
Shutting Down the BASE Zone?

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I think that adding a moderator or 2 is heading in the right direction. Personally this board has helped me answer certain questions for which I am very greatfull to Sangiro for making this forum.
I just think that their needs to be a more even paying ground for everyones opinions. Their are many experienced jumpers who choose not to post here. I think if this is to be the most popular and well known forum, which it already is; everyone should feel free to post here and the moderators job should be only to enforce the rules by the book; equality among all jumpers and posters.
thats just my $.02 but then again I don't know S@#$
HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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i voted leave it up
i did so as most of us has agreed Blinc more or less has died,Spamposters are filling up the treads whith offers about cheap evrything.

dz.com is the only nerve out there were ALL the world can go ask some Q´s.Its the only place were people can ask stupied newbie Q´s time after time and still get a gentel help.

I think Blinc is/were the best resuose we had,and we killed it our self.

closing dz.com will mostlikely isolate some people out there..

I think Tom does a great job,i dont always agree whith him,but hey do we need to agree?

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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A moderator is an arbitrator or mediator: a presiding officer, esp. a chairman of a debate...I was more talking about in a debate by debate case. You certainly take sides whenever someone shares your specific opions during specific debates.

You seem to be confused about the role of a moderator on these forums.

A moderator is not expected to (a) not participate in discussions, or (b) not have opinions, or (c) not express opinions.

Even moderators are allowed to hold and express (yes, even on these forums) opinions.

It would be impossible to find someone without opinions, or with no interest in expressing them, who would still be willing to put forth the significant volunteer time necessary to moderate. The only way to do that would be to pay them, and that (aside from being economically unlikely) would open a whole different set of problems, because if you were being paid to moderate the forum, the simplest solution would be to simply ban everyone at the drop of a hat. While that might make your job easier, it wouldn't exactly facilitate discussion.
-- Tom Aiello


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Are those guys getting permanently banned? IP banned?

Actually, I have banned the IP for cornishe before.

I haven't permanently banned either of them. Mostly, that's because the temporary bans have done the job of getting them to post in a more civil fashion. Permanent bans are reserved for people who (a) don't seem to get it repeatedly, or (b) declare openly their intention to break forum rules simply because they exist, or (c) have their username disabled (which is something I can't do, so you'd have to talk to Sangiro about those).
-- Tom Aiello


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I voted to keep the BASE Zone up. Many jumpers who are new to the sport come here for technical input, knowledge, entertainment, camaraderie, and contacts. I personally have met some great people, learned a lot, and appreciate everyone's patience.

"Real" BASE jumpers who already know everything, have already jumped everything, and already have friends or enemies in every city of the world obviously come here for different reasons....

As for the moderator and agendas, I do not know Tom A. or the politics of BASE well enough to spot any systematic bias.
Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM

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I'm not confused. I realize that the only reason for you to spend as much time as you do as moderator here, uncompensated, is that it allows you to promote your vision of where the sport should go. You know what I mean by that.

I wouldn't expect you to be copletely unbiased, what fun for you would that be afterall? But it is my opinion that you go overboard a little bit and if I were co-moderator with you, not only would my perspective balance yours out, but I'd try to show how it could be done less agendafied.

The question is, would you still want to do it if you had to share the honor of BASE Zone moderator with a complete jackass like myself?

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Why would anyone want to close the BASE Zone? I enjoy it quite a bit.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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I wouldn't expect you to be copletely unbiased, what fun for you would that be afterall? But it is my opinion that you go overboard a little bit and if I were co-moderator with you, not only would my perspective balance yours out, but I'd try to show how it could be done less agendafied.

you two as co-moderators?

I don't know how multiple moderators work elsewhere on dz.com, but wonder how that would happen here...
would you two be constantly be firing PMs at each other?
would one be un-doing what the other did?

The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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would one be un-doing what the other did?

That actually happened on BLiNC several times.

The moderators here sometimes disagree, and we have lively discussions down in that forum that I see second from the bottom (just above the recycle bin) when I look at the main forums page. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that those arguments are settled in that forum, not in this one.

You pretty much have to have a strong central authority who's willing to step in and tell the moderators how it's going to be. Fortunately, we have that here. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is Sangiro's website, not mine. That "no damn democracy" goes for everyone here, no matter what color print their name appears in.
-- Tom Aiello


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How about no moderators?

At least in the BASE Zone.

Let the brothers go . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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How about no moderators?

At least in the BASE Zone.

Let the brothers go . . .

There is already an unmoderated forum on another web site, that is locked (only bona fide BASE jumpers who've met someone who can vouch for them are given passwords) so that our family bickering can't get picked up by the press. I think it serves a valuable function.

If I were running a complete web site with BASE forums, I'd want to include such a forum, which has several good uses (allows people to have turf wars, which isn't that big a deal, but also allows us to dissect accidents without fear of getting quoted by the press, and lets people speak more freely without fear the press will pick them up out of context).

But heck, it should be easy enough to set up a locked, unmoderated forum anywhere you want. I remember a rumor that one existed that had been spun off a discussion here a while back, but that was just a rumor...wasn't it? ;)

edit to add: I doubt you're going to see an unmoderated forum on Dropzone.com. This community is much larger than just us, and although sometimes an unmoderated forum could be called for in our (BASE) community, it doesn't fit into the Dropzone.com community model at all.
-- Tom Aiello


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Having you as co-moderation will definitely help but won't bring back great jumpers like Johnny or Shane to name a few who are forever banned.

The only option is a third and new BASE site because this place feels like a dictatorship and Blinc is a dead anarchy.
You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points

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this forum is moderated really well and is a great forum
I even got banned for a week once

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How about for just a thirty day trial. Just to see what happens, or doesn't . . . ?

