
Female Outlook on BASE -- after 9 month of waiting:)

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Finnally "Female Outlook on BASE" is ready and available for everyone who wanted to watch it. It's been a long 9 month of waiting since I uploaded the trailer on skydivingmovies.com
My approach to the movie has been changed a couple of times since then... but i still hope you will enjoy it.
And sorry for all the PM i did never reply.:)
Now you can order it here

and Yuri will take care of it.

Play safe, have fun and enjoy the video.
Be sure my next one won't take such a long time.

Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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Now you can order it here


and Yuri will take care of it.

Yep, i will take care of it!

I only have NTSC version. For PAL, talk to Lika directly - she will set something up in Europe, i'm sure ;)

First DVDs will ship early next week. Get them while they last!



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Good job Lika,

it is a very good video!

I highly recommend it!



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it`s really great stuff...russian basejumpin like it is...way to go babe !!!


F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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Yo !

Totally forgot about the trailer... it's now on the web page :)


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This is a "not to miss" video--definitely check it out!
good job Lika!

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Yo !

The first batch went out on Friday, if you ordered by Fri afternoon it's in the mail. Everything i got over the weekend (and today) is shipping tomorrow :)


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Thank you all for your interest and for your nice comments here and in another thread on this forum. I'm really glad to hear you like it.

And... i cannot make any adequate opinions now -- i've seen every frame of this movie like 1000 times while editing it and demonstrating it to my friends. Honestly i almost hate it.:)Any feedbacks are more than welcome.
I will read them all and i will remember them and pay to it as much attention as i can then i'll be working on my next movie.
I really love BASE and i wish i'll be able to catch the right point and improve my skills to make them suit my intentions. I want people feel something while watching my video stuff.

And thank you for being the part of the BASE world.
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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Hi Lika

I got the DVD today and i have to say, some of your camera work and the jumps are truly stunning. I really loved watching it and was very impressed.

My one comment which i hope is helpful to you, is that after watching it, i still don't know anything about you. I would have liked to have got a glimpse into the person behind the images. You know, the stuff the happens just before and just after the jumps. Do you get knackered climbing that local of yours, do you get cold, do you get scared, all the footage which you probably cut out cos you thought was of no interest, but i think it is.

The wood chopping at the end was class. It was a window into some little story which must have meant something to you or you wouldn't have included it. Consequently it means something to the viewer too.

BASE footage is great on it's own, but put a human story behind it and it becomes utterly fascinating. I think you have a great story to tell (in fact i know you do cos you posted about how you were becoming disillusioned at one point) and with your next video you should really tell it.

Keep up the great jumping and amazing camera work. Look forward to your next offering

ian #843

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My one comment which i hope is helpful to you, is that after watching it, i still don't know anything about you. I would have liked to have got a glimpse into the person behind the images.

Here you go: http://night139.livejournal.com/ :)


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BASE footage is great on it's own, but put a human story behind it and it becomes utterly fascinating. I think you have a great story to tell (in fact i know you do cos you posted about how you were becoming disillusioned at one point) and with your next video you should really tell it.

Thanks Ian. I know it. And I will do it in my next movie. I cannot promise it will be me playing a hero or a person who has a story to tell.... I can promise it won't be me. But some of my friend are the people i should to tell about:)
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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I received my copy yesterday and I had high hopes from the preview I saw.

First Impressions:

It was dirty and raw in some ways, and very crisp in others. I enjoyed the fact that the video (as the title would dictate) focused on the female perspective, and even though there were a couple dudes in the movie, the focus was kept on track.

I also enjoyed the various music selections that were chosen for this project. Even though various in tastes, all songs still match and go with the flow of the video.

Additionally, most of the ariels were very nice, but they also showed a couple of the dirty ariels, making sure to keep it real. Oh yea... a couple of the clips had some real nie subterminal tracks...

And last but not least, I can truly say that my expectations and high hopes were met and exceeded with this production.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Being married to a Russian woman myself, I look fwd to enjoying the intense creativity and passion for expression that these beautiful Russian women have. My wife has never done anything half assed and pours her heart and soul into every task at hand with absolutely no fear and no remorse, Im sure Lika has done the same from the sounds of her efforts. I have no doubt it will fill me with longing to hurl my body off the nearest object.

Lika, I hope it comes today as it will be a Kick Ass birthday present.
Ochen Spaseeba!

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You don't need to play a superhero. What you do (we all do) is extraordinary anyway. Your story would be fascinating exactly because you're human and not super human.

Stunning work Lika. I look forward to the next one.


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Allright, all DVDs from the last week orders show as delivered. Please let me know if you didn't receive yours!



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Any word on when a PAL version might become available?

Thanks!!! :)

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Recieved it last week!
Thanks Yuri for getting it out right away.

Loved it! beautiful and intense.......cant wait for more!
Nice work to you all!
Hope to check out your DZ next spring.

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Thanks Yuri for sending it so promptly ....

Lika the DVD was great ... I was supposed to be preparing my end of contract review with my boss and i couldn't stop watching ... A great DVD in a different vein to all the "BASE ROX" Metal type DVDs (not that there's anything wrong with that type either) but it was great to watch something different ...

I would love to go and flik some of those objects they look great ... Maybe i'll have to book some flights !!!!:P

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Iiro's is right on. Congratulations Lika, it is very good quality and nice variety of editing pace from slow to crisp. Some great exits.
Iiro, when you coming to see us. I still have the firebird. Joy says Hi.
Rick Harrison

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