
hey Ozzies .. Is it time for a little reality check?

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This is not easy to write but comes from the heart. If I upset anyone I apologise for your sensitivities.

The last two BASE jumpers to die in Norway as far as reported have been non-indigenous and Australian.

Both of the deceased were highly respected and at the peak of achievement in their chosen disciplines.
If these guys were the best at what they do then what can we all learn from their demise?

It's my strong feeling that they have shown us where the limit is at least for now. Unless you are inclined to follow them jonathon-like then some degree of backing off is called for (in my opinion.) This may mean to just give yourself an extra second for opening or to invest a bit more in some up to date gear. From the outside this would look like maturity and common sense.

It seems highly likely that both died because they had NO margin for error and they made a mistake whether fumbling or just over-estimating their own abilities. Those cold places are not so natural for hot blooded aussies. Both these people pushed themselves PAST their limit.
Do you know your limits? Will you die finding them?

One way to show respect for the dead and our highly skilled superiors is to listen and learn from them and actually apply what we learn. This is easy enough if you recognise in yourself the uncaring attitudes that WILL kill you.

Hopefully no-one else will bounce due to a pathetic split second pud fumble. If they do I sincerely hope it is not another Australian. Perhaps we need some other nationalities to show us how it can be done long , well and in relative safety.

Some of us are here for a long time as well as a good time . I dare to say "back off you bounce happy bozo's" look how the locals play they don't have to mourn so much.

Live to play another day

For the friends I never met

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[I upset anyone I apologise for your sensitivities]

[back off you bounce happy bozo's]

You can apologise to the world for my sensitivities because to this I am sensitive and I am not even Australian.

Lets start by making sure you are aware of the facts yourself.

My information is coming from the list (anyone please feel free to correct it)

jumpers who have died in Norway

#98 May 27, 2006
Coombesy (Australian)

#91 July 19th 2005
Darcy (Australian)

What makes you think 2 in 2 years makes a trend??

#75 July 23rd, 2003
Linus Rains (I don’t know his nationality, sorry)

#70 Sept 12th 2002
Rob Tompkins (USA)

#69 Sept 2002
Kirill Kiselev (Russian)

#68 Aug 25th 2002
Tore Lillebostad ( Norwegian)

#64 July 23 2002
Lori Barr (I believe Lori was American)

#46 August 15 1999
Kirill Goretov (nationality unknown but sounds more Russian than Australian)

#43 August 4, 1999
Daniel Twomey (Daniel was Australian)

see we have already had to go back 6 years to find another Australian for you to pick on!

#42 July 7, 1999
Thor Alex Kappfjell (a very talented Norwegian)

would you like me to continue??

Please F*&$ O!# and Die under what ever rock you slimed out from under.
Your opinion is not welcome!!

Greeny UK

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You can apologise to the world for my sensitivities because to this I am sensitive and I am not even Australian.


Please F*&$ O!# and Die under what ever rock you slimed out from under.
Your opinion is not welcome!!

Cheers mate, I couldn't have said it better myself.

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How about...? Reminder: Do not become complacent and make the same simple mistakes that experienced and talented BASE jumpers have made recently that cost them their lives. Please apply extra caution and respect at popular and legal sites.

Drop the Australian bit. It's really irrelevant and the above is all that really needs to be said re: recent incidents.

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This is where we are say, "oooooooooooooooooooooh"

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Lets start by making sure you are aware of the facts yourself.

My information is coming from the list (anyone please feel free to correct it)

jumpers who have died in Norway

#98 May 27, 2006
Coombesy (Australian)

#91 July 19th 2005
Darcy (Australian)

What makes you think 2 in 2 years makes a trend??

um, I WISH it had taken two years to go from 91 to 98... unfortunately, it took only 10 months, 8 days. :(

please be careful out there! (wherever you jump.)
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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You're way out of line. Yes Aussies are stereotyped for going hard and pushing it, but your statement is neither grounded or logical. If you were trying to make yourself look like an ass, then congratulations on your success.


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This is ignorant and whuffoish on so many levels its ridiculous.

Also is it just me or does anyone else think it is lame and bad karma to go around telling people to be careful all the time its basejumping for f#cks sake

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You get a grand prize for making a fool of yourself. Was alcohol involved? :P



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Interesting initial post. Obviously not from a political wordsmith!!!!!! :P


Also is it just me or does anyone else think it is lame and bad karma to go around telling people to be careful all the time its basejumping for f#cks sake

Are you saying you can't be careful because it is BASE jumping?

I think care is a matter of choice to some extent. Not a forgone conclusion one way or another. Is it so bad for someone to say " take care mate"?

DW wrote an article quite a few years ago: http://miller28.server101.com/discus/articles/golong.html

Talk about irony huh?

My opinion for those that care, jumping to conclusions (pardon the pun) wrt incidents is something you must be wary of. dploi was much more tactful in what I think trae was trying to express.
Ignoring lessons from the past can be to your detriment as well. You must also manage your risks when you actually jump.

But the beauty of being human is just that. We are human..
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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It seems to me that original post tried to say that very experienced basejumpers from Australia and New Zealand are too frequent in ND's list. How many 500+ jumpers are there? 6? And from other countries?


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It's never been a constant that I included a person's nationality on the List. I did it more in the beginning as it was sometimes the first reported BASE fatality from that country, but then if you go down that road, the second BASE fatality becomes mentionable because it's the second from that country. It later became more in line with keeping track of particular objects in that this one now has five fatalities and that one has four. I try not to infer much into what these things mean, that's up to you, and for a hopefully smarter than us generation later on.

In the end I think it makes little difference as we're all doing the same thing in pretty much the same way - and in terms of BASE "types" - there's the too timid and the too courageous to be found everywhere in this world . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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what a wanka!!!
thats such a great word with just the right amount of OZZIE TWANG!!!
bite me if you dare!!!

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I used to think the outcome of my next jump was determined by the choices I make but, alas, it seems my Ozzie blood is gonna be my downfall.


"Altitude is birthright to any individual who seeks it"


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talking about reality check, i hope you do your soon!>:(

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