
wingsuit incident at BD

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Looking from the Dutch video it seems that the impact with water was around 10 seconds from exit. If have understood, the rockdrop is around 9 seconds without a wingsuit. Also from the video, the opening sequence seems to have almost no horizontal trajectory. It seems the jumper tried to make the suit fly too long, but almost stalled all the way to (low) pulling altitude. Any thoughts from the people who saw it from above?
Hope he shall heal fast.

"Fear is the path to the Dark side"
(Master Yoda)

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Damn Will, lucky you were above water huh? Dunno if you'll get to read this but i hope you mend soon, don't forget, we have another litter picking tour of europe next summer...

Sparky, Joel-man or Bradley, if your reading this can you please PM me, thanks

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All I can say that there are huge good wibes coming to the hospital from the swiss valley... Hope you heal quick Will and I´ll see you again here next summer. If anybody has any info on how our friend is doing, drop me an PM.

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It seems like that slider up opening was a little slow. Does anything think that the slower decent rate (since he was in a wing suit) delayed the deployment? I've seen faster slider up deployments that would have pressurized much more from that pitch point.

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My buddy click has awsum photo's of the entire incident from right beside me .He was shooting about 10 fps .I don't know when or if he is going to release them on his web site yet?
He told me he is sending them into skydiving , so watch for a cover shot soon......

A friend will bail you out of jail , a REAL friend will be sitting next to you in the cell slapping your hand saying "DUDE THAT WAS AWSUM " ................

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My buddy click has awsum photo's of the entire incident from right beside me .He was shooting about 10 fps .I don't know when or if he is going to release them on his web site yet?
He told me he is sending them into skydiving , so watch for a cover shot soon......

Yeah, it's "awsum" when you get to shoot good photos of someone getting hurt! :S:(>:(
Tell your buddy to send them to a whuffo magazine, maybe he can even get a few bucks out of it...
Michi (#1068)

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looked about right for an Ace 310 to me

I don't know if you have noticed that bigger canopies take longer to open.

Unvented canopies also take longer to open than vented.

you have to compare apples with apples

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how much did he really slow down. If hes alive from that I think he would of made without dumping. Alive means having a pulse.
Track high, Pull LOW!!!

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he swung underneath the opening canopy allowing his legs and spine to take the impact. if he hadn't pulled he would have his entire torso ripped open by high speed impact and would never had a chance. he's lucky as it is

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Thanks for everyones best wishes,
I'm home walking around in pain and in a brace.(8-10 weeks) Fracture of T7 with no surgery required and no other injuries. Just let you know how it came to be. It was going to be exit practice for big wall jumps for future prodigy flights. I had in recent past been doing alot of sub teminal tracking jumps from a local in just my tracking pants and jacket. During this BD practice wingsuit exit jump I made a stupid decision to fly the wingsuit longer than planned while in mid flight (Not planning to pull lower at this point). Got it flying forward quickly got me excited to fly it a bit using depth perception as my warning buzzer; It certainly changes quite a bit in a wingsuit. Anyways as I reached for my pilot chute ground rush came back fast. I thought I was dead....... Why I had to push it I can't explain. I happy to be alive. Time to step back and take a break for a while re-evaluate my responsibilities to my family and friends.
P.S. I am truly sorry if in any way Iv'e cast a shadow on what has allways been a wonderfull event that my family and I have enjoyed over the years.
Thanks for the support

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glad you will heal. Hind sight is always good if one can learn from it. I was always told no wing suits off this bridge due to lack of altitude i heard this from ppl i respect who heard it from yuri and his experience with wing suits and how long it actually takes to gain flight. I watched the video and I'm just damn glad you lived and maybe you can jump again you said it your self best time to review your actions

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Well dude, when you heal up, I hope you can appreciate what a sweet-ass piece of video that is...unintentional as it may have been.

Ya got some serious stones brudda. My whuffo friends just go slack-jawed.

Get better
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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Heal quickly Willh!
"Once you've tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return"

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I saw it all from above I am glad you are ok! You did a good two handed style wingsuit pull but I guess you just needed one more second.

All the wuffo's up top were like is that guy dead? They covered him up. I said nah, he was swimming after he landed. He had all white on, that wasn't a sheet.

Blue Skies bro.


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Hey Will, I'm glad you made it and your injuries aren't worse. I hope you heal fast and fully. The video and pics are scary. Just pull a little higher next time.;)
BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI
USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative

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Really glad you are okay and are not paralyzed.
Heal strong and do lots of rehab to build those
muscles up to prevent future injuries from hard
Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM

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