newbie4ever 0 #1 October 7, 2006 do you ever sometimes when your jumping with another jumper realize "i would never be hang with this guy at all if he didn't base!" like some selfish winey richkid. (no offense to all you unselfish richkids who are humble.) or some really arrogant overly competitive skygod prick. or some know it all asshole who's always right know matter what the topic. or whatever you get the point. but you force yourself because theres really not that many of us. anyway was just wondering on everyone else's thoughts? bye Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDivinRyan 0 #2 October 7, 2006 i very new but if we all jump for our own reasons then why does it matter im not trying to put down you topic but who cares as long as we all walk away happy cause in the end we all hang out together because we all have somthing in common that is to jump for ourselfs and thats it ps sorry im a little drunk lol but seriously Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d_goldsmith 1 #3 October 7, 2006 Try to find some BASE jumpers you like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bennii 0 #4 October 7, 2006 I think we should bee problem free on the edge and not be around people we have problem with. Benjamín Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twoply 0 #5 October 7, 2006 Almost every jump in this city. This crew is geeky. They dont even know the words to the latest Justin Timberlake song. Dorks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #6 October 8, 2006 nope i dont know that problem,but i also dont know any richkids,but hey usaly i dont jump whit others either Thouse i jump whith usaly is the same trash as i,and if they aint they do respect me and my mates rights to be trash.. Jumping whith people you dont like or trust(often the same)is bad juju,if you cant say no to that can´t you climb down either? Stay safe Stefan Faber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtnlion667 0 #7 October 9, 2006 Hell no... I won't jump with anyone I can't respect or trust. Afterall, they aren't just there for company. What if you needed their help after an incident? can you be certain a person you don't like is going to act properly? I'd rather solo and use a phone call before exit and after landing to someone that loves me. that way you can at least be comfortable and you don't need to share some of your best times with a jackass. "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magot 0 #8 October 9, 2006 I on ly jump with guys i dont like so that when they go in I luagh my ass of and steal there walllet if they were my friends i would be crying like a little girl if they got hurt this way its better for me an d alot more amuzingTOSS MY SALAD I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad 1072 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #9 October 9, 2006 Quote I on ly jump with guys i dont like so that when they go in I luagh my ass of and steal their walllet if they were my friends i would be crying like a little girl if they got hurt this way its better for me an d alot more amuzing I corrected it for you.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
recovercrachead 0 #10 October 9, 2006 Quote Quote I on ly jump with guys i dont like so that when they go in I luagh my ass of and steal their walllet if they were my friends i would be crying like a little girl if they got hurt this way its better for me an d alot more amuzing I corrected it for you. Thats corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Track high, Pull LOW!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carpediem 0 #11 October 9, 2006 magot escaped his remedial english class long ago Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #12 October 9, 2006 yeah dude. i hate all the guys that i jump with. especialy my best freinds. bastards. -SPACE- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d_goldsmith 1 #13 October 9, 2006 Quote Quote Quote I on ly jump with guys i dont like so that when they go in I luagh my ass of and steal their walllet if they were my friends i would be crying like a little girl if they got hurt this way its better for me an d alot more amuzing I corrected it for you. Thats corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #14 October 9, 2006 Quote Quote Quote Quote I on ly jump with guys i dont like so that when they go in I luagh my ass of and steal their walllet if they were my friends i would be crying like a little girl if they got hurt this way its better for me an d alot more amuzing I corrected it for you. Thats corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has finally been corrected!Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #15 October 9, 2006 Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote I on ly jump with guys i dont like so that when they go in I luagh my ass of and steal their walllet if they were my friends i would be crying like a little girl if they got hurt this way its better for me an d alot more amuzing I corrected it for you. Thats corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has finally been corrected! Aight. ill correct ALL of you if you dont quit it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #16 October 9, 2006 does that mean you won't jump with me? (this is actually on topic, sorta kinda)Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreenMachine 0 #17 October 9, 2006 Between the lessons on grammar and punctuation I think a point "newbie4ever" made was missed. There is a big difference between not trusting someone and not digging someone.Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtnlion667 0 #18 October 10, 2006 You dumb bastard... I never have any money on me. that's why you always end up fronting me bail money. you're the silly fucker that jumps with $300 cash in his pocket. And I know you don't want my sketchy rig! hmmmm...? why the hell do you jump with me? I don't even have a hot girlfriend that you could "console" in the event of my death anymore! So ha ha... jokes on you! I get 2 rigs, your cash, girl, AND I know where your coke stash is !!! need a packjob? "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtnlion667 0 #19 October 10, 2006 Quote Between the lessons on grammar and punctuation I think a point "newbie4ever" made was missed. There is a big difference between not trusting someone and not digging someone. I don't know about that one... I don't like people that I can't trust, and I can't trust people that I don't like. There's a lot to this sport, your commarades need to have your back pre, during , and post jump. It even helps if you can be sure they won't rat you out or blab to someone that will. cuz when the man comes to town, he ain't to shy about asking questions. and I've had the cops call me, visit my dropzone, and stop by my boss's house.... but no one ever said a word and they couldn't prove a thing. no whiney rich kid is gonna have the guts to keep his mouth shut when it counts. prick your friends wisely, cause only a few of them will pick your nose when you shatter both arms. "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson Share this post Link to post Share on other sites