aloneinthesky 0 #76 April 19, 2007 wow thanks D123 for showing me that yet another reason to live and i think i might look into paragliding, i have this vision of living a lifestyle, sadly im no where near it and having trouble grasping it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #77 April 19, 2007 Quote What really is cool about the woopy is that apperently you can't stall it. Everytime you change the angle of atack it comes back to neutral flight even if your body is still in a diff position relative to the wing. Or at least that's what they say on the web-site. I hope it does it without losing a lot of altitude... the woopy is a hang glider, a very small, easy to control hang glider. it WILL stall, trust me. even though i have never flown one, i have flown hang gliders, it WILL stall. any foil can stall if the critical AOA is reached. trust me. this thing might be really really really hard to stall, as in the farthest point the pilot can be pushed back by the control rods is still in front of the CG point (basicaly this means that the control range is not enough to stall it) but it still can be accelerated stalled, and if you can push back far enough, it will stall. Also, the site reads that the woopy will return to its normal 'trim speed' and will stop turning if not touched. this is true, but its true on almost all hang gliders. again, any glider can spin. and this one may be super-stable, but it still will be able to stall and lose control. that said, I have seen these types of gliders before, in a full-soaring hang glider design. 'woopy fly' was the first, from 2001. pretty cool shite. these new designs are amazing... these sports are exploding... and i cant wait to find the perfect way to fly... BASE, is a gateway drug... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #78 April 19, 2007 I have been talking to the creaters of this, the kite wing. basicaly a production version of land-based windsurfing. the larger "kites" are also designed to be flown, or "jumped" as their lawyers like to say. I have seen video of these flying for over a mile. cost is about 1000 US for the 5 meter, (the good one) but now that i see the woopy... maybe thats a better idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pocbase 0 #79 April 19, 2007 The 'tough guy' in me says they could have found a better name for it. I mean: Said very loud in a crowded place: "I fly a (Mojo; Troll; Fox; Black Jack), I like danger, yeah and I open beers with my teeth and stuff." Said very softly between teeth: "I fly a woopy....... and i'm ok." edit: Just kidding btw; man i am bored; new job on monday, woopy!The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win! Enfin j'ai trouvé: Bieeeen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boyd38off 0 #80 April 19, 2007 QuoteQuote Calvin, you could definitely launch. . sooo.... 4 attempts and a few busted motor peices later.... Dude, you got it... It's only hard the first few times. Plus, you actually DID fly! For a couple seconds... Too bad you're broken. The *best* flying EVER is in Moab (leaving this Sunday night with 2 machines). Heal fast so you don't miss the next moab trip. Oh yeah... thanks for taking the website cover shot: www.whitehawkppg.comLife's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out and shouting, ".... holy crap....what a ride!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #81 April 19, 2007 OK, so now that this thread is officialy the "sports besides BASE that are as cool or BETTER!!!" all you jumpers out there need to check out PPG, especialy the way Boyd and Robert are teaching it [the link above]. they teach in Co, and it is some of the coolest stuff i have ever seen. emagine being able to swoop for 20 minutes, dragging a toe in the pond for 500', or just climning up, looking around, 'sky putting'. even though i have not been able to fly [for more than about 1.5 seconds], this is an amazing sport. and electric is on its way.... check the pics i took of the whitehawk crew flying a few weekends ago at the local DZ! and def check them out on the website. dragging a wingtip and a toe in the water!!!! dont let the look fool you, these things are FAST... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghetto 0 #82 April 19, 2007 Quoteas cool or BETTER!!!" You have been banned from this forum for 14 days for breaking the following forum rule(s): 1. No Blasphemy Now go to your room and don't come out until you think about what you've done.Web Design Cleveland Skydiving "Hey, these cookies don't taste anything like girl scouts..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #83 April 19, 2007 dont you remember my sig line? Quote BASE is a gateway drug to me... and the gateway drug is always the first step to something... better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Ghetto 0 #84 April 19, 2007 dude your banned your not supposed to be able to post. sssshhh...Web Design Cleveland Skydiving "Hey, these cookies don't taste anything like girl scouts..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites d123 3 #85 June 18, 2007 Somebody mention to me in another thread that people are already doing CReW with paragliders but I didn't believe it until I've seen it. Sick, just plain sick. I really want to do CReW one day. I'm almost finishing my paragliding class and my next big step is to buy a wing. More money to spend & shit. Some indoor paragliding (does it count for B.A.S.E.?), Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Calvin19 0 #86 June 18, 2007 hell yeah man, I have only done simple wing walks with paragliders so far, no hard core 'CREW'... but i have proved the concept of jumping my paraglider from 12,000'agl from an airplane. so... all i need is some more PG/skydivers willing to do something new. then we will have 90min CREW jumps. me trying to lose altitude as fast as possible cant make my PG jump less than about 20 min. and thats pushing it. longest is about an hour from 7000 AGL here is some pics of me doing a rollover at potato with my paraglider. 2 min flights from 480' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites d123 3 #87 June 18, 2007 Quotehell yeah man, I have only done simple wing walks with paragliders so far, no hard core 'CREW'... but i have proved the concept of jumping my paraglider from 12,000'agl from an airplane. so... all i need is some more PG/skydivers willing to do something new. then we will have 90min CREW jumps. me trying to lose altitude as fast as possible cant make my PG jump less than about 20 min. and thats pushing it. longest is about an hour from 7000 AGL here is some pics of me doing a rollover at potato with my paraglider. 2 min flights from 480' Man !!!!!!!! My longest flight so far has been 10-15 min with DHV1 in half break. No thermal. Just lunch and land. But you are doing some pretty hard core stuff mate.... what are you flying in there? DHV2? Edit to ask: How do you do D-BAG from a plane? Do you have a slider?Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Calvin19 0 #88 June 18, 2007 Quote How do you do D-BAG from a plane? Do you have a slider? hehehe... i have done it 2 different ways... i wont get into details as to how but one method is a directbag no slider, the other is a deployment bag with slider and PC. the later takes more time to pack, etc. and that pictured glider was a DHV 1. a proof of concept jump. sadly i have no pics of later jumps on a 1-2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Calvin19 0 #89 June 18, 2007 speaking of crossing over... I personaly believe that Paragliding and BASE jumping are if not the most pure form of human flight, by far the most versitile. here are some pics of me flying my BASE canopy at a very popular paragliding hill, was able to have VERY long canopy flights, in fact ones where altitude was gained from a ground launch. I have been jumping paragliders from airplanes at altitude of up to 18,000' MSL. I have soared for many minutes without loseing altitude on BASE canopies. I think that these two sports will contiue to progress closer to eachother... and i want to be on that leading edge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites davidroyer 0 #90 June 18, 2007 yo yo heckler, call me at 415 407 5841, my bro Jerry's (you meet him in moab a couple of times) recovered from his accident at the royal gorge to where he can walk, and wants to give paragliding a go, lives in CO, want to hook him up with you. dingo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SabreDave 0 #91 June 19, 2007 Crew is so 90's.......... SabreDave Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Calvin19 0 #92 June 19, 2007 Quote Crew is so 90's.......... late 80s i thought. but PG CReW? cmon man...thats sick... you know it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites TomAiello 26 #93 June 19, 2007 You're so old school... -- Tom Aiello Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 3 4 Next Page 4 of 4 0
Ghetto 0 #84 April 19, 2007 dude your banned your not supposed to be able to post. sssshhh...Web Design Cleveland Skydiving "Hey, these cookies don't taste anything like girl scouts..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d123 3 #85 June 18, 2007 Somebody mention to me in another thread that people are already doing CReW with paragliders but I didn't believe it until I've seen it. Sick, just plain sick. I really want to do CReW one day. I'm almost finishing my paragliding class and my next big step is to buy a wing. More money to spend & shit. Some indoor paragliding (does it count for B.A.S.E.?), Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #86 June 18, 2007 hell yeah man, I have only done simple wing walks with paragliders so far, no hard core 'CREW'... but i have proved the concept of jumping my paraglider from 12,000'agl from an airplane. so... all i need is some more PG/skydivers willing to do something new. then we will have 90min CREW jumps. me trying to lose altitude as fast as possible cant make my PG jump less than about 20 min. and thats pushing it. longest is about an hour from 7000 AGL here is some pics of me doing a rollover at potato with my paraglider. 2 min flights from 480' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d123 3 #87 June 18, 2007 Quotehell yeah man, I have only done simple wing walks with paragliders so far, no hard core 'CREW'... but i have proved the concept of jumping my paraglider from 12,000'agl from an airplane. so... all i need is some more PG/skydivers willing to do something new. then we will have 90min CREW jumps. me trying to lose altitude as fast as possible cant make my PG jump less than about 20 min. and thats pushing it. longest is about an hour from 7000 AGL here is some pics of me doing a rollover at potato with my paraglider. 2 min flights from 480' Man !!!!!!!! My longest flight so far has been 10-15 min with DHV1 in half break. No thermal. Just lunch and land. But you are doing some pretty hard core stuff mate.... what are you flying in there? DHV2? Edit to ask: How do you do D-BAG from a plane? Do you have a slider?Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #88 June 18, 2007 Quote How do you do D-BAG from a plane? Do you have a slider? hehehe... i have done it 2 different ways... i wont get into details as to how but one method is a directbag no slider, the other is a deployment bag with slider and PC. the later takes more time to pack, etc. and that pictured glider was a DHV 1. a proof of concept jump. sadly i have no pics of later jumps on a 1-2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #89 June 18, 2007 speaking of crossing over... I personaly believe that Paragliding and BASE jumping are if not the most pure form of human flight, by far the most versitile. here are some pics of me flying my BASE canopy at a very popular paragliding hill, was able to have VERY long canopy flights, in fact ones where altitude was gained from a ground launch. I have been jumping paragliders from airplanes at altitude of up to 18,000' MSL. I have soared for many minutes without loseing altitude on BASE canopies. I think that these two sports will contiue to progress closer to eachother... and i want to be on that leading edge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidroyer 0 #90 June 18, 2007 yo yo heckler, call me at 415 407 5841, my bro Jerry's (you meet him in moab a couple of times) recovered from his accident at the royal gorge to where he can walk, and wants to give paragliding a go, lives in CO, want to hook him up with you. dingo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SabreDave 0 #91 June 19, 2007 Crew is so 90's.......... SabreDave Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #92 June 19, 2007 Quote Crew is so 90's.......... late 80s i thought. but PG CReW? cmon man...thats sick... you know it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #93 June 19, 2007 You're so old school... -- Tom Aiello Share this post Link to post Share on other sites