
KL stories?

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Yo !

Could anybody please report all the carnage? I understand it's been quite entertaining so far? ;)



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The last 10 minutes of jumping is going on now...
Will be back home and posting a video link in a few days.

I'm putting my money down for over 1000 jumps completed off this tower in 3 days. :)


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Good to hear espically if there were no injuries.. well no serious onse. Hangover and tweakes ankles don't count....

Brit, You coming to BD? If you you might want to come and party in Mogantown, WV. Drinking town with a college football problem.... which can hold its own. Ranked #3 now for party schools!

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Let me guess, Gary C made 900 of them???

Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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Menara KL International BASE Jump Merdeca Circuit 2006 has been quite a good event.
For the full tour we had 14 jumpers who completed 499 jumps for the first 3 buildings. For the main event at KL Tower there were about 70 jumpers and we completed over 1300 jumps in 3 days of jumping there.
Over 1800 jumps were made during the whole event. There were 3 jumpers who made over 100 jumps each. One did 146 jumps during the event.

We had two landing injuries that required surgery. There was one building strike in Penang with no injury and 3 tower strikes at KL Tower with one resulting in minor injuries.

The event has been quite successful and a similar Malaysian BASE circuit has already been announced in August next year.


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there was some sick shit gettin pulled of the the tower .so im sure the vidio will follow ... HECKY:)

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See BASE isn't that dangerous.... just kidding... Glad almost everyone is ok. Can't wait to see all of you guys huck it from my homestate's best "S". See you guys at BD.

"... and I'll jump off that bridge when I get to it...."

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Great news it went great.
Just hope I can be there 2 next year!

And Gary, don't be shy, just mention your name as the one who did 146 jumps


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That video's pretty damn sweet :)
Here's a serious question though, not being a BASE jumper myself, could you guys tell me if the "pushing off the the object with both feet" maneuvre is standard off heading opening procedure or is it better to hit the object side on and try to absorb the impact like they teach in skydiving FJC's? (Sorry if that's another dumb c*** BASE noobie skydiver question Jaap ;):D:P)

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have to adjust my sig line.... sorry jaap, you know we like ya.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Good music, nice editing, great flick, thanks for sharing man.

ditto. looks like great fun B|

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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That video's pretty damn sweet :)
Here's a serious question though, not being a BASE jumper myself, could you guys tell me if the "pushing off the the object with both feet" maneuvre is standard off heading opening procedure or is it better to hit the object side on and try to absorb the impact like they teach in skydiving FJC's? (Sorry if that's another dumb c*** BASE noobie skydiver question Jaap ;):D:P)

Nope, Doing a PLF on a vertical wall or objects will give you line twists;)
take care,

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That video's pretty damn sweet :)
Here's a serious question though, not being a BASE jumper myself, could you guys tell me if the "pushing off the the object with both feet" maneuvre is standard off heading opening procedure or is it better to hit the object side on and try to absorb the impact like they teach in skydiving FJC's? (Sorry if that's another dumb c*** BASE noobie skydiver question Jaap ;):D:P)

Nope, Doing a PLF on a vertical wall or objects will give you line twists;)
take care,

:D I meant absorbing the impact down the side of the body rather than through the legs.

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i can see it now.

screw aerials, Feet plant 180's will be the new cool trick haha.

Life is Great. Even Greater what we do with it.

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Long post SORRY!! The jumper in the tower strike part of the vid is me. That was not my 1st 180 but 1st object strike. I was taught by my mentor to keep limbs in and get your body armor (if you've got it which you should) "in the way" so it will take some of the impact as opposed to your bones. Sticking my legs straight out was probably not the "best" thing to do under the circumstances but it's what I did. I had a lot of the canopy's forward speed slowed down just at point of impact and I did not hit is very hard. It felt just like a hard stand up landing on concrete or another hard surface.

My thoughts on BASE jumping have always been, you can go over emergency procedures in your head thousands of times and even practice them (skydiving/safer sites) however, when shit hits the fan it becomes a reaction not a procedure. Things happen soooo fast you tend to react instead of thinking about what you should do. Hopefully you make the right reaction and if not hopefully there's time to change it. I hit the tower in just under 3 sec. (know this from super slow speed video analysis) from the time of canopy pressurization. I did what I had to and came out injury free. Did have to change my undershorts though.

Hope that helps

By the way, I was jumping in a straight head-wind and although the object is very over-hung, it can be hit. I have kicked my own ass several times for making that kind of decision-----fuckin' dumb ass!! Won't happen again!

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I was jumping in a straight head-wind...

That would explain the forward (backward) speed on opening. I was wondering how well your SBS was tuned.

Great job on handling it. You almost make it look easy. I was joking to a fellow jumper how it was the first object-strike that I would show my parents; "Look ma, he just tips off with his feet and keeps flying..." :)

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Nicely done.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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And it looks like you made the right decision. Good post, great explanation, that's enough for me, thanks for answering :)

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The winds were somewhat low but I just didn't assess them enough. Like I said in the other post, I fucked up and almost paid the BIG price. I am an experienced jumper just a large brain fart on that one. People jumped just before mine and after and were fine. Just the way it was.

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you should have consulted the White Widow before packing. my 'bucket of bolts' Mojo would have been on heading.

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