Mikki_ZH 0 #51 October 4, 2006 QuoteQuoteIn BASE it does not matter if it is the good one or the bad one, it's the one that has the bigger fun in jumping off stuff. Really? To me it matters though. So, those who pride themselves in feeding the bad one or who thinks it "doesn't matter" should prepare to always have an uncomfortable time in this forum. Ok, I know it is your forum and you are the head honcho and everything and I don't ask this to "question" your virtual authority, but just out of curiosity, what do you mean with: should prepare to always have an umcomfortable time in this forum???Michi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba www.swissbaseassociation.ch www.michibase.ch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base_rigger 0 #52 October 4, 2006 QuotePS - which wolf is winning in the BASE community? (not the BASE Zone) Hopefully not the one who self-proclaimed himself/herself a BASE god/goddess and does what he/she does not for the good of the community but to feed his/her ego. It's my experience that the real-BASE world is much better than the virtual one with just few exceptions...You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
321Cya 0 #53 October 4, 2006 Quotethere have been times I wanted to ask a general question, opinion but was afarid of the tone or content enough that I deleted the post myself , fearful of a backlash from 'popular' forum contributers, that may affect how future posts I made were responded to. Whilst the antics of the few people who rant on and on about nothing, or constantly whine, or bullshit on this forum There's no such thing as 'a stupid question' and for those 'popular forum contributors' backlashes' no one should be afraid. Those people should go out more rather than sitting behind a pc all the time. It's them who should think by themselves 'wtf am I doing lashing somebody', not you... In the 2 weeks I work offshore I'm on the forum and read quite a bit and sometimes make posts, simply because I have no chance to jump. In the 2 weeks onshore I'm not waisting my time to this forum cause there's a world out there!!!!!! However, in the 2 weeks I do read it I quite enjoy it, so my vote: Keep it up! tnx, J. www.vandrunen.ch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base311 0 #54 October 4, 2006 The more things change... ...the more things stay the same. -Gardner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avenfoto 0 #55 October 4, 2006 Quote regardless of who you are and how experienced a BASE jumper you may be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avenfoto 0 #56 October 4, 2006 QuoteTo me it matters though have you ever actually made a base jump? honest question im going to go out on a limb and say no... based mostly on the "i dont care..experienced" bit.. that is so anti-base its obscene. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
460 0 #57 October 4, 2006 The BASE Zone is a courtesy to the BASE community from the dz.com owners. BASE jumping is still a niche market. Why shake the boat and endanger a good thing? By definition, to be a BASE jumper means one has to BASE jump. Consider jumping instead of griping all day online.Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sangiro 25 #58 October 4, 2006 Quotehave you ever actually made a base jump? honest question Never. Have you ever seen me claim that I have or heard me dole out one word of BASE jumping advice? Honest question. QuoteTo me it matters though What exactly does this have to do whether it "matters" to me how people act on here? Women's rights matter to me as well, and I've never been one of those either. How about you, does it matter to you? My full quote, not just the small piece you latched onto: QuoteIn this forum, I will continue to side with the nice guys. If you come on here and act like an ass I will not only kick you off, I will pro-actively prevent you from returning to "feed your wolf", regardless of who you are and how experienced a BASE jumper you may be. Your reply: Quotethat is so anti-base its obscene. Just to make sure I follow the logic: Are you saying I am "anti-base" because I don't allow those who have a lot of BASE experience to break the forum rules? Bryan, I'm sure you can do a better job at distinguishing who are friends of BASE and who not. Your energy will me much better spent actually winning over some people who are truly "anti-base" rather than burning bridges with those who are so obviously not. I enjoy hosting the BASE Zone over here and will gladly continue to do so.Safe swoops Sangiro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freakydiver 0 #59 October 4, 2006 It is funny that these things are even issues when shit like Pennsylvania and Bailey are going on. I guess now that I am unable to jump anymore, perspective has a way of changing. For me, this forum is still a nice way to feel like a small part of a community that I miss dearly and regardless of all of the moaning and groaning, I can still pick through the bullshit and get useful info from the board. I also think that it is hilarious that anyone could say Tom brings his agenda to the table, imho that couldn't be further from the truth. I wish my primary sport of backcountry snow skiing had an individual with such a level head - go read some of those forums. You wanna talk about politics. It is high fucking time that you people who CAN basejump stfu and do it and realize there are alot of folks in this world that can no longer participate in the sport. Its high fucking time the bickering be put to rest and for you all to realize what an amazing thing you are all a part of. There aren't many groups of folks out there with the bond that you knowingly or unknowingly have. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." -- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tr027 0 #60 October 4, 2006 Well spoken/typed. I agree that to support an activity or group one does not necessaarily have to be an active member of that activity or group. Also, having a sliding scale for determing to what extent users get to break the rules according to their jumping experience is preposterous. "The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avenfoto 0 #61 October 4, 2006 id have to say that almost every registered poster in this forum are "friends of base" even the assholes. even the banned. base at its very core, is about breaking the rules. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kleggo 145 #62 October 4, 2006 leave it up i read some funny stuff here occasionally and some worthwhile stuff too and some total crap. aint america grand? be safe kleggo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wwarped 0 #63 October 4, 2006 Quote In the world of BASE jumping, Ive found that there are too many politics, Quote I like to BASE jump for me, Quote The shit on here sucks and so does the moderation(NOT the moderators). Quote BASE jumping is about friends, good times, jumping, stories, adventure, danger... who gives a shit if dorkzone is here or not. Jump for what you want, not some stupid reason like a web-site telling you how it is or how you need to be. Jump for yourself and yourself only. if you jump for yourself, there can be NO politics. you can simply enjoy the sport for whatever reason. if being social is part of your BASE experience, politics naturally come into play. others will always attempt to sort out the "alpha" male and establish a pecking order. this does NOT apply to BASE alone. jump for yourself. don't brag about jumps, don't be pumping out videos, and you'll be amazed how the politics stops affecting you! the ones who seem to complain loudest about politics seem concerned THEY are not being heard... DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #64 October 4, 2006 QuoteQuote PS - which wolf is winning in the BASE community? (not the BASE Zone) In BASE it does not matter if it is the good one or the bad one, it's the one that has the bigger fun in jumping off stuff. I don't think that's true. Having fun is very important--in BASE and in life. But there are more important things. If your idea of fun is hurting other people, you can't excuse that conduct by saying "but I was having fun doing it." The fact that doing something is fun does not excuse conduct that impacts others negatively--no matter how much fun it may be. A long time ago Adam Filipino said something that's stuck with me. He said "we play a high stakes game called BASE jumping--we are also involved in being human beings." Do not confuse one for the other, and do not make the mistake of thinking that the first one is more important than the second.-- Tom Aiello Tom@SnakeRiverBASE.com SnakeRiverBASE.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blitzkrieg 0 #65 October 4, 2006 Nick, you've really stirred up a hornet's nest with this one! for the record, i voted it's a non-issue... i find myself addicted to reading the "gossip" here, just as (for an example) is posted in this very thread. if i am without internet access however, i don't freak out about what important information i'm missing. as i'm unwinding, or often killing time at "work", i simply enjoy perusing what is often very entertaining nonsense. if everything needed to be serious and constructive, they wouldn't make comedies. live and let live. i've always said that the hardest thing in life is to simply be a good person. but this is the internet, and it is a mask for identity, both good and bad. WTF was i just talking about.... too many Feldschlossens... p.s. Lauterbrunnen sucks... i HAD to make another jump in the rain today. ~E Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDaemon 0 #66 October 4, 2006 If I understand correctly, Nick, your original goal with this post was to discuss the short and long term effects of "The BASE Zone" on the sport of BASE jumping. I believe you were trying to poll whether keeping the forum does more good than harm versus more harm than good to the sport. A few of the posts have addressed this question, largely siding in favor of keeping it, while the majority of others have introduced an element of noise (myself included) regarding -how- the forum is run versus whether or not its existence has an inherent positive or negative effect on the sport. There have been comments made along the lines of "Those who don't like here, don't have to come here" which is true of any uncommanded society. However, I don't think the goal was to discuss whether or not people like or don't like "The BASE Zone" (or the way it is run) but rather to investigate the meta-aspects of its existence. This discussion would involve analyzing what the goals of the forum are, how well it accomplishes those goals, and what the overall cost/benefit ratio is for the sport. I'd hypothesize that the answers will be normally distributed and dependent upon individuals': time in the sport, number of different objects jumped, number of friends lost, current level of activity in the sport, and the number of other local jumpers in their 'crew'. The only data points I have are myself and those I've talked to about the topic. I've seen some trends, and am curious if they's accurate across the board. The fact that ~23% have said "Take it down" and another ~26% have said it's "Not an issue" (at the time of this writing) is intriguing. Only a little more than half of the total strongly agree in keeping it up, which is interesting. Especially given that these numbers do not account for those who do not track this forum and have expressed a stronger opinion by non-participation. I respect the fact that at the end of the day it's not a democracy, it's Sangiro's house and he can do whatever he wants with it, although I am curious what people's reasoning behind their vote was specificallly in terms of: Does the BASE Zone help the sport more than it harms it, or harm the sport more than it helps it? -=Raistlinfind / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badenhop 0 #67 October 5, 2006 Are you folks still pretending it matters? Who's definition of "help the sport" are you going with?================================== I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton http://www.AveryBadenhop.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites