
leave slider on (down) for normaly slder off jumps?? how the keep the slider from moving up during jump???

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normaly i just kept it off but now im starting to find it a real pain moving from one object to the other in a day and removing to repack.. i have a fear of problems if i have it on. how do you keep your slider down and in place?


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Slide the front riser silicone bumpers up on to the lines. Move the front slider grommets onto the front riser just below the links. Slide the silicone bumpers back in place.

PS: Don't do the same to your rear risers/rear slider grommets because that could cause the slider to interfere with the brakes.

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Get a rigger to sew a small piece of webbing with a snap on it to a front riser.....loop the webbing through the corrasponding slider grommit and then 'snap' it to itself on the riser.

Or buy a set of risers that have this mod on already....

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Get a rigger to sew a small piece of webbing with a snap on it to a front riser.....loop the webbing through the corrasponding slider grommit and then 'snap' it to itself on the riser.

Or buy a set of risers that have this mod on already....

The technique that Gregor described is, in my opinion, far superior to this modification.

I have had a snap fail in use (pop open) and result in my slider coming up a few feet during opening. I've also seen a slider that had been tied down with a pull up cord come up more than halfway (and result in an accident).

I've not yet seen the "under the bumpers" technique release the slider. As an added bonus, it requires no extra loops on your risers (which could be confused for toggles or dive loops in a critical situation--no, I haven't but I've seen it done) and keeps things a bit more streamlined.
-- Tom Aiello


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" PS: Don't do the same to your rear risers/rear slider grommets because that could cause the slider to interfere with the brakes."
I don't understand ? How will this interfere with the breaks ? I have never heard this ?
Though I have always used the front Riser Bumper for Slider lock down on No-Slider jump since day one.
The only reason I never use front and back tie-down of the Slider at the same time. I don't want the Slider pulling on the front Riser when pulling down on the rear Riser while doing a rear Riser off-heading correction. I don't want the front and rear of the Slider connected in that manor. I want the rear Riser to 'Slide Free' when pulling on the rear Riser.

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" PS: Don't do the same to your rear risers/rear slider grommets because that could cause the slider to interfere with the brakes."
I don't understand ? How will this interfere with the breaks ? I have never heard this ?

The slider grommet can slide down too far, and trap the top of the toggle stub, jamming the toggle.
-- Tom Aiello


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It's doubtful the top of the toggle would be trapped. Anything is possible but it is not terribly likely.

The most likely trouble is what Ray mentioned. Allowing the slider to freely slide up and down the rear line group is much better when steering with risers.

Edit to add: If you do a lot of front riser approaches, you will quickly become aware of how much the slider can get in the way if it's secured to the front.

The same type of thing would happen if the grommets were trapped under the rear bumpers.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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slide your slider bumpers on your front risers up the lines the slider down the bumpers back,now your slider is "stuck" below your frontriser bumpers but will still clear your rear risers.

Or just simply get 2 sets of gear one slider up one slider off:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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