
Austria- check this out

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400m, Nice!!!
Have there been people 'falling' off it yet?
The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:

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I like this part:

Für Leute mit Höhenangst am Besten geeignet ist der "Mittelfinger", der nicht betreten werden darf. Ein Trampolin an seiner Spitze symbolisiert die Freiheit der Berge. Es wäre zwar theoretisch auch als Absprungmöglichkeit für Base-Jumper geeignet, vorerst gibt es aber keine Pläne in diese Richtung.

Michi (#1068)

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for the english speaking:


Safely over the edge 400 meters of a high cliff to march and into the abyss look know in the future tourists at the crib stone in upper Austria. Becomes possible by the "5fingers", a "prospect platform for courageous ones". It is the form of a hand shared, which stand out "fingers" up to eight meters from the rock and can will enter.

Who wants to risk safely a view into the depth, should go on the glaesernen "finger" or look by a hole in the soil of another bar. Each particular of these alpine passenger-loading stairs offers a completely special view to the visitor. Who wants to concern it however only once more carefully, the panorama of resounding place can regard by a baroque bilderrahmen or the roof stone summit by means of telescope more near to itself near-get.

For people with elevator fear at the best one the "middle finger" is suitable, which will not enter may. A Trampolin at its point symbolizes the liberty of the mountains. It would be theoretically also as jump possibility for cousin Jumper suitably, for the time being gives it however no plans into this direction.

To last the work on that ran zirka 2,000 meters of building site lain highly on full speed. Strong wind and even snow endanger the punctual completion. On Saturday the "5fingers" was opened by national captain Puehringer in beautiful weather.


..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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for the english speaking:


Safely over the edge 400 meters of a high cliff to march and into the abyss look know in the future tourists at the crib stone in upper Austria. Becomes possible by the "5fingers", a "prospect platform for courageous ones". It is the form of a hand shared, which stand out "fingers" up to eight meters from the rock and can will enter.

Who wants to risk safely a view into the depth, should go on the glaesernen "finger" or look by a hole in the soil of another bar. Each particular of these alpine passenger-loading stairs offers a completely special view to the visitor. Who wants to concern it however only once more carefully, the panorama of resounding place can regard by a baroque bilderrahmen or the roof stone summit by means of telescope more near to itself near-get.

For people with elevator fear at the best one the "middle finger" is suitable, which will not enter may. A Trampolin at its point symbolizes the liberty of the mountains. It would be theoretically also as jump possibility for cousin Jumper suitably, for the time being gives it however no plans into this direction.

To last the work on that ran zirka 2,000 meters of building site lain highly on full speed. Strong wind and even snow endanger the punctual completion. On Saturday the "5fingers" was opened by national captain Puehringer in beautiful weather.

By the way, cousin jumper is BASE jumper... :)
Michi (#1068)

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I couldn't make sense of either one of these. It seems like the writer is using a lot of metaphors or something?

P.S. I didn't know what traduction meant until I looked it up. Nice word use.

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P.S. I didn't know what traduction meant until I looked it up. Nice word use.

Yeah, and Mikki learned German long before English.
-- Tom Aiello


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I couldn't make sense of either one of these. It seems like the writer is using a lot of metaphors or something?

that is fucking classic. goddamn

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P.S. I didn't know what traduction meant until I looked it up. Nice word use.

Yeah, and Mikki learned German long before English.

NO, he did NOT! He speaks English fluently, and apparently also Spanish, but his "German" is kinda hard to understand... gotta remember, he's swiss :P

hey mikki, how was LB today? i am writing this out of the VJ-hotel in interlaken...
* Respekt - ist uns're Aufgabe (fanta4) *

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it was very nice... weather perfect and and a skinny french guy cleard the river with his home made tracking pants from la mousse...

And just to be clear at this: swiss german is the real german, you guys just speak an odd dialekt of the swiss german:):)
Michi (#1068)

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P.S. I didn't know what traduction meant until I looked it up. Nice word use.

When I don't know a word I use the word from an other language and try to customize it.
In this case I used the spanish word "traduccion" and tried to make an english word out of it. Sometimes it works...
By the way, I do the same thing in spanish. I have invented some nice words in spanish as well.:S:)
Michi (#1068)

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400m, Nice!!!
Have there been people 'falling' off it yet?

On Friday and Sunday I flew past the wall with my paraglider. In my opinion, this is not jumpable slider-up. Also for wingsuit the talus comes out too early. I have not done a rock drop yet, though.

So, no new big wall unfortunately...:|

Edit: Just saw that Miko already did a rock drop...


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