
base jumping amateur astronomers?

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this will probably be moved , but any bsar ers out there with telescope fetishes? just wondering.. saturns out in full force all nite
(find orion, go down an left to sirius (the bright twinkly one) then a labout twice that aomunt to the left... (plantets dont blink))

and dont fonerget to look for mars, jupiter and mercury on the east hoerizon 30 minutes before dawn.

(naturally from the ladder, ten minuste ffom the top)

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hey man, I am. Im building a 8" reflector. My gf is as well, only she is shapeing the mirror herself.

cant look at the sky here man, storms a brewin in CO

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Got a 12" Dobson myself but during the last weeks I didn't had a chance to use it because of bad weather... >:(

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Of course this is of interest to BASE jumpers as we are out there at four in the morning anyway.

Here's a really cool (and free) program I've been using for years to find stars and planets. It's called WinStars . . .


This is a link to v.2.0 which I haven't tried yet . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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