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I heard that Karina was hurt in Switzerland. Anybody know what happened?

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Back in KL anakin told me 2 broken legs downwind landing ,im sure thers more to it than that . GET WELL SOON MATE :)

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Tension knots, two broken femurs. Left femur broken in 2 places, right femur broken in 21 places. She opened high and the canopy appeared to be fine and flying strait. After unzipping her arms from the wing-suit she released her brakes and went into a spin. She looked up and could see tension knots. She tried to cycle her brakes to clear them but it did nothing. She tried to pull down on one side to control the spin and it did nothing as well. She hit with a very high rate of speed.

Tension knots are probably the most frightening thing in base jumping. They happen at random and with out warning. Karina did nothing wrong. She has one of the cleanest and nicest pack jobs i have ever seen. This was a very unfortunate accident and totally undeserved...


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F*%$ing sucks :(. Get well Karina.


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Tension knots, two broken femurs. Left femur broken in 2 places, right femur broken in 21 places.

Damn. :/ Get well soon Karina !

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Man that sucks! Karina is a really sweet girl and a great BASE jumper.
Heal Fast.
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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That sucks...get well soon Karina !!

F......ck the Finns !!!
FastPete www.pete.fi email: pete@pete.fi

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I just talked to Karina and wanted to pass the word. The accedent happened after jumping from a plane and not a BASE jump. Get well Karina

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Wish you all the best karina.

Soon you'll be again on your feet smiling as usual :)

JFK #1013
No Adrenalin.... No Fun!
"Minds are like parachutes the

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There is a recent thread about this on the FBA forum, posted by Eric Fradet who examined her gear.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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For those that speak German: I prepared a German translation of this text for the German base association. Of course I am happy to share it with anyone interested.


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Here a translation to English. As I do not know all the technical terms in French it might be that I did not translate everything exactly. However, the thrust of the message should be correct.

> il m'a été donné d'examiner la voilure de Karina qui s'est gravement
> blessée l'été dernier suite à une autororation sous sa voile Ace 240.
> A l'observation des photos de l'incident et l'examen de la voile, il
> apparait qu'une clé s'est formée sur un des brins supérieurs de
> commandes de freins durant l'ouverture bridant la demi-voile à gauche
> et après avoir libéré les demi-freins le phénomène s'est amplifié car
> la voilure a regagné sa vitesse propre sur la demi voile à droite qui
> n'était pas capturée par la clé.
> le type de construction des commandes supérieures de ces voiles Ace et
> Black Jack fabriquées avant décembre 2004, favorise ce type d'incident
> car les 5 brins supérieurs n'ont pas la même longueur, les deux brins
> les plus extrêmes sont d'une longueur de 8 à 10 centimètres plus
> grands que les 3 autres internes.
> à l'ouverture, le brin le plus extérieur bénéficie d'un "mou"
> qui ne demande qu'à s'enrouler autour des autres brins, la trace de
> brûlure en atteste.
> Après discussion avec le constructeur de ces voiles, il est recommandé
> de raccourcir les 5 brins à égale distance, ils restent attachés à un
> total de 2 caissons par côté et vous ne touchez pas aux brins
> internes.
> Par contre avant de raccourcir les brins les plus extremes , je vous
> conseille de les examiner et s'il portent des traces de brulûre de les
> changer.
> Vous pouvez contacter Consolidated Rigging si vous êtes concerné (
> c'est à dire si vous avez une Ace ou une Black Jack d'avant décembre
> 2004).
> Vous obtiendrez de meilleures ouvertures de toutes manières car une
> amorce de capture de commande de freins peut se transformer en
> orientation puis se libérer par elle même sans que vous l'ayant
> mentionné...

It was my task to look at Karina’s canopy who was very badly hurt last summer when her Ace 240 started an autorotation / spiral which could not be stopped.

After looking at pictures from the accident and at the canopy it seems that a knot had formed on one of the upper brake lines / in the cascades of the brake lines during opening. This pushed / turned one half part of the canopy to the left, and after releasing the brakes from their pre-braked setting the problem became worse because the canopy started to fly at trim speed on the right side which had not been subject to the knot.

The kind of construction of the upper brake lines of the Ace and Black Jack canopies which have been produced before December 2004 are particularly inclined to suffer from this type of incident as the five upper brake lines (per side) are not of the same length. The two outermost brake lines are 8 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inches) longer than the three other inner brake lines.

During opening the outermost brake line is not under tension but loose, this is just asking to wrap itself around the other brake lines, as can be seen from burn traces.

After discussion with the developer of these canopies it is recommended to shorten the five (upper) brake lines to equal length, they remain attached to two cells per side and the inner (upper) brake lines are not to be touched.

However, before shortening the outermost brake lines it is recommended to check them and to replace them if they show burn traces.

You can contact Consolidated Rigging if you are concerned (that is, if you own an Ace or Black Jack that dates from before December 2004).

Anyway, you will have better openings as a beginning line over of the brake lines can free itself during opening without you even noticing.


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Thank you very much for the translation, was totally unaware of that problem.

Has anyone heard how she's doing ?

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You beat me to it!
Thanks though.
The pic is attached.

Edited to add that I hope she is recovering well.
The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:

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thank you very much.
is there someone who can ask approximately how many jumps on the line set and what the general condition the lines were in.
my hovercraft is full of eels.

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any update on her condition? she is such an amazing woman, and i hope there have been some positive steps forward in her recovery.

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I talk with her a few days ago, she is doing good, she stay in a recovery center now.


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movie about her jump in Mali from Fatimas heand will b played on Slovenian mountaniring/sport festival on saturday - if we r talking about karin Hollekim

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