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I call other jumpers “brother” because that’s how BASE always seemed to me. But, maybe you’re right and it’s time to drop it. Since about the year 2000, or so, we are getting further and further away from that ideal and I think I’ve been in denial about it.

No mate. That hasn't changed. The dysfunctional BASE family has got a lot bigger, but there have always been black sheep.

Just because someone jumps off a few fixed objects does not automatically qualify them to be a "brother"; how they behave does.

However, you don't have to meet many BASE jumpers to realize that an overwhelming majority, for some illogical reason, are in fact fantastic people.

But if you expect "brotherly" behaviour as the norm, you'd be disappointed fairly shortly.

Taking a hypothetical character, let's call him Abbie (or Francis, if you like). Abbie is an extraordinarily friendly and generous person, if barely house trained. Abbie thinks that anyone that jumps off fixed objects is automatically a good person and invites them all to stay in his home for as long as they like.

Most of Abbie's guests will exhibit genuine "brotherly" behaviour, but a finite (if tiny) proportion will not. That's a fact of life away from the rose tinted spectacles. Always has been, always will.


The saddest part is - it used to be us against them – and now it’s becoming us against us.


If a "brother" does something a bit naughty, one's memory, hearing and eyesight will most likely become highly selective.

But how selective depends on the alleged transgression. Being a "brother" does not provide unquestioning loyalty for all circumstances.

Having said that, when your BASE "brother" does something obviously minor (like jumping while the life flight helicopter is in the landing area), it's very easy to overlook and move on. :)

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"In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E

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Chill out boys!

Having seen that everyone is busting my balls about the pic here is the original-super-untouched one.


Personal attacks aside I agree with you 100%. You could have left them on the side...unless you needed some time off the dorkzone;)


You fucked up dude, everyone does, just fucking admit it, I did not see any apologies on your part, I really thought you were much better than that. And all that Marine Corps, blade swooping, Korea, Nam horse crap, who do you think you really are?


People these days? Nick's old school and he is the one who showed disrespect.

To all,

Jason does have a "brother" and he was right there with him waiting for Dr. Death to take him away. The least everyone should do in a situation like that is to sit down and smoke a joint.

edit to remove copyrighted material ~TA
Memento Audere Semper


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Your photoshop skills are very good....;)

In the end...the universe has a way of working itself out.... "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"

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After two weeks in hospital, I'm on to the long, tough bit. :)

Jason, Good to see you back... It is amazing and the title of the thread reflects it well. You recorded your freefall time of 6.09 seconds...This is only half a second longer than "regular" freefall, so you may have impacted at almost 80 mph! This is an amazing testimony to the protective capability of the armor that you were wearing.


If I could make one request, from one jumper to another... Please wait until the helicopter is clear before jumping, without exception. These people deserve all the respect in the world.

Edit to add: To all those who wouldn't think of jumping in that situation, thank you for bearing with me while I rant.

Jumping stops at the Bridge Day when medical help is administered, trains go along the tracks and boats are full and these rules seem to make a lot of sense (maybe except trains) there.

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besides the personal attacs i do agree whith most of your aguments.
If you didnt make thouse personal attacs im sure you not only would be allowed here but also could have taken this tropic in the right way..

Hope to jump whith you one day,just dont push me off unless,i agreed:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Your photoshop skills are very good....

I did not photoshop anything...I guarantee you so :)
Memento Audere Semper


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I just can't help this, but...



You fucked up dude, everyone does, just fucking admit it, I did not see any apologies on your part, I really thought you were much better than that.

end quote

Pot, kettle, black...

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To err is human dude. What gets under my skin is that according to what Nick has wrote because of his superior skills he feels he is above common courtesy or common sense. Knowing Nick for the little I do, I really thought he was better than that.

Read this stuff again:


After some time and no movement on the ground I made a decision based on my ability and experience.


I’ve landed around “spinning blades” many times in the past, at drop zones, at air shows, and in the Marine Corps I’ve even landed round parachutes near turning helicopters


And if my jump was the event that “sickened” you – then you weren’t paying attention to the real carnage going on . . .


Since about the year 2000, or so, we are getting further and further away from that ideal and I think I’ve been in denial about it


The saddest part is - it used to be us against them – and now it’s becoming us against us.

Memento Audere Semper


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You know what - Fuck all you lame boneheads . . .

And if you're not smart enough to reply on your own without doing a word for word autopsy on my post than spare me.

The bottom line is I looked, figured I wouldn't be a factor in anything going on below, and went. If that isn't good enough for you then begin reading again from line one above.

Nick :)BASE 194

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Duuude, I already read what Nick said, I was more referring to what you failed to say a while ago.


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The bottom line is I looked, figured I wouldn't be a factor in anything going on below, and went.

So you are saying that you control all the entropy in the Universe and all the variables?

Wow Nick, please teach me that so I won't nearly kill anybody again!

Next time someone gets fucked up, I wait for the medics to come, jump, hook the shit out of my ragged out tarp, and swoop few inches from their heads. Hey I know I got the fucking skills to do that and they might even enjoy the "visuals".
Memento Audere Semper


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You know what - Fuck all you lame boneheads . . .

Come on, Nick, you're better than that.

That's a personal attack. Consider this your warning.
-- Tom Aiello


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Nick, (nicknitro71)

I CLEARLY explained to you and Tony, these photos were not to be released by you.

DO NOT post another!


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and chaos ensues. delete me. i dont exist.

Sure you do. And your name is Bryan Rapoza. I banned your login (Avenfoto) from this forum for PA's. So you started posting from this one to circumvent the ban. Please stop.
-- Tom Aiello


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