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I have nothing against Jeb but its funny how when jeb wants to burn a site it's cool nbut when i do it. Its fucked up. Well I live in NYC and those buildings are my play ground. and I would not go to some one elses town and burn there sites. who am I kiddding of corse I would. But then u F--- P----
would hang me. you are all a bunch of hipacrites.
and why your at work all day i'll be day blazeing
and as soon as Jeb gets out of jail im going
to tag the top of a real nice high rise on the upper east side and write fu Blomberg fom Jeb with red spray paint

PS if u needed help all u had to do is ask
I would of whipped out my dick and started jerking off to distract the guards for yah.
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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maybe he tipped the guards off, because the rateing's for his show suck, and he needed alittle PR work. because once your over the fence. they can't stop u. unless u dont jump and just stand there saying does anyone watch my show.and then everyone would say no. who the hell are u. ow its just some pussy looking for attention. He wont really jump and then u would go to jail and fuck every BASE jumper in the area.

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Maggot as sad as it sounds, you are 100% correct on this one.

BASE ethics sounds more and more like a Billy Cristal's joke.
Memento Audere Semper


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Relax. You're not the only one that jumps in NYC. If you were BASE jumping in the late 90's, you'll remember the Thor Alex bit. And everyone was saying the same thing then about NYC being hot. Time heals all wounds. Cya.
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Brian your right
but im not day blazing in NYC
and that was then this is now when i day blaze its in the middel of now where

and all im saying is If it was me people wouldn't not think it was cool and it just hypacritacal
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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If it was me people wouldn't not think it was cool

I'd still think it was cool! Unless you painted some ridiculous graffiti on the bathroom wall before you jumped...

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Brian your right
but im not day blazing in NYC
and that was then this is now when i day blaze its in the middel of now where

and all im saying is If it was me people wouldn't not think it was cool and it just hypacritacal

His name is Jason, not Brian. :)

Please see my reply in the other thread.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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...its funny how when jeb wants to burn a site it's cool nbut when i do it. Its fucked up.


I'm a little confused at where you drew this conclusion from?
-- Tom Aiello


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Jeb day blazes stuff for his videos and show, talks about how he knew he'd be busted before hand, and self-promotes himself as this death defying daredevil. And he names all his sites.

But everyone seems to still kiss his ass...

Doesn't make sense to me either.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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I think he drew that conclusion from the loads of people in the other thread saying how cool the attempt was and how it sucks for Jeb that he got caught, instead of saying what an ass he was for pulling this at rush hour and then fighting with security when they caught him.

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I gotta tell you I'm with you on this one all the way. Even though ESB is high profile and supposedly a "once in a lifetime" jump where normal ethics don't apply, I call bullshit on that. NYC law makers are extra sensitive when it comes to issues involving breach of security, and this stunt definately has the potential to bring down a shitstorm for the rest of you.

Not to mention this incindent clearly illustrates some of the "infiltration methods" used to gain access to some objects. All around bad for all BASE jumpers.


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Not to mention this incindent clearly illustrates some of the "infiltration methods" used to gain access to some objects. All around bad for all BASE jumpers.

You're telling me all basejumpers have a fat suite hanging in the closet for those high profile jumps?

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No, but I at least have a gorilla suit. Seriously.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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I'm not necessarily speaking for myself here since I'm new to BASE, but I do know jumpers that are willing to go to great lengths to get certain objects. And you never know, one of these days when I have more time under belt maybe I'll want to use similar approaches.

And Tenshi. . . . . .use your head. I think its pretty clear that I was making a general statement about the use of disguise as a BASE access tool. Hence the words "infilitration METHODS"!!

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A true ninja can successfully jump any burned sites.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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This brings up the concept of how NYC has shifted - not only through 9/11 but also prior to that. Growing up in the city, we could basically walk into any building in the 80's we wanted to. Walk right up to the top - was SO rare we'd get questioned. Would walk into the Marriott on 44th and ride the elevators just because it was fun. Go to any of the buildings/offices, walk all around. No one questioned anything.

Sadly, it's another era. First thought isn't, "oh, wow, a suicide jumper or BASE jumper," but rather, "suicide bomber who halfway down the jump is gonna detonate a dirty bomb."

Sign of the times, but sad nonetheless.
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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One thought...publicity for BASE jumping will make it safer.

If that is what you guys want...

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One thought...publicity for BASE jumping will make it safer.

Could you explain why you believe this to be so?

-- Tom Aiello


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no shit your right 460 I was flicking with my ninja stars today but it was windy as fuck
and I was scared
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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Could you explain why you believe this to be so?

Publicity instills the idea of BASE jumping (whether good or bad) within a large number of people. Some of those people will pursue the idea and become BASE jumpers. More people means more standardization while also allowing for a greater base of experimentation.

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So..........you jumped/jump the object on regular basis??? ......I don't think so[:/]
stop bitching, if you get caught one day......trying to do a high profile jump and you have put a lot of thought and effort into it.... you'll get my support as well.
Jeb has enough to worry about at this moment....can you say "support a fellow base jumper"

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dude.. you your self is so much up to get known,you how ever only has your mouth and uncool stills to prove such.

theres a big difference in how to burn a site..

your way-leaving marks so people know you have been there if you didnt no one would have known you were there..but by the other hand that way you wouldnt get any attention right..

In this case Jeb- could have got away,but gets caught while in action.It dosnt matter if its day or night he were caught on a jump were the bust rate were so high that people dont jump the site anyway..

Tell you what.. I respect Jeb that he "burned" the site that no one else can jump.Its a shame that he got caught but the news would have been out there anyway belive me..

If he burns a object the same way in my city i will not be angry however if you come here and paint on my objects ill kick your butt..

It however works both ways if Jeb were the person doing the painting he would get his ass kicked aswell...

theres a line try find it..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I know the Faber speaks moonlanguage thing is getting old...but I laughed out loud trying to figure out this sentence.


dude.. you your self is so much up to get known,you how ever only has your mouth and uncool stills to prove such.

I applaud you, good sir.

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I think that those who threw stones should check to see if they have ever had photos/videos of them BASEing on the internet. If they/you have, then you should bow out of this disscussion gracefully. To blame Jeb for bringing BASEing to the attention of the authorities when on your websites show you doing the same thing reeks of assholism. Whiskey tango foxtrot?

take care,

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