astorino 0 #1 June 6, 2006 hi everyone. i am a senior in high school and for my senior project i am doing a portfolio on BASE jumping..i was wondering if anyone would be willing to send me back some questions for an interview? if you wish to include a good picture of yourself feel free to submit it and i will include it in my presentation. thank you, nick Gender: Age: Location: Family Status (married, single, children, etc): Did you skydive before you started to BASE jump? How did you first get started in BASE jumping? Did you attend a jump school? How long have you been jumping? Did you plan on BASE jumping from the start? How much does it cost to BASE jump (jump, gear etc)? What do you think of when you see others jump? What do you think before you jump? What do you think while falling? What do you think once you land? Have you ever gotten hurt BASE jumping? Do you illegally jump? Why do you BASE jump? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skin 0 #2 June 6, 2006 Not much room on that short-assed bus, huh?$kin There's only one Tom Aiello... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zoobrothertom 5 #3 June 6, 2006 astorino - How about filling out your profile? It would probably help...____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monkey1031 0 #4 June 6, 2006 What's a "porject"? -smd7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zoobrothertom 5 #5 June 6, 2006 QuoteWhat's a "porject"? -smd7 I was wunderin myself....____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tfelber 0 #6 June 6, 2006 Here you go Nick...Use it as you may. Gender: M Age: 42 Location: SW US Family Status (married, single, children, etc): Married 2 kids 4.5 yrs and 2 months (My wife thinks BASE jumping is selfish) Did you skydive before you started to BASE jump? yes How did you first get started in BASE jumping? Took a couple of guys to a big A and even though no one jumped it was a fun excursion. Then a canuck gave me shit at Moab about not having tried it while I was tripping on some good shrooms and I was hooked. Did you attend a jump school? As opposed to what? How long have you been jumping? 9 years Did you plan on BASE jumping from the start? Not no, HELL NO! How much does it cost to BASE jump (jump, gear etc)? Infinity or all the money I can muster which ever is larger. What do you think of when you see others jump? I think Oh no, good exit, nice throw, that's gonna leave a mark, on heading, hook it baby, nice, the winds aren't that bad, Good Jump! What do you think before you jump? About everything I might have forgotten, these guys are probably getting impatient, F!@# them this is my jump if they want to go then go, You know this could be it, It'll all work out, 3-2-1-Cya, Ouch that's gonna leave a mark, hook it baby, the winds aren't that bad, Good Jump! What do you think while falling? I wonder if this is what it feels like when it doesn't open, WHACK, Nope gues not. What do you think once you land? See above Have you ever gotten hurt BASE jumping? Not yet and I hope to keep it that way. Do you illegally jump? BASE jumping is only illegal in NP and I haven't jumped in a NP so the answer is NO. I don't think I've ever been in a NP... Why do you BASE jump? It's exciting to be near the edge, but it's probably due to some chemical deficiency in my brain if you read all the studies on this type of behavior. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SBCmac 0 #7 June 6, 2006 astorino... Take no offense to the responses you are getting... Given the nature of our sport, and how many National Forest Rangers like us (sarcasm …), we are not open to give out information. Your best bet is to go to a skydiving drop-zone and try to talk to your local BASE community. That way they can put a face to your questions... Make sense? BATMAN - (A.K.A. SBCmac ...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
321Cya 0 #8 June 6, 2006 Gender: Male Age: 28 Location: Switzerland Family Status (married, single, children, etc): Engaged Did you skydive before you started to BASE jump? Yes How did you first get started in BASE jumping? Always wanted to do it, but took my time to get a decent amount of skydives in (500 in my case) and then I suddenly found myself completely wasted after an event in Norway on the edge of a cliff with borrowed gear . Once back home I purchased gear and started jumping off bridges for a while, the proper way to start. Did you attend a jump school? For skydiving yes, BASE jumping no How long have you been jumping? Skydiving since 1997, BASE since 2003 Did you plan on BASE jumping from the start? I didn't start skydiving specifically for BASE jumping, but I have always wanted to BASE jump. This feeling already started when I was very young. I remember seeing a BASE jump on TV once. Besides that I have always done 'extreme' or 'action' sports from a young age. How much does it cost to BASE jump (jump, gear etc)? Lots What do you think of when you see others jump? When I'm jumping with them I think 'Hihaaaa', or 'oh