
The Morning Report

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Monday, December 18, 2006


Yosemite National Park (CA)
BASE Jumpers Apprehended

Ranger Keith Lober was descending from El Capitan while off-duty on December 3rd when he came upon two men who were ascending fixed ropes on the rappel route. While waiting at an anchor with the first man, it became apparent to Lober that the second man was not a climber due to his attire and lack of climbing skill. Suspecting that they were BASE jumpers, Lober engaged them in conversation. The men asked Lober if he was a ranger; when he assured them that he wasn’t, they told him that they were going to BASE jump from El Cap that night. Later in the evening, they jumped from El Cpitan by the light of the full moon. Lober and other rangers were waiting for them when they landed. Fernando Motta, 29, of Oakland, California, landed in the meadow, stashed his gear, and evaded the rangers in the dark, but Walden Grindle, 28, of Angwin, California, was arrested as he landed. Motta turned himself in two hours later in an effort to retrieve his vehicle and BASE jumping gear, all of which had been seized as evidence. Both were charged with illegal air delivery, and Motta was also charged with possession of marijuana. Evidence seized by the rangers included video from Motta’s helmet camera. [Submitted by Leslie Reynolds, Valley District Ranger]

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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Has any one posted or does any one have a set of pictures of the rangers that work in that part of the park? I think it would be a fine thing if a set of mug shots were to become "Sticky" at the top of this page. They keep their "List" why shouldn't we keep one of our own?


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Great fucking idea Lee. If DZ.COM won't do it then Triax will. Send your pics to us with as much ifo as you can.

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Great fucking idea Lee. If DZ.COM won't do it then Triax will. Send your pics to us with as much ifo as you can.

Remember those "Iraq's most wanted" playing cards the gov't made a while back.
If anyone put together an NPS least wanted deck, I'd buy a pack.
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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The ranger lied about his identity during the fist account...I don't know the first fuck about law...but somehow I thought this could be used in court in favor of the defendants...anyone?
You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points

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The men asked Lober if he was a ranger; when he assured them that he wasn’t, they told him that they were going to BASE jump from El Cap that night.

Well that was really intelligent!


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The ranger lied about his identity during the fist account...I don't know the first fuck about law...but somehow I thought this could be used in court in favor of the defendants...anyone?

Not true they can pretty much say what ever to get you to talk in an open forum so to speak.
Westside is the best side!

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Don't do it . . .

In everything I've written over the years involving Rangers I've never used their names. At worst it could be considered "targeting" them; at best you may suddenly get an audit notice from the IRS . . .

When we realized the NPS was photographing jumpers at Bridge Day for their "BASE Facebook" we thought of turning the tables and doing the same thing. But we didn't. Why sink to their level?

A good lesson is not to confide in anyone about your plans. While most are busted in the Parks by pure happenstance there have been more than a few who were ratted on. It can also happen outside the Park. In the late 1980s there was a snitch at Perris, and if he/she (we never figured out who it was) heard you talking about your upcoming trip to Yosemite the Rangers there would be laying for you.

NickD :)BASE 194

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Yosemite National Park (CA)
BASE Jumpers Apprehended

Ranger Keith Lober was being a hero and owned two jumpers.[...] Evidence seized by the rangers included video from Motta’s helmet camera. [Submitted by Leslie Reynolds, Valley District Ranger]

Annoying story. Also reminds me of that story where someone posted about fessin' up to a couple of rangers (they were really kind and fair to me &c.) and getting screwed in the process.

These guys are self-righteous and play a dirty game. :|

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The ranger lied about his identity during the fist account...I don't know the first fuck about law...but somehow I thought this could be used in court in favor of the defendants...anyone?

That was my understanding also. I asked about their idenity point blank, they have have to be honest. Otherwise, it's considered entrapment. But also thats what I've always been told.
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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The ranger lied about his identity during the fist account...I don't know the first fuck about law...but somehow I thought this could be used in court in favor of the defendants...anyone?

That was my understanding also. I asked about their idenity point blank, they have have to be honest. Otherwise, it's considered entrapment. But also thats what I've always been told.

Do Undercover Police Have to Identify Themselves?

Note that in this case, the rangers were off duty. They have no more duty to identify themselves or tell the truth than any other private citizen. If they, as private citizens, choose to report things to the authorities, it doesn't legally intersect their official capacity at all.
-- Tom Aiello


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The ranger lied about his identity during the fist account...I don't know the first fuck about law...but somehow I thought this could be used in court in favor of the defendants...anyone?

I used to be a cop...that's always been a common misnomer. You have never had to identify yourself as such unless you are affecting an arrest.

You're even allowed to let working girls grab your junk (they think cops can't let em do it - another misnomer) on prostitution stings.

They never could figure out why I kept volunteering for Vice.

