
Rat in the house!

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I know you guys jump it because of the "wall rush" but I get enough kicks from seeing the ground come at me... :-)
Michi (#1068)

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If you still jump big walls because of ground rush, you are soooo last year,

Just like home made tracking outfits and BASE god attitudes. ;)

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As has been pointed out, this incident has nothing to do with BASE jumping. This is a disagreement between two skydivers, one of whom was considering using gear deemed unsuitable for the proposed jump.

I don't care if the jumpers name was Big BASE McBASE, head of BASE at the University of BASEville. This was a argument between two skydivers, one of whom also happens to perhaps BASE jump.

You want to skydive then you play by skydiving rules or if you break them then man up and take the punishment. If you don't like the rules, then simple....go do a BASE jump, the FAA has no jurisdiction over us.

As for the ratting out, why is everyone so surprised?


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>>What is the highest a balloon can be while still tethered to the ground? 300 feet??<<

The one we used to teach the Basic Research FBJC was tethered at 800-feet, it had a small platform so you could stand and launch from outside the basket.

The balloon is not "winched" in any way - just flown in a normal way except the tether kept it from drifting away.

NickD :)BASE 14

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I honestly encourage you to make that happen!

Previous FAA people at the WFFC did not approve the AN-2 from dropping jumpers because it was certificated as an "experimental" aircraft which cannot take passengers for hire. The current FAA folks allowed it to be jumped as a club with a membership. They simply want things to be done correctly.

So again you do not give a rat's ass about safety, according to you if you can work the system out then it's all good.

I could not care less for the FAA FARs or USPA recommendations.

Anybody is free to jump from an aircraft at 1000' (the FAA does not say anything about jumping or deployment altitudes). Doing so under a velo loaded 2.4 with a TSO harness and 99 reserve is allowed by FAA but very, very stupid and unsafe common-sense wise. Performing the same jump with a base rig is much, much safer but not allowed by the FAA.

FAA for the most part does not understand skydiving and we are lucky enough that they allow us to do it.

Getting them involved in trivial stuff like this (read non-safety related) will hurt all of us in the end.

You really cannot see the big picture here you are just interested in whatever it takes to feed your ego.

Your train of thoughts is dandy, just dandy
Memento Audere Semper


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I bet you weren't expecting to write so many posts this week.

You've put a lot of thought into it since your first post. Thanks for your time.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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How many of these things do you think I see? I'm busy skydiving, and when I'm not skydiving, I'm busy with other things. There are a lot of things I wish we could correct at the WFFC to make it safer, but we don't have enough "police" for that.

Last year we were jumping from the DC3 with half the number of seat belts.

Last year one of the otters dump skydivers over the line of flight of the carvair and people had to track like banshee to avoid freefall collisions.

This year people were jumping over clouds (read major overcast) all the time.

I stop counting the number of people not buckling up.

But hey you are so busy skydiving and busting people packing BASE tarps that you seem to ignore not just FAA violations but major safety issues.

Dude, use some Windex on that mirror of yours and take a good look at it.
Memento Audere Semper


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I can't speak for gary but from the moment this was posted it was never about base vs skydiving it was about a knucklehead that was about to break a FAR which is a law.. at a major skydiving event.


but it's also about how many ACTUAL violations are ignored at the WFFC. why the tough talk on this issue?

I'm sure if Mr. Peek HAD acted just as aggressively on seat belts, cloud clearance, sobriety, etc. issues, then the outcry would drown out the BASE discussion.
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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I honestly encourage you to make that happen!

Previous FAA people at the WFFC did not approve the AN-2 from dropping jumpers because it was certificated as an "experimental" aircraft which cannot take passengers for hire. The current FAA folks allowed it to be jumped as a club with a membership. They simply want things to be done correctly.

I could not care less for the FAA FARs or USPA recommendations.


Anybody is free to jump from an aircraft at 1000' (the FAA does not say anything about jumping or deployment altitudes). Doing so under a velo loaded 2.4 with a TSO harness and 99 reserve is allowed by FAA but very, very stupid and unsafe common-sense wise. Performing the same jump with a base rig is much, much safer but not allowed by the FAA.


