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I like to BASE jump because I get into ridiculous situations with some good mates, then afterwards we get to have a beer and laugh about it. It is not a lifestyle, it is not who I am - I value my BASE friendships way more than any BASE jump.

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I want to get into BASE jumping so I can challenge myself, and truly myself only. I want to know that I can and do get into and out of situations others dont even dream about, and that in turn will make me feel very very alive!

I have a daughter, and a partner yet I dont see this as an issue (like some people think it should be) as I dont plan on hurting myself...hence I like the saying about how the rock can wait, it will always be there. In other words I am contradicting myself by saying I want to wait until she is old enough to remember me :)
onions? what onions?

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like barmy army and papa smurf...hehehehe

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No offense, but did you proof read this before you posted?


I don’t plan on hurting myself.

Hmmmm...Yea... If you enter the sport of BASE thinking you won’t get hurt...Then you need to stick to skydiving. Everyone is BASE gets hurt, and if you haven't...Its only a matter of time.


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No offense, but did you proof read this before you posted?


I don’t plan on hurting myself.

Hmmmm...Yea... If you enter the sport of BASE thinking you won’t get hurt...Then you need to stick to skydiving. Everyone is BASE gets hurt, and if you haven't...Its only a matter of time.


There is an assumption that such thinking implies not acknowledging the real dangers of BASE. This may not necessarily be true.

If we get into the sport thinking we are going to get hurt anyway doesn't that permeate(sp and usage?) taking more risks because we are going to get hurt anyway?

There are people that have not gotten hurt despite doing a lot of BASE jumps. To aspire to be one of them is not such a bad thing.

Edited to insert the 'are'

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I disagree, I think its better to go into a sport knowing you can and most likely will eventually get hurt (whether that be major injury or stubbing your pinky toe :$) than going into a sport such as BASE with unrealistic ideas of invincibility. I think knowing you can get hurt, planning ahead for it through training to avoid injury and understand those risks makes you are less likely to do something stupid or take additional risks outside of your abilities than if you are blind to the truth. Blink to the truth that no one is invincible.


P.S. Very true...I'm yet to be injured. Although does almost breaking your ankle tripping in a hole after a BASE jump count as a base injury? :D

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I started because of the psyhedelic reasons. I needed something that would really push my mind into unknow, something harder than anything i'd tried by that time. I considered BASE the most similar to suicide -- way to try it with no real dying.
Sure i enjoy the different sides of BASE now, but that's why i did it first time.
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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or possibly...

more training just breeds the thinking... "i 'trained' for this, so i'm 'ready' and will be fine dealing with the unknown.":o

p.s. i AM invincible.:P

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Jay,been there know where your coming from ANDwhere your at.(pm me if you need to talk

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