Oh...I forgot one thing. The jails are full of dumbshits who spill their plans beforehand.
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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The ranger lied about his identity during the fist account...I don't know the first fuck about law...but somehow I thought this could be used in court in favor of the defendants...anyone?

That was my understanding also. I asked about their idenity point blank, they have have to be honest. Otherwise, it's considered entrapment. But also thats what I've always been told.

Entrapment is where someone is forced to commit a crime through the elimination of options to do otherwise...

"Smoke this rock before I shoot you" = entrapment
"Smoke this rock - it's free" = Not entrapment
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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I bet you that the non-climber dude was the one who let it loose. You have to be quiet when you are in the park, anyone can be a ranger, even the squirrels.

Too bad.

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this is foto of the ranger.

be care for him. he giv me match and say it is possible start forest fire wit it. after he put me to room with big man his name is bubba bcause of me to start fire.
my place i work

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Both were charged with illegal air delivery, and Motta was also charged with possession of marijuana

Did he seriously turned himself in while in the possession of marijuana???

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Well thats USA for you guys. Sweet to be in a country where I actually have rights.

Oh yea another thing. I think these heroes (jumpers) had it coming. As my father use to say.
If youre dumb, you got to be tough.

If you are this stupid, you have to take it like a man.

Rangers are workers. there work is to run after us, our work is to run away. thats normal.

/Martin - Team Bautasten of sweden.
/Martin - Team Bautasten of Sweden

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I know that is the usa!!! everythings backwards??

"don't jump off the big safe cliffs but go to moab and jump off the lower cliffs.....their legal there"......

man i wish i had the money to go to europe instead of sneaking around our parks to do bigger safer stuff..although the sneaking around was/is kinda fun...well it is and is isn't....you do really feel like you did something later when it's all said and done........

it sure must be nice to have stress free big walls that you don't have to sneak aroud to jump....


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"don't jump off the big safe cliffs but go to moab and jump off the lower cliffs.....their legal there"......

Maybe I misinterpreted your sarcasm but if not it begs the question: Have you ever BEEN to Moab?
It sure doesn't sound like it.

just curios,

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just curios,

So, you're selling curios now?? When will some examples be on the website??
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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"don't jump off the big safe cliffs but go to moab and jump off the lower cliffs.....their legal there"......

Maybe I misinterpreted your sarcasm but if not it begs the question: Have you ever BEEN to Moab?
It sure doesn't sound like it.

just curios,

not slamming the legal subterminal places on BLM. just slamming the NPS policies in the illegal terminal/almost terminal places. just finding it funny how "they" would rather us jump in lower places.
not meaning to be or sound sarcatic. just stateing how i wish i could jump where "MartinRosen" gets too and wishing out loud how it was differen't here.
i like stacks,cranes,building's,antenna's,spans's, but higher earth (LEGAL)!!! is what i was wishing 4.

but i must admit i don't know if i would have got into B.A.S.E. if was so acceptable (legal) anyway?!!? (contradiction-yes!!!)

BE-SAFE-POPE-i hope this helps clarify things.


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Legal and legal. THere is one thats not legal. Actually the best one and the highest one. THere the Police is just as unecesary square as in the US Terminal valley.

One of my friends got busted there this summer. thats 3000 USD fine. and they burn your gear. THats in NOrway and my friend lost his stuff for being a clumbsy cunt. (sorry mate haha you asked for it)
He lost his gear but got a nice PostCard instead. Niiiice.

BUt tha good thing is that you can jump everythin else thats around this place. and the shortest clif in the valley is 1000 meters.

Anyway here in Sweden its Xmas-eve and in our country thats the main-day. tomorrow(25th) its nothing cause were not christians we just use the X-mas for good food and drinking. Oh and getting away from work.

We use to be wikings and beleaved in ... ee.. fighting, dringking, eating meat and sailing to England and stealing there chicks.THats why there is no good looking chicks in England (duck and cover).

Anyway merry X-mas you guys. Dont be angry, just offended.Im kidding...or am I? ;)

/Martin - Team Bautasten
/Martin - Team Bautasten of Sweden

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What if people went to the valley and told everyone every day that they were going to BASE jump off of El Cap that night. Surely word will make it back to the NPS and they camped out low to catch them but they were never seen(because they never jumped) AND did this every day for as long as it took to wear them down. Eventualy do you think they will stop camping out? At least for a while?
"Don't keep your pilot chute a secret"

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What if people went to the valley and told everyone every day that they were going to BASE jump off of El Cap that night. Surely word will make it back to the NPS and they camped out low to catch them but they were never seen(because they never jumped) AND did this every day for as long as it took to wear them down. Eventualy do you think they will stop camping out? At least for a while?

or just have 5 of your buddies get ready in the landing area with stash bags containing blankets and pillows, then when you land everyone scatters...
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Cleveland Skydiving
"Hey, these cookies don't taste anything like girl scouts..."

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