A few questions:
1. Out of four (harness, container, reserve and canopy), do container and canopy have to be TSO'd?

2. Can you can pack (in addition to main and reserve) whatever you want into TSO'd harness/container? For example a handkerchief as a main, smallest reserve (approved) you can find as reserve and your BASE canopy on top of it all.

3. Is there anything regulation wise that prevents cutting (using BASE rig only) from a tandem paraglider or an FAA 103 ultralight (provided the pilot is instructor - so he can fly legal tandems and he is not paid for flying)?

4. How difficult and expensive would it be to TSO a BASE harness/container?

Just a few brain waves in the heat of North-East...

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1. Out of four (harness, container, reserve and canopy), do container and canopy have to be TSO'd?

I believe it's the harness/container/reserve deployment system, and the reserve parachute (2 TSOs).


3. Is there anything regulation wise that prevents cutting (using BASE rig only) from a tandem paraglider or an FAA 103 ultralight (provided the pilot is instructor - so he can fly legal tandems and he is not paid for flying)?

I believe that all FAA regulated aircraft fall under the same rules as far as parachuting from them.


How difficult and expensive would it be to TSO a BASE harness/container?

Very. I think the easiest way would be to get your skydiving licenses in Germany, and then try to work in under the "foreign skydiver using equipment from home" exemptions. If I recall correctly, most of the BASE rigs on the market have passed the German equivalent of the TSO process.
-- Tom Aiello


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It's clear to me that it's not you're anti-BASE, just looking out for everyone's interests which is, in it's own way, commendable.

However, if the situation had been this:

Guys in balloon shouting over to guy packing BASE rig to hurry up or he wouldn't make the load. FAA official nearby. You go up to guy packing, remind him that his actions are technically against the law, that there's an FAA official within earshot, and going up in the balloon with a BASE rig on is a distinctly bad idea.

...no-one would mind. Many would commend you on your actions. For sure, people take BASE rigs out of balloons more often than people think - but away from the eyes of DZOs and the FAA,

As you said, the guy in question never made the load. Telling him off for trying whilst FAA officials are around - you're on equally good grounds to give him a piece of your mind.

Going and getting someone who works for the FAA? Any particular reason??? Some would say you cracked a nut with a sledgehammer, and it is for that most posters have a problem with the way this was handled.

I think you made the best point in both treads..:)
therefore you win.. ehm i promise to not fart at a exitpoint near you if i find out who you are:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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i promise to not fart at a exitpoint near you

You are such a liar.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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READ the HOLE post:P
I didnt fart near you did i?:ph34r: atleast not in the way i did to Chad and Katie:):D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Last year we were jumping from the DC3 with half the number of seat belts.

I wore a seat belt (restraint) when I jumped it. I never heard anyone comment about lack of seat belts. Perhaps you are refering to the restraint systems which were not "seat belts"? If so, I am quite sure the FAA looked at those and accepted them.


Last year one of the otters dump skydivers over the line of flight of the carvair and people had to track like banshee to avoid freefall collisions.

If you expect me to personally prevent events like this then your expectations are way to high.


This year people were jumping over clouds (read major overcast) all the time.

"All the time" would be an exaggeration of course. (In case people don't know this, there were time this year when the event was not on an official weather hold from clouds, but some of the aircraft owners decided on their own to not fly.) This is one of the things that the FAA is really quite reasonable about. They don't violate people if a cloud has been an issue, then simply put the event on a weather hold.


I stop counting the number of people not buckling up.

I do not walk up and down the isle of the aircraft I am on to check seatbelts, nor can I in some aircraft. I have not seen anyone neglect seatbelts in several years. The only thing I saw was some guys trying to sit on the floor of the Skyvan where there are no seatbelts. The Skyvan loader and several jumpers spoke before I could.


Dude, use some Windex on that mirror of yours and take a good look at it.

Like I said, there are some things that I may not notice or even be naive to.

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How difficult and expensive would it be to TSO a BASE harness/container?

