
base addiction :)

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Another post for those who has too much time and can waste it reading/typing and doesn't care about my english.:)
Ok. There was the time i though i would never quit. And no changes here -- i still love BASE and base-people. But for some reason (guess which one) i cannot travel as much as i can.
I live in Moscow and we have tonns of different industrial stuff here -- i guess it's about 50 objects: chimneys, anntennas, buildings. Day or night, legal or not, very f***ng low and just low...
But it's gettin bored! I know my personal limits. I know pretty well what delay i can make here or there, how fast can i run out, how good i am in made-up stories and what bullshit is good for cops or guards, i know everything about my piloting skills and don't need the closure look to the object or its landing to understand will i survive or not jumping from it.
It is boring. I don't feel fear, excitement, pleasure, passion -- i'm just empty and emotionless on exit. Sometimes i feel that's gonna be a boring jump at the very moment of no-return. That's terrible -- you don't like it at all but you're already in it. Boring, boring, boring!
They said: open a site! Jump something new!
Thanks, same stuff -- metall or concrete, same grey street around same 'a priori' knowledge of what it's gonna feel like. Ok, I'm still doing it sometimes... basically same emotionless stuff... and i will not go for an object if it's out of my personal limits. That's BASE, not suicide.
They said: open your mind! Jump something new!
Thanks, i actually believe that a double something from 300ft would be pretty exciting, and same stuff about some hardcore multi-way. But -- "red alert!" -- that's BASE not suicide. I will not go for the stuff that will be out of my control even if it's the only way to get excited. I would like to be an experienced jumper not stupid one. And i don't like aerials enough to start working on it that hard. And same thing about multi-ways -- i prefer good stuff, not scary s***t plus i cannot risk other people lives.
They said: open a school! Teach new jumpers!
Thanks. I will not.
And i know that i need some regular practice to jump in mountains. But now i'm almost sure that skydive would be more helpfull. And i understand that i may need some jumps at least to keep the freakin status of the active-jumper-with-some-good-number-of-jumps-and-objects. At least to keep the access on for example russian base board -- i could not post there anything if it would be the chance of gettin "you cannot know it for sure, you're not an active one" reply. No, that's stupid. I did not came in base to become a superstar and i will not fight for status.
They said: Well, get a job that will cover the things you really wanna do. And go travelling!
Thanks, that's it. I will.
I still wanna play at home. My choice is visuals. But that's a different story. I still can enjoy filming, watching and just crazy industrial pictures even than there is no jumping going on. But at this moment there is nobody here who's able to show good aerials. Actually they are here, but noone of them is jumping now. They all get bored!!!
So the problem is about solo jumps -- the only jumps i can make here & now -- at home. I want to figure out what's wrong. Some little emotion-about-industrial-base generator in my mind is broken... Hm... it looks like a drug addiction -- i cannot stop but at the same time i cannot enjoy it as much as earlier and that's still not a good argument to stop it... And i cannot let myself get overdozed (read: do some crazy stuff out of my limits) because of the little safety guards into my head...
I'm a base-junkie. I can not quit and i wanna that level of thrill back. Anyone here with the same problem? :)

Edited to add:...i guess my brains fused -- it's +32 C
outdoors. That's why i posted it.:)

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Anyone here with the same problem? :)

Yes. I feel the same way. I hardly jump at home, or without a wingsuit.

You already know what to do: get a job, rob a bank, make some money and travel! ;)



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I know it's hard to do, but try to take a little step back from jumping.

Then when you do some of the intensity will be back.

I recently went a whole week between jumps instead of my more usual 1-3 days. I felt stupidly uncurrent while climbing, but some of that early jump excitement had come back already! :D

also, if you have them and you haven't tried them, high-angle cranes have a pretty intense climb-out to the exit point...

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I know it's hard to do, but try to take a little step back from jumping.:D

I dunno... just took 9 months off. Coming back, regular BASE jumps were scary but as boring as ever.

Now a new V2 makes me shiver with excitement :)


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Hey Lika

We have close numbers (i'm 843) and identical jump numbers (232) and we both jump predominantly in our Capital cities. Just thought i'd point that out.

i'd just like to say 2 things. Firstly, i had a brief look at your weblog and it seems to me, you're basing this 'boredom' thing on just the last few jumps at most. Before that, you have lots of emotional faces at the top of each jump page and your choice of music to sum up each jump seems pretty upbeat, as do most of the write ups. What i'm trying to say is you sound like you're in an emotional trough (slump) at the moment and whilst there, it's tempting to think you've felt this way for ever. You haven't. Reread your weblog, sounds to me like you've been having a lot of fun up until recently. Don't let your dark mood taint your recollections.

Secondly, i think it's fair to say we all go through these moments. Moments where jumping seems to be more of a joyless compulsion than a fun pastime. When you find yourself here, then i would definitely take that as a sign to take some time away from BASE. Maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a year....who knows, but BASE and BORING just don't add up, as proven in this mathematical equation



Talking of boring, here comes Yuri_base to prove the above is mathematically incorrect.


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BASE and BORING just don't add up, as proven in this mathematical equation



Talking of boring, here comes Yuri_base to prove the above is mathematically incorrect.

Here we go. If (NEVER) is minus and (LOTS OF) is some big number N, by subtracting the two equations we get



(N+1) * DANGER = - (N-1) * FUN

Since N is big, N+1 and N-1 are about the same and we can cancel them out.



Since this is obviously not true, the above equations are mathematically incorrect.

Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
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also, if you have them and you haven't tried them, high-angle cranes have a pretty intense climb-out to the exit point...

Have tried them a couple of times. You're right, that was fun.:)And not sure i got the mathematical stuff:P
I'm just gettin crazy about the big-city-life. I really miss high mountains and all of you, my friends.
Life's good anyway. And BASE's a hard drug.
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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Since this is obviously not true, the above equations are mathematically incorrect.


For extra credit can you prove that Ian's equations are mathematically correct? :D

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big hugs from Denmark my freind:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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try jumping all the sites you already done during the day while wearing your b-day suit! make sure someone calls the cops so you can outrun them as well.

that will get some fun back onto your game...and maybe even better make sure you can have an scape route that involves another base jump!! just a though.

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As mathematical equation simply wrong:
(if these two taken as right)



the problem lies in this statement

If (NEVER) is minus and (LOTS OF) is some big number N, by subtracting the two equations we get

NEVER = 0!

so we get

N*FUN + (N+1)*DANGER = - BORING equals EVEN MORE FUN (should be right)

the problem is that there are 4 unknowns – assumed LOTS OF is any Number
so the equation is still 2 times hypostatic hence resulting in a solution being conditional
to 2 of the unknown.

But I’d say the 1st statemend is wrong as well:

note that all of the variables can be negatives as well

Obviously I had a bottle of Martini
(just because I have to work hard the next 3 days, otherwise it would have been a bottle of fine Vodka)

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excogitation and Yuri. Here's another one for you


enough already!


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your always wellcome bruva:)hope you enjoyed

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Come to Baffin next spring.


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What I would do in your situation - give up BASE for a month. Take a vacation. Go to the caucus mountains with a backpack and tent, and get lost for 2-3 weeks.B|
It sounds like you love BASE, but if it's the only sport you do, you're gonna get bored with it pretty quickly. So find something else you're passionate about and dive headlong into it for a while. Your rig will be waiting for you when you get back :P
What I mentioned above (Caucus mountains + backpack + tent) is what I'd do. You'll probably have to find something different for youself.

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