
Corliss gets busted in NYC

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Jeb doesn't go around taunting other BASE jumpers and trying to piss them off.

That's the functional difference

So for as long as you don't death camp people, you are allowed to break any codes of our own "ethics":S

By the way Tom, let's go down the BASE ethics "etiquette" you wrote and figure out how many your buddy Jeb broke:

Respect: the sport, the sites, and other jumpers.

Leave no trace.

Contact the locals.

Again I could not give a rat's ass about Jeb's attempt and I am very sorry he pussyed out and did not jump. What gets under my skin is that certain individuals are free to do whatever they fuck they want with the BASE community supporting them while other ones are constantly under fire (Felix, Shane, Miles, Jimmy H to name a few).

Correct me if I am wrong but it's my understanding that you are one of those advocating for proper and responsible BASE jumping and the legalization of BASE in National Parks.

If you think Jeb's "stunt" did any good for the BASE community and the future of the sport in general, then my hat's off for your blindness.

Tom, make no mistake, Jeb does not care about the sport, all he cares is publicity (his own one), he just happened to be a very likable non-cocky guy but his agenda is very, very clear.
Memento Audere Semper


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Okay so I retract my first post and would ask other non BASE guys to think about the same. didn't realize how deep the comunity went ,Just listened to skydive radio Show 15 (I think), they had a man name Nick Geavani (sorry for the spelling) Lots of rules , structure , ethics, that I diddn't know about, RESPECT being a main one. Still love Jeb but I'll keep my opinions on this to my self. Sorry for the intrusion .

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>>Nick Geavani (sorry for the spelling)<<

No apology necessary Martin – you hit the phonetic spelling of my last name right on the money.

And I’m happy you got something from the show . . .

BTW, When I listened to the program now I realize how tired I sounded as I was out the whole previous night helping some visiting Euro-jumpers get their “B.”

NickD (Nick Di Giovanni) :)BASE 194

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You seem to be under the impression that I'm trying to (a) defend Jeb, or (b) argue that his actions were the most ethical and created good publicity for BASE.

In fact, I'm doing neither of those things.

I was simply observing that the reason that different people get different reactions may have to do with their personal presentation, and their personal (and stated) intentions.

I'm not making any kind of statement, pro or con, about Jeb, this incident, or how either of the above interact with BASE ethics.
-- Tom Aiello


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Just to avoid confusion Tom means the other Nick.

I was in the "I love Tom Aiello Camp" before there was one . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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Where the hell do you land in downtown NYC during rush hour without the chance of hurting a bystander?


Was this meant to be a rhetorical question?

. . . .There isn't a guarantee you're not going to hit a bystander. It's an added risk of Building BASE, and is one of the reasons why it's best to do B jumps at night correct? Obviously not option on ESB. I've never stood below this object and don't know what the landing aread looks like. I do believe Jeb would stand a far greater chance of not hurting a bystander than. . . .I would. :ph34r:


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>>Where the hell do you land in downtown NYC during rush hour without the chance of hurting a bystander?<<

Just like Dustin Hoffman had the word whispered into his ear at his graduation party - but in this case that word is not "plastics" . . . it's "rooftop."

Look at the topdown photos again.

NickD :)BASE 194

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who cares about by standers have u ever met a New yorker that u liked? and remeber I'm a New Yorker
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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Tom wrote:


I've said it before, but I'll repeat it again here.

The fundamental difference leading to the differing perceptions of various high profile BASE types is almost always how they present themselves to other jumpers.

If you work hard to explain and communicate, you tend to get received well--like Dennis McGlynn, for example.

If you don't really try either way, you tend to get a middling reaction--like Jeb Corliss, for example.

If you work hard to taunt and antagonize other jumpers over this kind of thing, you get a more negative reaction.

It's not that hard to figure it out.

Whining that people have a negative impression of you, when you work hard to create that negative impression, is pretty darned silly.



Jeb doesn't go around taunting other BASE jumpers and trying to piss them off.

That's the functional difference.

Then you wrote:



You seem to be under the impression that I'm trying to (a) defend Jeb, or (b) argue that his actions were the most ethical and created good publicity for BASE.

In fact, I'm doing neither of those things.

I was simply observing that the reason that different people get different reactions may have to do with their personal presentation, and their personal (and stated) intentions.

I'm not making any kind of statement, pro or con, about Jeb, this incident, or how either of the above interact with BASE ethics.

I agree with your last post and I do see your point more clearly.
Memento Audere Semper


