locals are very fair with us. The farmers that are disturbed by our action respect us and I find that it is cool. Do not hesitate to be polite with them when you land in their fields. You can also go to the AirGlacier location to buy their goodies (cap, Tshirt,...). I think it is a good occasion to thank them for respecting us. Take care, Franz#1141 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shunkka 0 #6 April 24, 2006 can anyone translate it? thanks ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tenshi 0 #7 April 24, 2006 It's a bit long. Otherwhise I'd give it a go. Basically the article says: - Jumpers regret the death of a fellow jumper but that's no reason not to keep jumping. Kicks, adrenaline, yackyackyack... - Locals realize that the jumpers aren't hurting anyone (except for themselves sometimes...but that's their responsibility) so they don't really mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bsauer 0 #8 May 5, 2006 Here is another articel regarding to forbid BASE-jumping in the valley which they discuss within the local community. May someone please translate it into English or summarize it for our colleagues abroad. Bernhard -- Source: BASEJUMPING IM LAUTERBRUNNENTAL Gemeinderat prüft ein Sprungverbot Beim Basejumping im Lauterbrunnental sind über Ostern erneut zwei Männer tödlich verunglückt. Das beschäftigt nicht nur die Bevölkerung. Der Gemeinderat will Klarheit, ob das Springen verboten werden kann. Oberland Gemeindepräsident Jost Brunner brachte das Thema «Basejumpen» an der Gemeinderatssitzung vom Osterdienstag aufs Tapet: «Weil es die Leute im Tal irgendwie beschäftigt und obschon wir gegenüber einem Verbot sozusagen machtlos dastehen.» Nach den beiden Todesfällen über die Ostertage habe der Gemeinderat beschlossen, das Bundesamt für Justiz brieflich anzufragen, ob überhaupt Möglichkeiten bestehen, das Basejumping im Lauterbrunnental zu verbieten. Jost Brunner weist auf die positive Reaktion der Swiss Base Association (SBA) hin: Der Gemeinderat habe die SBA vor einiger Zeit auf das besondere Gebiet Staubbach – das Lauterbrunner Wahrzeichen – aufmerksam gemacht. Seither würden an der Staubbachfluh nur noch vereinzelt Basejumper beobachtet. Jost Brunner weiss um die verschiedenen Meinungen im Tal: «Es ist unangenehm, wenn Todesfälle passieren. Es ist festzuhalten, dass sie auch in der Eigernordwand oder am Matterhorn leider nicht verhindert werden können.» Auch Verbote für andere Risikosportarten seien kaum durchsetzbar, glaubt Brunner. «Nicht das grosse Geld» Ursula Feuz, Präsidentin von Lauterbrunnen Tourismus, tritt nicht für ein Verbot des Basejumpens im Lauterbrunnental ein: «Haben die Springer Freude daran, sollen sie es tun – aber auf eigene Verantwortung.» Würde dieser Extremsport im Tal verboten, würde er andernorts ausgeführt. «Und wer wollte kontrollieren», fragt sich Ursula Feuz. Die Basejumper brächten nicht das grosse Geld ins Tal, glaubt Ursula Feuz. Sie kämen und gingen. Sie ist sich bewusst, dass das Basejumpen für Bewohner im Zielgebiet unangenehm ist. Sie glaubt, Wind und Felswände im Lauterbrunnental würden von Anfängern etwa unterschätzt. «Man muss auch umkehren können, wenn ungünstige Verhältnisse es erfordern», mahnt Feuz. Eine Zumutung Ruedi Gertsch, wohnhaft beim Staubbach in Lauterbrunnen, machte seinem Unmut über das Basejumpen schon an der Gemeindeversammlung vom 16. Juni 2003 Luft: «Mit dem ‹Adrenalin-Hobby› und zunehmendem Nachtlärm wird uns viel zugemutet.» Der Lokführer intervenierte vor allem wegen seiner eigenen Familie und der Familie seines Bruders. Rettungsaktionen führten jeweils über ihr Land und zogen 30 bis 40 Gaffer an. «Vier schulpflichtige Kinder wurden Zeugen eines Todessturzes – ein Schock selbst für Erwachsene», gibt Ruedi Gertsch rückblickend zur damals bereits rund zehnjährigen Szene zu bedenken. «Als der Staubbach beleuchtet wurde, sprangen Basejumper auch nachts», fügt Gertsch bei. «Verbot wäre schlimm» Seine Frau Brigid suchte via Internet und E-Mail Kontakt zu Basejumpern. «Drei Springer vereinbarten sogar ein Treffen mit uns», erzählt Brigid Gertsch. Aber zwei seien vor dem abgemachten Termin in den Tod gesprungen, und der dritte habe Angst vor ihrem Hund gehabt – nicht aber vor dem Fluhspringen … Ein Robert Hinden mit unbekannter Herkunft entschuldigte sich im Namen aller Basejumper schriftlich bei Familie Gertsch beim Staubbach. Er könne Ruedi und Brigid gut verstehen. Es sei aber unfair, alle Basejumper in den gleichen Topf zu werfen. Doch schwarze Schafe gebe es auch. «Aber noch schlimmer wäre, darunter leiden zu müssen – wenn Basejumpen in der Schweiz verboten würde», schrieb Hinden. Brigid und Ruedi Gertsch stellen Fortschritte fest. Beim Staubbach werde nur noch selten gesprungen. Wohl eine interne Abmachung der Basejumper, glauben Gertschs. «Heute stören uns die Basejumper nicht mehr, wenn sie ausserhalb bewohnter Gebiete ‹normal› und nur tagsüber springen», sagt Ruedi Gertsch. Aber die Häufigkeit der Unfälle sei zu gross, ergänzt er. Auch im Winter Kaspar Gertsch, Forstarbeiter aus Mürren, kann sich den Wechsel zum Startplatz Buchenfluh weiter taleinwärts an der Mürrenfluh gut erklären: «Der Weg zum Startplatz Staubbach ist oft vereist.» Jedermann wisse, dass die Basejumper jahraus, jahrein vom Restaurant Winteregg loszögen. Die Distanz in der Luftlinie bis zur «Nase» Buchenfluh misst rund 700 Meter. «Sie sagen es einander weiter, den Sommerweg bis zur alten Säge zu benützen», meint Kaspar Gertsch. Von dort bestehe sozusagen ein «Wägli» durch den unwegsamen