We did learn "something" the last two times a public BASE board went down.

Can we pay extra to be free?

NickD :)BASE 194

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>>to name a few who are forever banned.<<

The only forever banned are . . .

BASE 194

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...this place feels like a dictatorship...

I notice that you first registered on Sep 25, 2006 at 6:31 AM. That's what, a week ago? If you don't like this place, why did you do that?
-- Tom Aiello


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Everyone who voted to disband the BASE zone - your IP's should be banned...and you shouldn't care, because you feel this place shouldn't exist in the first place.

And if you do care, then you are a hypocrite, or a liar, or both. And you should be banned again for being full of shit.

edit to add: After thinking about this more, I believe many of the votes to disband this board are non-BASE friendly skydivers...the one's who hate BASE because we "leave our dead behind" and get pissed because some dude wanted to flik a balloon at the WFFC. And they should be banned from coming into this forum using my above guidelines.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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who gives a"f‘€¼³" when I registered. If one wants to get rid of it, do so. if you like it, keep it. WTF is the difference. I just look on here for some fun mostly. I think most peeps on here, are just here to say stupid shit, and put down poeple that have a legitimate question. In the world of BASE jumping, Ive found that there are too many politics, I started BASE jumping for fun, I almost stopped skydiving because of the stupid politics. I like to BASE jump for me, I got some awesome friends from my antics, skills, what have you... I dont see many politics in the real world because peolple shy away from it, but here on dorkzone.com where an opionin is without a face, it is very abundant and it sucks. A simple question that is asked, turns into someone not even wanting to jump or take up the sport. If it was up to this place if I wanted to be a BASE jumper or not. Id say f u c k no. The shit on here sucks and so does the moderation(NOT the moderators). I wanna jump, in my mind (just like a playstation) this place is a time sucker. If one needs to know about being a newbie, ask someone in person. I made calls and got good info. on here id be shot down for asking. Get rid of it if you cant handle the bullshit. Keep it if you wanna hear some funny shit talking (magot). But why have a poll against something that is irrelvant to the sport. BASE jumping is about friends, good times, jumping, stories, adventure, danger... who gives a shit if dorkzone is here or not. Jump for what you want, not some stupid reason like a web-site telling you how it is or how you need to be. Jump for yourself and yourself only. If you are dependant on the dorkzone for answers, you shouldnt BASE jump. Have a good night. and oh yea keep it real bitches!

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I do jump for me, but it's still nice to be able to hear other people's opinions on things and continue crafting mine from the information I take in. I'm sure your opinions have changed since you started BASE jumping, due to conversations and obviously experiences.

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...this place feels like a dictatorship...

I notice that you first registered on Sep 25, 2006 at 6:31 AM. That's what, a week ago? If you don't like this place, why did you do that?

You're right Tom, I should get the fuck out of here but the fun of reading of boneheads trying to figure out a jump by asking an online dork forum is fucking priceless.
You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points

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Of course, it's HHs call in the end, but if the vote is thumbs down I think enough of us would leave and the BASE Zone would die on the vine like the BASE Board did.

So there it is . . . Do we stay, or do we go now?

NickD :)BASE 194

But Brother...................
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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Nick, you like stories, so here's one:


One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

In this forum, I will continue to side with the nice guys. If you come on here and act like an ass I will not only kick you off, I will pro-actively prevent you from returning to "feed your wolf", regardless of who you are and how experienced a BASE jumper you may be.

As for another moderator: I care a lot more about who you are as a person, than who you are as a BASE jumper. (Sorry Jimmy, I'm sure you're a good guy but I'm not taking applications.) Anyone is free to start their own forum, I'm free to run this one the way I believe will ensure it's longevity. I'm more than happy with the way Tom is moderating this board.

PS - which wolf is winning in the BASE community? (not the BASE Zone)
Safe swoops

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PS - which wolf is winning in the BASE community? (not the BASE Zone)

In BASE it does not matter if it is the good one or the bad one, it's the one that has the bigger fun in jumping off stuff.
Michi (#1068)

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In BASE it does not matter if it is the good one or the bad one, it's the one that has the bigger fun in jumping off stuff.

Really? To me it matters though. So, those who pride themselves in feeding the bad one or who thinks it "doesn't matter" should prepare to always have an uncomfortable time in this forum.
Safe swoops

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I wasnt around in the 'good ol' days' of Blinc......but its still a fantastic resource for me, I just wish it was 'current'
DZ.com BASE Zone has also been a great resource, but more because it has been kept current.
The issues I have are not with the moderator, but more with the moderation.......there have been times I wanted to ask a general question, opinion but was afarid of the tone or content enough that I deleted the post myself , fearful of a backlash from 'popular' forum contributers, that may affect how future posts I made were responded to.

Whilst the antics of the few people who rant on and on about nothing, or constantly whine, or bullshit on this forum quickly lose my amusement, there is still a wealth of knowledge , experience that I find incredibly useful and wouldnt want to lose.

Whether its Blinc, DZ.Com BASE Forum or a third option...maybe having 'bullshit' and 'no bullshit' ..sub forums might help ,with the latter being moderated, and the former free to allow people with issues on other jumpers vent their feelings in a more 'chat room' like forum.....everyone is happy then.
Accomodating both in the same forum and trying to maintain its integrity....is a losing battle from the off.

One last observation ....DZ.com BASE forum has fast been moving away from being an informed , useful , factual resource .....to having more content based on whining and bitching, whatever the reason it would be great if it swung back the other way.
I would love to see much more technical discussion , tapping into (and contributing to) the vast global experience passing through this forum......wasnt having a 'good time', considered experimentation and sharing knowledge some of the foundations this sport was built on..??

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