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> By the way Tom, let's go down the BASE ethics "etiquette" you wrote and figure out how many your buddy Jeb broke:
> Respect: the sport, the sites, and other jumpers.
> Leave no trace.
> Contact the locals.
Nick, let me say the following.
It does exist a BASE ethics which is valid and in force for "normal" objects.
When we are dealing, though, with very high profile objects, the above BASE ethics is not any more valid, is not any more applicable.
So I am completely with Jeb, and I am really sorry that Jeb didn't succeed in pulling it off smartly (and completely).
My other few thoughts:
Was there another way to attempt it (call the locals, whatever)? No.
Did Jeb cause harm to BASE community? Yes, indeed, local police/local authorities, both in NYC and "all over the world", will stay more careful and suspicious and tight about future possibile urban BASE jumps.
But, again, if you wanna jump ESB, there is NO OTHER FUCKING WAY to do it. Full stop.
When in 2004 D.T. (RIP) did a very high profile object here in my country (that is in the region where your parents are from), at first I was angry because I thought the action had been pulled off by a countryfellow of mine (who did not talk to any of us, but honestly same action seemed to me WAY BEYOND the capabilities of same jumper I was thinkin of).
For the chronicle: that action caused a LOT of noise, news on local newspapers, news on TV, anything, it happened in summer time with millions of tourists in those days visiting that object and surrounding B's/monuments, locally they talked about it for weeks.
Then after having exchanged few e-mail's with #813, after a couple of days I got directly in touch the author, D.T., and I told him: My friend, I think you did an outstanding job, you went so smartly around security and cameras and whatever else and the way you jumped it was the ONLY ONE possible, the following noise and mess was UNAVOIDABLE, compliments indeed to you and to the way you studied it.
Yes, actions like the one performed by Jeb take indeed "heat" on BASE urban activity and rise security enforcement in B's in the same city and "generically" all over the world, they bring to "knowledge" what we do in our cities and so local authorities become "more aware" about our urban jumps, but...
Certain very high profile objects simply CANNOT carried out without causing mess and noise and heat: notwithstanding how carefully you prepare and organize the approach, notwithstanding how carefully you get to the exit point, once you have jumped and opened the parachute and land among thousands of people, there is NO WAY to avoid heat and mess and news on local newspapers.
Yes, local BASE jumpers can be affected for some time by the subsequent heat cuased by the high profile action (and someway somehow other BASE jumpers all over the world as well), but, let's put it simply: either you jump it that way or you never jump that object. Full stop.
And even if Jeb had exited off the ledge successfully and without anyone noticing it, the flight and the landing would have caused the SAME heat and the SAME noise and SAME news on newspaper/Internet/whatever.
What I really I appreciate about Jeb is that he (possibly) burnt an object of so high profile that 99.99% of other world BASE jumpers (myself included) will NEVER be "close" to jump and at the same time he DOES not go with TV crew and other staff to burn sensitive objects all over the world (as the clown face of #502 is used to do, been there, seen that).
Just my 0.02€.
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 - base_689AT_NO_123_SPAMyahoo.com

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I was ropable in the early days of my B.A.S.E. career when a particular (surrender monkey) French wanker, Francois Liot, ripped myself and a few others off for a trip to the big w/f in a place that starts ith 'VENA. and ends in ZWELA'

Slim was also sucked in as well as Jeb. To cut a long story short the deal was this: Jeb went to this famous site ended up with all the footage taken and couldn't / wouldn't contact Francois Liot re his share of the money made from it so Jeb graciously paid out those of us that had been ripped off.

Jeb took a morale stand that I believe your average American Joe, or Australian considering we are being overun by a wave of musos at the moment, would not have taken.

I first met Jeb at a Petronas meet long after the South American affair, however, I came home a better person knowing not all Americans are as they are portrayed over here in the media.

My point being that if a fraction of Westerners had at least a tenth of the the moral fortitude, courage and ability of people like Jeb, Ray Losli, Nick DG etc the world would be a better place by far. Jeb didn't burn anyones site in NYC anymore than Thor Alex did.

Remember 'the hollow vessel makes the loudest noise.'

Ken Miller
AB#78 IB#751 BF#???

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Ken mate, love ya work

...moral fortitude, courage and ability of people like Jeb, Ray Losli, Nick DG etc .

I think you accidently put Ray in the wrong group.
Still bummed i didn't get to jump in the B Mtns with you fellas. Hope to see you guys in the US or Europe some time.

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I just got back from visiting Jeb in Rikers Island. He's in good spirits and is glad to here the support from jumpers around the world.

If anyone wants to convey their support, I am going to print out this entire thread tomorrow and bring it with me.

I think he's great for giving it shot.

Riker's Island? What are you fucking kidding me? He was in in the city jail for just a few hours. Man, I'm tired of this fucking New York crew who post here all the time.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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You have misunderstood my point altogether.

Change the title of the thread from Corliss gets busted in NYC to Felix gets busted in NYC and I guarantee you the responses on the thread would have been much, much different.

That's my point, as simple as that!
Memento Audere Semper


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Oh my, I just saw your new avatar, I could not stop laughing and I'm at work!
Memento Audere Semper


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I also got to agree with Ken on Jeb. If you hang around Jeb at all. The one thing you will notice and like about him. The man is doing the most important thing. He is living life True to Himself.
(Now, back to Matt:)
Ahhhhh Matt. . little do you know. Ken MUST complement me. He has no choice in the matter.
You see it in the Rules of the Secret Pact made between the Honest, Hard Working & Simple Minded. ...;):D

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> Change the title of the thread from Corliss gets busted in NYC to Felix gets busted in NYC and I guarantee you the responses on the thread would have been much, much different.
Absolutely yes indeed!!!!!
Witha title as "Felix gets busted in NYC" I would have helped in spreading tons of shit all over the place (=face of #502) B| B| B|
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 - base_689AT_NO_123_SPAMyahoo.com

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BEAT by Rosie O'Donnell . man that's gotta hurt. ...:D

I've been beat by Rosie O'Donnell, Ray and you're right...it's no joke.

Good on ya, Jeb. If you had brains, looks and hair you'd be perfect.
There's only one Tom Aiello...

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