und teils steilen Wald – auch im Winter. Was meinen Sie? Ihre Meinung zu diesem Thema interessiert uns. Schreiben Sie an: Redaktion BO Interlaken Aarmühlestrasse 8, 3800 Interlaken, Der Begriff Basejumping umfasst das Springen mit einem Fallschirm von u Buildings (Gebäuden) u Antennas (Antennen) u Spans (Brücken) u Earth (Erde, z. B. Felsen)bo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vandev 0 #9 May 5, 2006 Here is more another articel regarding tons forbid Cousin jumping in the valley which they discuss within the local community. May someone please translate it into English or summarize it for our colleagues abroad. Bernhard -- SOURCE: BASEJUMPING IN the LOUD WELL VALLEY local council examines a sprungverbot with the Basejumping in the loud well valley over Easter of again two men deadly had an accident. The population does not only employ. The local council wants clarity whether jumping can be forbidden. Upper country Municipality president Jost Brunner brought the topic to "Basejumpen" at the local council meeting of the Osterdienstag on the Tapet: "because it the people in the valley somehow busily and although we stand there in relation to a prohibition as it were powerlessly." After the two deaths over the Ostertage the local council decided to inquire the Federal Office for law brieflich whether at all possibilities exist to forbid the Basejumping in the loud well valley. Jost Brunner refers to the positive reaction of the Swiss cousin Association (SBA): The local council made the SBA attentive some time ago on the special area dust brook - the Lauterbrunner landmark -. Since that time observed to the Staubbachfluh only isolates Basejumper. Jost Brunner knows around the different opinions in the valley: "it is unpleasant, if deaths happen. It is to be noted that they cannot be prevented also in the Eigernordwand or at the matte horn unfortunately." Also prohibitions for other kinds of risk haven are hardly interspersable, believe Brunner. "not the large money" Ursula Feuz, president of loud well tourism, does not occur for a prohibition of the Basejumpens in the loud well valley: ", they are to do credit Springer joy in it it - however on own responsibility." If this extreme haven in the valley was forbidden, it was in another place implemented. "and who wanted to control", asks themselves Ursula Feuz. The Basejumper would bring not the large money in the valley, believes Ursula Feuz. They would come and went. It is conscious itself that the Basejumpen for inhabitants is unpleasant in the target area. She believes, wind and cliffs in the loud well valley by beginners was underestimated. "one must be able to turn around also, if unfavorable conditions require, remind it" Feuz. A zumutung Ruedi Gertsch, resident with the dust brook in loud wells, made over the Basejumpen at the municipality meeting from 16 June 2003 air already for its displeasure: "one zugemutet much with the < adrenalin hobby > and increasing night noise us." The engine driver intervened particularly because of its own family and the family of its brother. Rescue actions led in each case across their country and tightened 30 to 40 Gaffer. "four schoolable children became witnesses of a death fall - a shock for adults", gives to consider Ruedi Gertsch retrospectively to the at that time already approximately ten-year scene. "as the dust brook, jumped Basejumper was lit up also at night", attaches Gertsch. "prohibition would be bad" His Mrs. Brigid looked for contact via InterNet and E-Mail to Basejumpern. "three Springer even agreed upon a meeting with us", tell Brigid Gertsch. But two jumped before the settled date into death, and third had fear of its dog - not however before the Fluhspringen... A Robert Hinden with unknown quantities origin apologized in the name of all Basejumper in writing at family Gertsch with the dust brook. He can understand Ruedi and Brigid well. It is however unfair to throw all Basejumper into the same pot. But black sheep give it also. "however would be still worse to have to suffer from it - if Basejumpen in Switzerland was forbidden", wrote Hinden. Brigid and Ruedi Gertsch determine progress. With the dust brook one jump only rarely. Probably, Gertschs believe an internal agreement of the Basejumper. "today the Basejumper does not disturb us any longer, if they jump, say outside of inhabited areas < normally > and only during the day" Ruedi Gertsch. But the frequency of the accidents is too large, supplements it. Also in the winter Kaspar Gertsch, forstarbeiter from Muerren, can explain itself the change as the starting point Buchenfluh further valley inward to the Muerrenfluh well: "the way to the starting point dust brook often froze." Everyone knows that the Basejumper would loose-pull year out, year in from the restaurant Winteregg. The distance in the air line up to the "nose" Buchenfluh measures approximately 700 meters. "you continue to say it each other to use the summer way up to the old saw", mean Kaspar Gertsch. From there exist as it were a "Waegli" by the hard-to-travel and partly steep forest - also in the winter. What do you mean? Their opinion to this topic interests us. Write down: Editorship BO intersheet Aarmuehlestrasse 8, 3800 intersheets, editorship bo The term Basejumping covers a jumping with a parachute of u Buildings (buildings) u Antennas (antennas) u of splinter (bridges) u Earth (earth, e.g. Felsen)bo In the end...the universe has a way of working itself out.... "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites