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I guess that propper body positioning really does effect openings and heading direction.
I agree with the list and video idea. I bet if half of the people who ever made a BASE Jump were shown a video of someone all busted up or had to listen to someone talk about how BASE Jumping made them physically impared in some manner, they might second think things.
As far as gear, I really wouldn't want to jump sky diving gear at DB unless it was a BASE canopy with the tail pocket, line mod, and mesh slider free packed into the container. They do mandate the longer bridal and larger pilot chutes at BD.
But I did see a lot of people jumping sky diving gear and old gear at that. I saw this older guy jumping what looked like an old canvas back pack compared to modern gear.
As far as not being a BASE Jumper, I am not one either but... I have spent the past three years learning about BASE because once I am done with college I plan to complete my AFF and focus on BASE skills that will be needed. So is my two cents irrevelant? I feel not since I am far more educated about some of these issuse then the Wuffo who has never made sky dive that was just standing on the bridge spectating. I am getting two engineering degrees and hope to land a job with one of the major gear or equipment manufactures.
So you can take my posts as you wish.
He exits at 18.5s on the video.......
The announcer first calls "PITCH!" at 23.5s, then again at 24, 25 and 26s.......and the crowd has a universal intake of breath at 27.5s.......if he hadn't thrown out by the last call of "pitch", which was 7.5s after exit (which I think was close to what Bill Legg did, but he lucked out) then he had little hope.
I do agree that a certain level of currency and/or training for this type of high profile jump as well as skydive numbers should be considered, but how do you tell a man who did one of the first ever BASE jumps that he can't participate in this kind of event?? I read that JB gave this man some training before this jump - if this is the case, then I think as much was done as was necessary - he knew the risks involved and knew he was on his own when he stepped up.
Full props to him for coming back after being one of the first to ever realise the possibilities of parachuting from things not airborne, and having the drive to come back and re-live that moment of his history.......
Fly on........
Hobbes: "How come we play 'War' and not 'Peace'?"
Calvin: "Too few role models."
Perhaps a PCA or static line would have been a better choice?
Still everyone needs to give him credit not for this jump but the one that really mattered many tears back.
TomAiello 26
The following is my personal analysis of the accident, and should not be construed as an official statement of any kind, by any person or group.
QuoteJumper had his pilot chute in his right hand at launch. The launch was unstable and in a standing position. He rotated backward from launch. He brought both of his hands together and transfered the pilot chute into his left hand. He tumbled in this position for approximately 8 seconds, completing approximately 1 full backward rotation, after which the pilot chute deployed and inflated. It is unclear if he threw the pilot chute, or if it was extracted from his hands by relative wind. The container opened, and the canopy reached line stretch but did not achieve inflation. High speed impact occured at 8.5 seconds.
frankj23 0
The Lumbar "L" vertebrae only go up to "5."
"T" go to 12, and "C" go to 7.
>>Physicians use a code to number each of the 24 vertebrae in the spine. The low back officially begins with the lumbar region of the spine directly below the cervical and thoracic regions and directly above the sacrum. The lumbar vertebrae, L1-L5, are most frequently involved in back pain because these vertebrae carry the most amount of body weight and are subject to the largest forces and stresses along the spine. <<
Quotereally wouldn't want to jump sky diving gear at DB unless it was a BASE canopy with the tail pocket, line mod, and mesh slider free packed into the container
So you want to jump slider up with the line mod...
However, I do not agree with the comment further up (base rigger's one) that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using skydiving gear on this object, properly rigged or not - especially on high profile jumps (obviouly not in reference to this particular jump, but to bridge day in general).
Sorry, it should really have been in a seperate thread. I was simply commenting on the lax (imho) gear requirements - following on from other's comments on the currency requirements.
Ex-University of Bristol Skydiving Club
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