Very. I think the easiest way would be to get your skydiving licenses in Germany, and then try to work in under the "foreign skydiver using equipment from home" exemptions. If I recall correctly, most of the BASE rigs on the market have passed the German equivalent of the TSO process.

Last time we tried to "make sense of FAA regs" (I know, oxymoron), a skydiver could not be a US citizen or a resident alient (read: permanent resident aka green card), AND the H/C system could not be US made.

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So again you do not give a rat's ass about safety, according to you if you can work the system out then it's all good.

Nick, I'm trying to give you something positive to work with or to look forward to. I don't understand how this can be construed as negative or not caring about safety.


...you are just interested in whatever it takes to feed your ego

I must admit that I have sufficient ego to be convinced that a positive outlook should benefit the WFFC more than a negative one. (Maybe I just learned that from Don.)

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peek: lame.

youre wasting an awful lot of time and energy attempting to justify the unjustifiable to a bunch of people who really couldnt care less about what you have to say.

who gives a fuck if the jump happened or not..

you brought the faa into the mix. unacceptable.

thank you.

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One more thing. If you still jump big walls because of ground rush, you are soooo last year

This goes right into Nuggets! B|



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youre wasting an awful lot of time and energy attempting to justify the unjustifiable to a bunch of people who really couldnt care less about what you have to say.

Come on now! If you didn't care you wouldn't be commenting.

To me it's been time well spent. I've learned a few things about the atitude of BASE jumpers I didn't know, (and I would think people would be interested in that.)


who gives a fuck if the jump happened or not.

It's very important to the whole situation. The jumper was never at risk from the FAA.

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To me it's been time well spent. I've learned a few things about the atitude of BASE jumpers I didn't know, (and I would think people would be interested in that.)

gary, there are many great parachutists. out there.. some are BASE jupers, and some are skydivers.. hell guess what kids!!! there are even some FAA skydiver/BASE jumpers.:D

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because they're so safe in skydiving. yet at the same time they feel cool to the outside world because the still feel like rebels or whatever.
then we come along and ruin that for them.

I'm annoyed that the real argument gets lost in shit like this. Everyone involved in *anything* dangerous feels like a rebel compared to someone. So skydivers feel like rebels to whuffos... BASE jumpers feel like rebels compared to skydivers. How much bragging would you be doing around the sharkfuckers? It's relative and doesn't do anything to address the ethics / actions of turning someone in. I've seen skydivers and BASE'ers here support GP. I've seen both indict him. Try not to boil me down to a pussy while you're trying to make your point.


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...but hey skydavers are lame. just like Golf.
They are just so cute in their FS-suits so let them be in peace thinking they are rebels if that makes them more happy, We have our fun on other areas where they would never interfear. so let them have their DZ:s for golf/family sports.
stay happy and jump hard and with respect.
ta ta

Hey, Martin. I'm sorry to hear you talk like this. You, and others, frequently use the word "respect", but where's the respect in badmouthing entire groups, like skydivers and golfers? After reading what you wrote, I guess I won't be seeing you around the dropzone any time soon?

Anyway, have fun and enjoy life, wherever you are.

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The one we used to teach the Basic Research FBJC was tethered at 800-feet, it had a small platform so you could stand and launch from outside the basket

Why isn't this being used now?
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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Previous FAA people at the WFFC did not approve the AN-2 from dropping jumpers because it was certificated as an "experimental" aircraft which cannot take passengers for hire. The current FAA folks allowed it to be jumped as a club with a membership. They simply want things to be done correctly.

Once you figure out how to make these things legal, it's just fantastic.

Followed by:


It's not about the rules - it's about safety. G.P.

Umm, seriously? Are you claiming that running the AN-2 through club membership was SAFER than the previous system?

I completely agree that jumping a non-TSO'd system at the WFFC is a mistake in that it might bring the FAA down on the party. I just think (and maybe I'm crazy here) that intentionally bringing the FAA down on the party is a piss-poor solution.

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That's like telling the cops I was gonna jump a building tonight, and having them come to my house and tell me how bad of an idea it is... come on, seriously?

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