
Tracking suit.

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hi everyone,

I thought this would be the best place to ask this.

I LOVE tracking, easily my favorite thing in skydiving.

Im getting very tempted to 1) try smoking pants with some friends and 2) save up and buy a PF tracking suit. with my jump numbers would this be a dumb thing to do?
im pretty confident with my tracking skills, did a solo tracking dive with a protrack and got 78sec freefall and 89 /87mph averages.

are there any added dangers with using these suits/pants?



p.s sorry for posting here as a non- BASE jumper, i just figured you guys use these bits of kit most.
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."

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It's not about how slow you can fall. I can go that slow with hardly any forward motion.

You should go race some good trackers and also have a tracking contest or 2 to really get honed in. Also do a lot of controlled multi people tracking dives. Make sure the leader will actually track fairly fast and learn to control your body first.

I recently purchased some used phoenix fly pants and I can tell you with all certainty, they will fly you more than you fly them until your tracking skills are dialed in.

Good luck!
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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I think in the beginning a good freefly suit is the best thing for tracking dives. Especially if you want to fly with other people.

Like Hookit says, the PF pants and jacket are for balls-out speed, that's why we use them. But before you have skill, you will fish-tale across the sky. And even once you master the suit it won't do you much good with others on a skydive. I'd stick with the freefly suit.

You might do well to post this question in the freefly forum, if there is one...

Fear is the thief of dreams...

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First of all, don't be sorry for posting questions here as a none BASE jumper. There are a lot of really, really skilled trackers in this forum so it makes sense to go here for answers.

I also think it makes sense to keep developing your tracking skills without the use of smoke- or fly-pants. It's a bit like downsizing canopy too fast in skydiving. The question is really hard to answer for someone who haven't seen you jumping though. I've seen people with just over a 100 jumps with more talent and skill than other with 5 or 10 times the experience. The average person with a 100 jumps though would probably benefit from further jumping without any tracking device.

Yes, there are added dangers to jumping with smoke or fly pants. Stability is a major issue and you should treat it with the same respect as a wingsuit.

Save up and buy a tracking suit, rather than making your own. I highly reccomend Phoenix Fly, but there are other options out there too.

Have fun and be safe!

CJ =)

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dont be sorry posting here,it will not only help you it will also help us.. If more people would start asking we might could help them to make the right dessisions so people dont die or get injuryed.
Keep thinking that way and you will get a loong way.

As CJ says improve your skills and get more skydives under your skin,its great fun and you´ll learn even more whith it:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I agree with CJ, you'll fly a tracking suit much better if you're already a skilled and experienced tracker. So I'd work on that first before adding a suit, or you might find it actually slows your progression.


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thanks for the replies. i'm going to stick to tracking with my FS suit and my FF suit when i get it. ive done a bunch of 6 - 12 way tracking dives, managing to stay next to the hare at different speeds.

if anyone here jumps in the south of england and would like to do some tracking dives this summer give me a shout, im tempted to do some 2-way tracking dives (kinda coach jumps) - when i can get some cash together i'd pay for your slot if you can help me get better.

thanks again.
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."

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Why dont you try NEW Impact ?!! http://www.bird-man.com/

F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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Why dont you try NEW Impact ?!!

Have you tried it Pete already?
Hope I'll get my hands on one soon :)

JFK #1013
No Adrenalin.... No Fun!
"Minds are like parachutes the

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Will arrive today 10.20 PM Cargo...tomorrow we know much more about this :)

F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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Crap name - jumpers do their best to avoid impact.

Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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Crap name - jumpers do their best to avoid impact.

You can use some duck tape to cover the name....i think its really ok name. Suit came today and looks cool. I´ll try it from the plane this evening. Lets see.B|

F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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My guess is that it sucks, you will regret the buy and ask how come a big company like that can come up with something you could make yourself in half an hour..

But you`ll probably look really cool hanging in the after sky bar... :$

Take care

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My guess is that it sucks, you will regret the buy and ask how come a big company like that can come up with something you could make yourself in half an hour..

Show me that and i will buy if from you what ever price you want...you are the fast one in here because when my Impact arrived yesterday, i was really amazed all the details in it.

But you`ll probably look really cool hanging in the after sky bar...

Yes, thats true also, they are really cool in casual mode...:P:P

I flied the suit today and it was really nice...I worked nicely. Really fast suit, not much floating, more like real tracking. Jacket inflates quite a lot, just like PF jacket but the leg wing helps to find the balance....we will go to brento and LB, so lets see in a week....

F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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if the person in this matter is not sure about his skills witha pair of thacking pants maybe the NEW!!!!!! tracking suit from birdman isnt the real thing.

but I say what others have said.

if you are a good tracker you dont need the extra materials is the teknique that matters learn it and until then, take my word Free FLy suits is foor looking cool at a dropzone I recomend rainpants and a wide steep profile for good tracking. When you rock in these, then you start looking for some PF pants, Impacts, Preassurized, Rocketsuit, Prodigy etc etc.

good luck, go hard, use your brain and have fun.

/martin rosén
/Martin - Team Bautasten of Sweden

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Martin, I agree with you...just came to walley !!!!

F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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3 of our guys have sold out, thoose with sewing skills and visions have not. Some make their own stuff... We try to push things forward....;)

If you wanna buy and fly a Cessna, be my guest....[:/]

I prefeer the F-16...;)

Take care

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