
Incident in Norway???

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if someone can make a clicky...

the translation is not at all great but it does say " Australia man ":(:(


In the end...the universe has a way of working itself out.... "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"

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Here is a translation of the page using http://www.tranexp.com. It is the only online Norwegian-English translator I could find. It doesn't make much sense but this is the best there is.

Original Text:-----
(Dagbladet.no): Mannen skal ha hoppet ut fra Stabbeskaret, men har så blitt sittende fast i fjellveggen omtrent 150 meter over bakken. Helikopteret har brakt ned en mann som er erklært død, sier operasjonslederen i Nordmøre og Romsdal politidistrikt til Dagbladet.no.
Mannen er fra Australia og politiet mistenker at han skal ha hoppet ned fra Stabbeskaret i Trollveggen. Han har trolig vært sammen med andre hoppere. Politiet vil gjerne komme i kontakt med alle som vet noe mer om omstendighetene rundt hoppet.
Vi vil ikke kommentere hvem vi leter etter. Men det er naturlig å kartlegge omstendighetene rundt dødsfallet så godt som overhodet mulig, sier operasjonsleder.
Redningsmannskapene satte i gang det andre redningsforsøket ved 18-tida. Tre klatrere ble fraktet ned fjellveggen. De sikret mannen og kuttet av fallskjermen hans. I 20-tida dro helikopteret opp igjen for å hente ned mannen. I halv ni-tida var mannen hentet ned.
Det første forsøket ble avbrutt i fem-tida. Helikopteret måtte snu da det skulle nærme seg mannen, fordi man var redd vinden fra helikopteret ville få fallskjermen hans til å løsne.
Politiet og en alpin redningsgruppe er på stedet, i tillegg til et Sea King redningshelikopter.

Translated Text:-------------
(Dagbladet.no): Man do be about have was ejecting at Stabbeskaret , but has saw been in office fast in fjellveggen approximately 150 meter above salver. The helicopter has brought down a man as am declared dead , say operasjonslederen in Norwegian and Broad politidistrikt at Dagbladet.no. Man am at Australia and police suspect that he do be about have bound down at Stabbeskaret in Trollveggen. He has believable been along with other jumper. Police shall be glad to come in contact along with one and all know any additional about coincides around bound. We'll no matter annotate who we search. But it is the artless to plot coincides around dødsfallet as good as altogether feasible , say operasjonsleder. Redningsmannskapene set going other one redningsforsøket against tida. Three clamber became shipped down fjellveggen. They consolidated man and cut at the redundancy pay his. IN tida was leaving the helicopter up afresh to bring down man. IN half nine tida stayed man fetched down. Facts first attempt were cut off in five tida. The helicopter have got to flip as facts do be about approach man , as a matter of they stayed afraid the wind at the helicopter savage a few the redundancy pay his at to come undone. Police and a alpine redningsgruppe is on the place , in addition to a Sea King redningshelikopter.

Sincere condolences to friends, family and the Australian BASE community. :(:(:(

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The man is supposed to have jumped from Stabbeskaret. He got stuck in the wall approx. 150 meters above ground. The helicopter has brought the man down, and he is declared dead, says the operative leader in Nordmøre and Romsdal police district.

The man is from Australia and the police thinks he has jumped off Stabbeskaret in Trollveggen. He has probably been with otherjumpers. The police wants to get in touch with everyone who knows more about the jump.

'We will not comment on who we're looking for. We only want to get information on what happened prior to the accident', says the operativ e leader.
The safety crew started the second rescue attempt around 6pm. 3 climbers were brought down the wall. They secured the man and cut off his canopy. Around 8pm the helicopter returned to take the man down. The man was down at around 8.30 pm. The first rescue attempt was made at approx. 5pm. However, the helicopter had to return as the crew feared that the chopper blast would blow the man down. The police and an alpine rescue crew are at the scene, together with a Sea King helicopter.

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De ja vu. :(


Condolences to D and co.
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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By Jano Gibson and Philip Cornford
May 30, 2006 - 8:21AM

An Australian BASE jumper has plunged to his death at an 1100-metre Norwegian cliff known as the Troll Wall.

Tony Coombes, 30, was leaping from popular BASE jumping site Trollveggen - otherwise known as the Troll Wall - on the Norwegian west coast when he slammed into the cliff face on Saturday afternoon [Norwegian time].

Norwegian police were alerted to the accident by a local resident about 3pm.

"The message was that someone has died - a BASE jumper from one of the hilltops," a Norwegian police spokesman told smh.com.au.

Trygve Leren, who owns the Trollveggen camping ground, watched as Mr Coombes's body was winched onto a rescue helicopter.

"I went to the campsite myself to look and I could see the parachute and the person [on] the tall wall," said Mr Leren, whose campsite is about 800 metres from where the body had fallen.

It was lying against the cliff face about 300 metres above the ground with the parachute still attached, he said.

He said weather conditions were fine at the time, however a local newspaper reported that there were strong winds in the area.

"Fly free brother," a friend said in an email message mourning his death.

Another friend messaged: "I'll look out for a shooting star," after the news reached Australia yesterday of "Coombesy's" fatal flight at Trollveggen.

One friend said she was talking to Mr Coombes one month ago about his trip to Norway.

"You were about to head to Norway for another summer in Lysebotn and I said please be safe because I don't want to get a call in a few weeks at some dumb hour of the morning telling me you've come off second best with a cliff... you just smiled and hugged me till sleep came to us both.''

It is illegal to BASE jump at Trollweggen but the high cliff faces continue to draw many leapers - seven of whom have plunged to their death since 1984.

The first was Carl Boenish, the so-called "father of BASE jumping", who died shortly after setting the world record for the highest BASE jump ever.

Mr Coombes, who grew up in NSW and lived in southern Queensland, was a professional skydiver who had completed more than 1200 jumps, along with 250-plus BASE jumps.

He took up the sport four years ago and was a member of the team that won the 2004 world base-jumping championship and was the Australian champion in free-flying in 2000-01.

Mr Coombes left Australia a month ago for the northern hemisphere's spring season.

Last year 39-year-old Australian BASE jumper Darcy Zoitsas, who was nicknamed Peter Pan, died at another Norwegian jumping site, Kjerag Peak.

Mr Coombes death brings the number of BASE jumping fatalities to 98 since 1981.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade confirmed that a 30-year-old Australian man had been killed while BASE jumping off Trollveggen.

It said embassy representatives in Denmark were liaising with Norwegian authorities while Australian officials were in contact with Mr Coombes's family.

The death follows the disappearance of mountaineer Sue Fear, who has not been found since falling into a crevasse while scaling Mount Manaslu in Nepal - the world's eighth highest mountain.


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