base428 1 #1 October 12, 2006 I'm being told that these four major networks will be airing some live shots of Bridge Day 2006, as well as live interviews with jumpers. They'll be shooting from the smaller bridge across the New River (1500' upstream) with long lenses and feeding it out via a satellite truck. The cool thing is that the Pentagon News Channel is fed to all our troops overseas. If you are attending Bridge Day and are in the military, please contact me ASAP. A reminder email regarding this along with other media requests will go out to all jumpers tonight. So, if you're not attending BD this year, keep an eye on these four networks for coverage. No guarantees on how much footage they'll each air.(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #2 October 12, 2006 There are also going to be a couple of military reporters/ photographers there. There is one article in the "ARMY times" that I saw about this. I will post the article and/or their pictures that are in the article when I get home, in case "you want to talk to them."Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CactusJack 0 #3 October 12, 2006 Hey Jason and Leroy, how wise would you think it would be for us military members to be on national tv BASE jumping and interviewing w/ pentagon news reporters? To your knowledge, is bridge day an activity that's offically approved for participation by CO's and supervisors? I know that for many jumpers bridge day is a one time thing, but what about regular jumpers? I was just wondering if there could be any negative consequences w/ military members associating with a sport that many view as mostly illegal. I suppose each individual situation is unique, but if you are in the military please consider the possibilities of such media presence and plan accordingly! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #4 October 12, 2006 There are 50+ TV crews, production companies, and professional photographers at BD. If you're active military and you'll get in trouble for jumping, then simply attending the event might be a problem for you. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for jumping at a legal parachuting event such as BD. It's ultimately up to you to do the research on whether your CO is going to have a problem with it. If so, don't do any interviews and keep your full face helmet on.(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #5 October 12, 2006 Quote"you want to talk to them." I was saying that in a smartass way. Personally, I wouldn't talk to reporters, thats just me. Whether I were in the military or not has no influence on that descision. To my knowledge, there are no military regulations in the USA against it. To my knowledge, you are not breaking any civilian or military laws. I would ask to see your commanders policy letter book located in your S1(personnel section). Look to see if there is an anti extreme sports policy. If there Isn't... go freaking jump. But this is non binding info... so dont quote me I am no lawyer oh, remember that you might want to cover or remove your DOD decal if you are that worried. Get a new one when you get back...Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickDG 23 #6 October 12, 2006 Tom's right . . . There are COs who can issue standing orders that no one in the unit can do any form of parachute jumps. There is still an actual bias against parachuting jumping for the jump and especially the non-jump billets. I found this comes from the more traditional "legs" who are COs. Their excuse is usually they don't want to have to write the, "Sorry, but little Johnny is dead," letter home. You can also see it in the fact that few jump qualified officers ever reach the General or Admiral ranks. NickD BASE 194 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaveO 0 #7 October 12, 2006 There are COs who can issue standing orders that no one in the unit can do any form of parachute jumps. *** We didn't have that problem at 3rd Recon Bn. I use to pack my CO's parachute."When it comes to BASE, I'll never give advice, only my opinion" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickDG 23 #8 October 12, 2006 Nope - I'm a Marine too . . . NickD BASE 194 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #9 October 12, 2006 QuoteI've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for jumping at a legal parachuting event such as BD. It's ultimately up to you to do the research on whether your CO is going to have a problem with it. If so, don't do any interviews and keep your full face helmet on. I know one active military jumper who was told by his CO that he could not BASE jump, and would get in trouble if he did--whether the jumps were legal or not. I think for 99% of military folks its not going to be a big deal. The remaining 1% are mostly people involved with military parachuting, and especially demonstration teams, which because of their role as a showpiece have extra rules (and also CO's who still hold some historical grudges about BASE).-- Tom Aiello Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #10 October 12, 2006 There is an article in the "ARMY Times" about extreme sports. I haven't found a link as of yet to it online. A senior Staff writer C. Mark Brinkley, is taking Photographer M Scott Mahaskey with him on a month long trip "extreme" sports trip culminating at Bridge Day. They specifically state that they will "look around" to see if they can interview military jumpers. Attached are the scanned pics from the article. Note how C. Mark Brinkley has his face covered with a bandana... NOTE: C. Mark Brinkley (has alot of articles in the "Marine Times")Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IFallFast 0 #11 October 13, 2006 Quote There are COs who can issue standing orders that no one in the unit can do any form of parachute jumps. There is still an actual bias against parachuting jumping for the jump and especially the non-jump billets. I found this comes from the more traditional "legs" who are COs. Their excuse is usually they don't want to have to write the, "Sorry, but little Johnny is dead," letter home. As a former Army Commander, iyou are not allowed to issue standard orders for soldiers not to make Parachute jumps. it would be like telling soldiers in your unit they can not ride motorcycles. ( a higher percentagedie doing that) The army has multiple skydiving teams, so for an army policy against skydiving is also not authorized. Base Jumping is a little different as the risks are higher. If a commanding officer found out that one of his soldiers was attending Bridge day, they could require additional safetr training (like they do with motorcycle courses). I personally will attempt to keep the fact that this is my first Base Jump from anyone in my Chain of command. See yoiu all there wearing my Groucho Mrx nose and glasses. J I like Beans Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dbrutherford 0 #12 October 14, 2006 Jason, what local stations will be carrying BD this year? I will record them with my PC and upload it to SDM if I get time from classes. Again, thanks for all of the work you put in at BD. DAVE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #13 October 15, 2006 The local TV station that aired the last 2 BD's to 1 million+ households will not be there this year. They weren't making any money. I think this year might be even better since the Bridge Day Commission is providing a feed out via satellite to anyone who wants it (for free). Bigger networks will pick up clips and interviews throughout the day. Things are still evolving. Stay tuned.(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bryguy1224 12 #14 October 15, 2006 I know that if you are part of the Golden Knights parachute team: you are specifically banned from BASE activities. Bryan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #15 October 15, 2006 Quote I know that if you are part of the Golden Knights parachute team: you are specifically banned from BASE activities. Bryan Add to that the USASOC team "Black Daggers," and the 82nd Demo Team. Anyone know about the other services?Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
despinato 0 #16 October 17, 2006 back in 98 when i did my first tandem. i was actually sat down by my co and told not to do any more of what the airforce considered high risk activities, and if i didnt listen that he would have me up on charges. for the record back then the airforce had 36 high risk activities. base wasnt listed but waterskiing and atv driving was. it was up to the descretion of the squadron commander to grant permision to participate in these events. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marinejumper69 0 #17 October 17, 2006 Hey J, Do you only want active duty personal or former mil also? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #18 October 18, 2006 Either active or former. They might have already found enough people to interview. Details were in an email I sent to all jumpers last week.(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites