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MarkM 0
QuoteI wish now that he had thought of some type of (Diversionary Tactic) choreographed out when he changed clothes and made the bathroom extraction & went for the fence. Some type of scuffle or argument of fake medical problem prearranged with accomplices to attract the Security and draw them away @ the moment of the exit attempt.
He should've had someone to do the Alka Seltzer, foaming mouth, fake seizure bit with an extra to play the "stand back, I'm a doctor!" part.
Doesn't Tom teach this sort of stuff in base camp? Or is that in the advanced class?
QuoteDamn I been thinking about this ESB jump all day at the job. I wish now that he had thought of some type of (Diversionary Tactic) choreographed out when he changed clothes and made the bathroom extraction & went for the fence. Some type of scuffle or argument of fake medical problem prearranged with accomplices to attract the Security and draw them away @ the moment of the exit attempt.
Man SOooooo Close but not able to step off. It's eating @ me as well as others im sure. So you know it got to be killing him.
I agree with you, so close yet so far. Has to suck, it would have been the most amazing feat with digital video footage!
I'm wondering who the Judas was/is?
I wish he would have pulled it off.
gun986 0
Uhh, you want fries with that?
One question that has been bothering me ever since I learned about Jeb was how he affords his lifestyle. I read in one of the online articles of CBS or NBC that his fat suit cost him 15 grand. He seems to have many high quality rigs and equipment and in his videos, helicopters are always taking him to the exit points. As far as I know, he does not have a day job, and yet he has ample spending money. Do BASE companies, dsc channel, sponsors, etc... just give him free stuff? Don't get me wrong, I highly admire Jeb and I think his jumps are amazing and graceful, but I just can't shake this question.
smelly 0
oh yeah tree, on your next jump, when you flail, just blame it on Jeb getting busted on the ESB!
Happy flail......................
Amanduh 0
QuoteI just got back from visiting Jeb in Rikers Island.
Hmm..amazing he didn't mention anything about bailing out when you were there. Probably close to the same time actually....
Tom, thanks for posting that link. I know Ted has a 3triple7 beanie that i've been trying to steal from him..but yeah...I liked the philosphy section
"...Think for yourself. Be conscious of your actions. Question all authority. Acknowledge who you are. Be ardent about something...anything. The key to contentment is the ability to dream. And the key to success is to fulfuill those dreams. Show respect and you shall receive it. Integrity is strength...use it...."
I give props to Jeb for being out there pushing the limits. Think about it, its fuckin awesome. Here the world is going on with it's routine Thursday afternoon, their busy lives...running errands, working, posting online..drama.. etc...well, normalcy...and here Jeb is dressed up as an old fat guy tourist..could you image what he must have felt from the second he got into his car (or transportation of some sort) to just start the drive to the ESB, just watching everyone going about their lives with no second questions that he was about to attempt something so gets my blood pumping just thinking about it!....not to mention the detailed planning he invested in this is given when due...and I respect someone a lot more when the effort put forth is so takes takes takes balls.
*Props to you, Jeb*
Disclaimer: Yes, newbie - but I have scouted several B's on my own lately and am starting to "gain an understanding" on how much it takes to get a building opened, and none have been close to the level attempted here (high profile - NYC - ESB)
huckthis 0
Even though you got busted, "great job Jeb"!
smiles 0
Three Triple Seven clothing and IFILM-
Ground Impact Productions
BASE concepts: Introduction/ BASE concepts: Authority
QuoteEpidemic- Three Triple Seven'z realm is under construction for next couple of weekz-
congrats to our RONNIN: Pete, Jeb, iiro and Big Matt
TV & Hollywood
QuoteBut is this a hard-edged vacation from normalcy, or participation in the de-evolution of a civilized society?..."
hmmm- stunt junkies, tv & hollywood-
3 triple 7 clothing & IFILM
Quotea subculture called "3 triple 7", lead by a group of most hard-core Action Sport athletes.
Unfortunately due to the 3 triple 7'z I'll have to let some ordinary BASE jumpers know they are not the most hard-core- and their realm will be destroyed!!
re: Taras at my d.z. may not have a future in acting/ skydiving/ bird-man/or BASE- but at least he could play the part of a 3 triple 7 just as well- if not better !!
Man SOooooo Close but not able to step off. It's eating @ me as well as others im sure. So you know it got to be killing him.
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