
wingsuit incident at BD

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Does anyone know anything about this accident.I have seen some bits and pieces but nothing in detail.Has the name of the jumper been released yet?Are they ok?
big country

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He'll be OK, as Tom said, fracture, but no spinal damage

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who is this guy, how many wingsuit jumps does he have, and why did he hum it so low that he impacted the water without a full canopy? I don't care how many BASE jumps he had.


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who is this guy, how many wingsuit jumps does he have, and why did he hum it so low that he impacted the water without a full canopy? I don't care how many BASE jumps he had.


You don't care how many BASE jumps he had?

And why would that be???

Was this a skydiving incident and no one before you had spotted this clear & obvious distinction?

Somebody takes a wingsuit off a bridge into still air, with less than 900 feet to impact- now that doesn't sound like a beginner wing suit BASE jump to me.

Whether he was an experienced BASE jumper or not could be a significant factor contributing to an impact incident, either way.

It is certainly a factor that any future wingsuit BASE jumper might contemplate.

I'd be fascinated to hear why you might think that irrelevant.

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Quick question,
does any one know the name of the jumper yet? and if not can you tell me the color of the wingsuit? We have a packer that went to BD to wingsuit it, and we can not reach him. Thanks!
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I was hearing a rumor of an all white suit with fairly small wings.
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Pilot: Will H. from southern Ontario
Suit: all white Prodigy

Leisure Sports Photography's pics of his landing in the top row of photos at:
[Edit: full URL deleted - doesn't work if not already viewing the site.]

See www.leisuresportsphoto.com - the people who do the Bridge Day photos every year - in the 9 to 10 am landings section, page 5 of 7.

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Thanks for posting the link.

And I just spent the last hour checking out all the pictures. Thanks for that too :P


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Damn. Slider wasn't down at all.

Almost looks like he would have been better off landing without anything deployed.
Doesnt seem like the canopy has taken any speed out of the freefall/flight yet...

probably as close as you can get to actualy landing a wingsuit without a canopy...
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anybody knows if it was an intentional lowpull or an incidental one ?
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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probably as close as you can get to actualy landing a wingsuit without a canopy...

Not true. From Yuri (outrager):

"The ultimate wingsuit low pull award belongs to Den. He nearly landed a wingsuit a couple of years ago, impacting at line stretch with his slider still stowed in a C-line rubberband."

That was over the HARD LAND, not water.

:o :o :o

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It wasn't totally pressurized, but he had more than bottom skin inflation.

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Yeah he was in an all white wing suit with smallwings. I commented at the time I saw it that the suit was probably a prodigy. He also had an all red canopy but I guess we all know this already.

As for the flight, he looked like he went head down for the first few seconds. He kind of fluttered some. I have seen videos of Robbi and others where they are flat and stable from exit to full flight. I though he had flown for aways but then again I was expecting that since it was the first wingsuit BASE Jump I have ever seen in person.

Brit, I missed you at bridge day and didn't seen any of your jumps :( Are you goign to post some up?


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It was on our commercial network news.

Go here: http://www.vtm.be/nieuws/index_bekijkonline.htm
Choose Zondag (Sunday); Laat (Late). Zoter, in the post below, knows where you can find the piece on BD.

Seeing as he didn't die, might as well share this link. In return if you would be so kind as to answer me this quesion. If you hit the water without full inflation, are you likely to get injured by he bottom of the river, or rocks or something? Or do you just hit the water and is that what causes injury/death? In other words...if you land hard...is it going to help if you make your body long...or will that cause you to hit the bottom.

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The report is 10:34 into the main news feature and has video of the wingsuit exit/pull/splashdown as well as Brian Schuberts exit.

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It was on our commercial network news.

Go here: http://www.vtm.be/nieuws/index_bekijkonline.htm
Choose Zondag (Sunday); Laat (Late). Zoter, in the post below, knows where you can find the piece on BD.

Seeing as he didn't die, might as well share this link. In return if you would be so kind as to answer me this quesion. If you hit the water without full inflation, are you likely to get injured by he bottom of the river, or rocks or something? Or do you just hit the water and is that what causes injury/death? In other words...if you land hard...is it going to help if you make your body long...or will that cause you to hit the bottom.

Your report shows the exit of Brian Schuberts.
He did die. And since you posted another link then promised in your post, I am not going to answer your questions in return. Maybe someone else will...
Michi (#1068)

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The exit of Brian Schubert has been posted numerous times on these boards. For once the press did a good job not showing the freefall or impact, even if they could have. Furthermore I didn't post this to show that again.

The link I posted did in fact show the wingsuit exit, flight and ultralow "deployment". Zoter, for example, was able to locate it. So if you want to see what I "promised", perhaps you should have another look. The "in return" remark was just a figure of speech...


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If you hit the water without full inflation, are you likely to get injured by he bottom of the river, or rocks or something? Or do you just hit the water and is that what causes injury/death? In other words...if you land hard...is it going to help if you make your body long...or will that cause you to hit the bottom.

It depends on the angle you hit at.

In most cases, the impact with the surface of the water is the primary mechanism of injury. However, there have been cases where jumpers were injured impacting the bottom of the lake/river (usually they sustained injuries both at the water surface and at the bottom).

I have impacted at high speeds with a canopy at line stretch. Although I was seriously injured, I credit the canopy with preventing me striking the bottom of the river (because the thing that stopped my downward progress was the fabric of my canopy hitting the water--I was at line stretch below it, submerged).
-- Tom Aiello


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sorry, my bad. My appologies. I just scroled it thru and all I saw was the exit of Brian.
And as I just saw, Tom answerd your question. And he has first hand experience in high speed water impact.
Michi (#1068)

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Damn. Slider wasn't down at all.

Almost looks like he would have been better off landing without anything deployed.
Doesnt seem like the canopy has taken any speed out of the freefall/flight yet...

probably as close as you can get to actualy landing a wingsuit without a canopy...

If he hadn't deployed this would have likely been a fatality. Glad that the jumper is alive. Hope he gets well soon.

It looks from the video like a lot of altitude was lost in the deployment sequence prior to PC release(almost 2 secs) and then the deployment was almost vertical.

Maybe TomA who saw James's jump from below can post his observations but my bet is that James's opening was more horizontal than vertical(used less altitude to open).


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as far as his exit goes...

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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On the website consumptionjunction.com, in the videos section, is a clip labeled bridge fatality that appears to have the two incidents confused. The video is a white jumpsuit with a red parachute, extremely low opening, line stretch and big spalsh.
Zing Lurks

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