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Any locals jumpers in Iceland? Or anyone that may have info on jumpable sites please PM oR email me.

May we live long and die out

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Any locals jumpers in Iceland?

Try Bennii.
-- Tom Aiello


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I got a post card from, Coombesy awhile back. He is living there. Might try giving him a e-mail for BASE info

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hi there, we have endless amount of cliffs from 50-800 meters some of them are waterfalls. Best time is june to august cos the light is 24 hours and in middle of the night wind dies down. Landing areas are most flat grass,sand,glacier or sea. It is not for beginner cos its all cliffs, for experient jumper you can find allot of cool cliffs to jump from. If you want to jump and have fun in Iceland I can help you with all no worries;). Coombesy has left to Norway, I will go and meet him there and some of you in june.

take care


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Hey there,
Thanks for the info. There's a small chance that I may get over there for a few days. Looks very cool. Will be in touch.

May we live long and die out

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Wow ....looks a nice place to play....

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if you look closely and expand the dddd.jpg there is a small airplane flying throught the very narrow gorge. That would have been a sweet flight!!!

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Ómar Ragnarsson is name of the guy which is Icelandic most famous news man. He has also flown through the gap in the second picture and this one to.

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AMAZING landscapes!!

thanks for sharing that !!

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