gus 1
QuoteIf you can't track without tracking gear and think you can compensate your lack of skill by wearing tracking stuff you are in trouble. It will give you a wrong feeling of security. Next step could be to buy a wingsuit if you still can't track with tracking gear.
That's true, but there's more to it than that. I've had stability problems jumping my PF suit (thread here), including at pulltime and I've seen other people on here alluding to it too.
QuoteQuotetrack stuff can put you in deep sh*t. Fast. Hard.Quotecan you explain that?
what exactly? (do you mean that track pants/jacket can put you in serious trouble or objects where you need track pants/jacket can put you in trouble?)
If you can't track without tracking gear and think you can compensate your lack of skill by wearing tracking stuff you are in trouble. It will give you a wrong feeling of security. Next step could be to buy a wingsuit if you still can't track with tracking gear.
i see your point, but where is the big problem?
of course i agree with you that one should be (very) good at tracking before getting into base...
...but why should a base-newbie use normal pants instead of tracking gear?
piisfish 140
the wall is a part of the big problem. Getting lift/thrust/speed/spin when you don't want is a part of the problem. Would you give trackpants+video+whatever to a new skydiver for a 1st jump ? Whatever experence you have prior to your 1st BASE jump, a 1st jump remains something new.Quotei see your point, but where is the big problem?
of course i agree with you that one should be (very) good at tracking before getting into base...
...but why should a base-newbie use normal pants instead of tracking gear?
You must be good at tracking prior to jumping ? depends on the object. An object that requires tracking is NOT a 1st BASE or a newbie BASE object.
Good at tracking ? Tracking and tracking at subterminal speeds are 2 different beasts IMHO.
Too many "young" BASE jumpers go for "all in equipment", "all for aerials" etc... and think because they pulled something out twice, it's an acquired skill.
I know, some of the people who offered advice above are "old school" style BASE jumpers... They don't look cool and don't do the hardcore cliff swooping sh*t. So if you don't want to listen to their advice (or similar advice), please stay away from their objects.
Toni, you're still one of the greatest persons I know even if you don't swoop the cliffs

TomAiello 26
Quote...but why should a base-newbie use normal pants instead of tracking gear?
Tracking gear can make it harder to find the PC, and it can also throw you into uncomfortable body positions, as well as effecting your ground awareness. It's far better to be comfortable with the mechanics of the BASE jump itself before adding another layer of complexity.
It's the "add on new thing at a time" principle. The safest way to progress your skills is to add only one new thing at a time, so that you only need to focus on one additional skill or complexity. Then, once you've got that down to the point it's second nature, you add the next one.
For example, say you have never made a BASE jump, but you'd like to side float your friend on a 2 way. The intelligent way to approach this is not just to go for it. The first thing you'd want to do is learn to BASE jump. Be able to perform good flat and stable forward facing exits, and comfortable with mechanics of the jump and landing. Staying at a familair object, you'd next learn to do a side floater as a solo. Only then would you try adding the other jumper.
Calvin19 0
banning clifhuckstable
not running from the cops/ rangers
dcm 0
Just asking that question reveals a lot. From your question it seems that you beleive that tracking clothing adds safety to a jump. This is true only for an experienced jumper who knows how to fly the gear in the environment; clearly not a newbie.
A new base jumper should be taking one small step at a time, and only add new complications to a jump when he or she already has the basics dialed in. Dialed in is not a couple jumps of any given object, and certainly not off large cliffs. Track enhancing clothing adds control surfaces that can cause major instability. Even if someone had 1000 skydives and 100 of them with tracking pants/suit, they need to learn base jumping first, and then to base jump with tracking pants. To not take the time to learn the basics is foolish.
Mikki_ZH 0
Toni, you're still one of the greatest persons I know even if you don't swoop the cliffs
Don't be to sure, Toni is now also on the dark side...
he has been seen wearing those devilish tracking pants over his tracking jeans :-)
pocbase 0
Quoteor you coould just be a man and huck it !!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:
what exactly? (do you mean that track pants/jacket can put you in serious trouble or objects where you need track pants/jacket can put you in trouble?)
If you can't track without tracking gear and think you can compensate your lack of skill by wearing tracking stuff you are in trouble. It will give you a wrong feeling of security. Next step could be to buy a wingsuit if you still can't track with tracking gear.