
170' freefall

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I've seen a guy do it multiple times. He posts on here so maybe he'll chime in. He would stand on the exit point and throw his PC upward as he left the object. He did it about 12 times if I remember and had one off-heading. The canopy ride was about 5sec. I've got video and if I hear from him I'll post it somewhere.


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It's doable. But if there is any sort of hesitation, you're dead.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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It's doable. But if there is any sort of hesitation, you're dead.


Adjust your exit and pitch technique to minimize the chance of hesitation. Pre-inflating your PC (holding it by the bridle attachment and "lofting" it upward in an already inflated position) can help greatly reduce the chance of a hesitation.

Before I tried a freefall under 200' for the first time, I set a video camera up on a tripod and made around a hundred (seriously) practice exit-and-pitches from about 6' into a foam pit. My goal was to have the PC inflated and pulling consistently by the time it (the PC) reached the exit point.
-- Tom Aiello


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DW threw a double gainer from about the same altitude. There is a world of possibilities out there.
You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points

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DW threw a double gainer from about the same altitude. There is a world of possibilities out there.

he did a double gainer from a 240ft bridge in oz, and had about 2ish second canopy ride, I'd like to see it footage of him doing it lower then 200ft

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DW threw a double gainer from about the same altitude. There is a world of possibilities out there.

he did a double gainer from a 240ft bridge in oz, and had about 2ish second canopy ride, I'd like to see it footage of him doing it lower then 200ft

I believe its on the Beyond Extreme video... and I think it was 186ft

Pictures linked from the ABA Site

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Mac's right it was a double from a popular 186ft in Australia ;)

edit to add - people freefall this object fairly often with no problem, a good solid pitch out and upward is the key in my opinion.

PM me if you need some first person footage.

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Mac's right it was a double from a popular 186ft in Australia ;)

edit to add - people freefall this object fairly often with no problem, a good solid pitch out and upward is the key in my opinion.

And maybe because theres water beneath? Not so hard to hit, if the shute opens just a little bit late. Landings that may have resulted in broken bones on hard ground, may not in water..
A skydiver's famous last words:
- Hey! Hold my beer, and watch this...!
- If that guy can do it, so can I...!
- In 9 out of 10 this will work out just fine. Don't worry about it...!

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are you in the golden state? the southern part? out towards a popular dropzone named after the largest city in France (spelled differen'tly).
there's an "e" there that's about the height of which you speak. people have freefallen it.
and the "e" also has a french name as well. it's a little freaky but.....oh yeah i think DW did "it" there as well. so i guess answer is yeah.

i think it's one of those kinda jumps that if you do you feel proud to have done it. but as time goes on feeling kinda reckless for doing it and not really ever bringing it up to people and possibly talking others out of doing something like it??? at least in this place that i speak of:wall behind you and hard ground and big as rocks and nasty trash etc and only 170' of altitude.
oh yeah i think it's very safe to say take any bit of wind (any) into consideration. i've only recently started to respect the wind i probably should be dead or more banged up with some of my recent stunts! and i've barely been doing this a year. respect the wind. pilotchute hesitation sucks anytime. 170' would really suck.


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And maybe because theres water beneath? Not so hard to hit, if the shute opens just a little bit late. Landings that may have resulted in broken bones on hard ground, may not in water..

The water under said bridge is not deep at all, maybe 6 ft at it's deepest point (though not even that deep I'm sure)... Still better than landing on rock though ;)

Have seen good freefalls from it with lots of canopy time (5+ sec), and one uber scary ff with less than a second :o

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I believe (second hand) that DW did a single gainer from 156 or 165 (dyslexic sorry) over solid ground somewhere in the PNW.

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also true and not only is there water, there is also nice sand :P

ahhkies this wasn't the bridge I was thinking of, doing it off the bridge in the pic is insane,
the other bridge I was thinking of I'm pretty sure is 240ft

I'd love to see video footage of this jump from the ground.
if you have any feel free to pm to it to me and I'll keep it out of the public domain :)

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The owner of that footage is a regular on this forum. Why not ask him if it's ok with him?
-- Tom Aiello


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So, am I correct here, they did a 2-way off a 186' bridge, both of them stowed? Did the camera guy land in the water?

Is it me or is that impressive (never mind just the double gainer)?

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So, am I correct here, they did a 2-way off a 186' bridge, both of them stowed? Did the camera guy land in the water?

If I remember correctly, the camera guy was handheld, and only DW landed in the water. As noted above, though, the cameraman posts to these forums, so I'm sure he can step in and correct any errors in our collective account of his jump.
-- Tom Aiello


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The owner of that footage is a regular on this forum. Why not ask him if it's ok with him?

my impression was the forum commentor also had footage, and possibly a ground view so I'd like to see that where as the camera man seemed to be jumping with dwain
so I thought I'd ask away

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I think you may have misunderstood my original post. The footage i was referring to was not footage of Dwain but other jumpers.

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what do you think about freefalling 170'?
let me know

if you do it over hard ground you gonna get a few broken bones if you do it regulary.

Also note that its a different ball game than freefalling 200+ft,you should know how to config your gear,you need to improve the way you through your pc and the way you exit to get the best result=no injury or death...

Other than that it can be done..

its a lazy sport:D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I guess he could.. :P

DW did a double stowed. At the time is was the lowest double on the planet. He performed a single a little while before this. He also completed a number of reverse floater static lines on this bridge. There was a lot of the pre-jump prep & psych that most people don't see or seem to appreciate. Apparently he just used to turn up and ad lib the jump whilst in freefall. :P

Reality is that he prepped a hell of a lot.

When he reached for his p/c, he had a miss/fumble initially and was lightning fast in rectifying the problem. Most other mortal beings would have missed the 2nd attempt.

I jumped p/c in hand with a modified skydiving rig (S18 + crappy Fury). Not recommended!!!!

There were three camera angles, some fat ugly guy doing freefall camera with DW, PA doing side on half way down the bridge, and one from the top. We both deployed very close to each other (as we had on many occasions) and I performed a partial rotation on DW during the latter stages of deployment as I was directly above him with a higher descent rate. We did this an quite a few jumps (CRW deployment is fun but can be a . . . . :$) I wanted to try to get both angles of deployment and landing so I deployed above and then stalled the canopy backwards during the latter part of deployment and crashed into the water prior to DW whilst filming him.. We got buried under the water a/c fast descent rate.

If we had of done this on the other side of the S where the sand is, the result would have been either serious injury or death to both of us. There is no doubt about this. The water was chosen for reducing impact forces. It was well calculated and measured/checked beforehand.

The S = 57m. The other S where DW did a double in Oz was 75m (also filmed and appearing on BE).

To the guy who made the comment that the bridge is freefalled regularly, he didn't seem to mention that 3 people have been to hospital with serious back injuries, and the fact that there have been a number of extremely close calls. In this day and age, a reasonable component of the "regulars" that freefall that bridge are skydivers who like to pop down the road and try it. It has become common and acceptable practice. But the problem is, someone will mess up big time one day. You have to get everything virtually perfect each time, otherwise you are shot.

All it is going to take is borrowed gear with wing loading variation (hence an incorrect brake setting) and an imperfect throw of the p/c for someone to break their backs or die on that jump. As I said, three have been to hospital already.

My recollection of the jump is fantastic visuals and heightened emotions. DW was real pleased to walk away from that one.

p.s. from the linked photo's in one of the posts above - "444.jpg", a microsecond after that I kicked DW p/c - his canopy surged forward and I was stalling it behind him. During that photo my canopy was later in the deployment than what you can see of DW in the photo.
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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Any more copies of BE yet? I need one for Christmas
"In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E

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