shit' or 'nice jump bro'....etc. When I don't or can't jump I simply wish I was there... What do you think before you jump? I'm shitting myself What do you think while falling? Good question. I never thought of what I think while falling. It's more like concentrating and focus on body position, position in the air, filming others and making sure we don't fuck up all together (this is for high jumps/long freefalls). Low jumps: F*******k!!!!!! What do you think once you land? Woooohooooooo!!!! Have you ever gotten hurt BASE jumping? Cuts and brooses, but all from climbing up/down to exit points (knock on wood) Do you illegally jump? yes Why do you BASE jump? Same answer as for why I smoke... Hoooooked! Good luck with your project and let us know if you pass. Perhaps you could post your portfolio on here once it's finished. J. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikki_ZH 0 #9 June 6, 2006 from my pm: Gender: male Age: 34 Location: Switzerland Family Status (married, single, children, etc): married since 5 years, no children Did you skydive before you started to BASE jump? yes How did you first get started in BASE jumping? A friend teached me 3 days long theorie and then took me to my first jump of a bridge Did you attend a jump school? yes, after I had around 20 jumps of the bridge I was invited to a week long free jump course and skill camp in Twin Falls by Tom Aiello. How long have you been jumping? 2 years Did you plan on BASE jumping from the start? No How much does it cost to BASE jump (jump, gear etc)? I have 2 Rigs and Protection. This costs me around 7000.-- USD. Then comes the money for the tripps. What do you think of when you see others jump? I hope that everything goes well... What do you think before you jump? I'm scared until I deside to jump, thats usualy 10 seconds before I go. From then on I'm 100% concentrated in the jump. I focus manly on exit position. What do you think while falling? I enjoy the jump, focus on body position and tracking. What do you think once you land? I'm always very happy. Have you ever gotten hurt BASE jumping? yes, scraches and once a wall strike. I was able to get hold of a small tree in the wall but a helicopter had to pick me out of the wall. Do you illegally jump? yes, but illegal jumping in Switzerland is only trespassing. Jumping for itself is not illeagal in Switzerland Why do you BASE jump? Because it gives me a lot of satisfaction. It's a very rewarding sport. And I like everthing that has to do with it: Rigging, preparing for a jump, scouting a new jump, the fear of the jump, the extreeme joy doring the jump, and the feeling after the jump, the friendship of the jumpers and so on..Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
astorino 0 #10 June 6, 2006 i would just like to thank the few people that replied with helpful sorry i didnt speel check all my typing but i was ina rush at the time. thank you those who helped me out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JaapSuter 0 #11 June 6, 2006 Quoteim sorry i didnt speel check all my typing but i was ina rush at the time. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreenMachine 0 #12 June 6, 2006 Gender: Male Age: 33 Location: Twin Falls Family Status (married, single, children, etc): Married Did you skydive before you started to BASE jump? Hell yes! How did you first get started in BASE jumping? Lots of research, lots of questions, bought used gear, learned to pack it, jumped the canopy out of a plane 4 times, flew to Idaho, watched people jump, watched a person die, and then attended a very good 4 day course in how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Did you attend a jump school? Yes How long have you been jumping? 2 days: Thursday & Friday Did you plan on BASE jumping from the start? No way. How much does it cost to BASE jump (jump, gear etc)? $2,000 see my ad. What do you think of when you see others jump? God I hope their chute opens. What do you think before you jump? Why I am up here, what in the fuck is wrong with me that I am here, this is stupid, if i die doing this there about 2 dozen people I know who are going to be devastated, there are another 5 who are gonna laugh their ass off, my old boss is gonna say I told that crazy bastard you can only skin a cat 9 times, -- forget all that, breathe, relax, focus on the horizon, its physics it will work... What do you think while falling? Open, open, dear God please open. What do you think once you land? Depends on which jump, on #6, which was a 2 second hand held I thought man that was the shit!!! on #7 which was my first stowed jump with a delay of about 3 seconds from launch to extraction where I got slammed --- OUCH, that hurt, oh shit, my neck, I'm done, fuck this, I DON'T NEED, 7 is enough for me. Have you ever gotten hurt BASE jumping? Only bruised & scared. Do you illegally jump? No. Why do you BASE jump? I did it for many reason but I will not continue as long my wife is alive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites