
What Constitutes a Building

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Hello Gary,
Fuck all this nonsense about what it is, please just tell me where it is!

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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it just seems wrong to accept Carl's vision, Carl's name, blatantly defy his definition, and yet claim you have "integrity."

Listen to you. What utter gushing rubbish. Let me clarify. I am not defying Carl's wind definition. The objects are.

Wind blows 'THROUGH' a building under construction. Does that make it an antenna? The wind blows around a skinned antenna, does that make it a building? If the answer to either is NO, then congratulations......you've just taken a big bold step into thinking for yourself and questioning a system which crowbars the whacky and somewhat unconventional world of tall objects into 4 convenient categories for the sole purpose of a readable and catchy acronym.

I can see my heresy of popping all objects which don't righteously fit into the four categories B.A.S. & E. into a further general category of O has really shook your world, and the pedestal you have placed Carl on, to their very foundations.

Integrity. I can only assume we've run into problems with the definition here. You've plumped for 'adherence' but i've gone for 'honesty'.

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it just seems wrong to accept Carl's vision, Carl's name, blatantly defy his definition, and yet claim you have "integrity."

What utter gushing rubbish. Let me clarify. I am not defying Carl's wind definition. The objects are.
Integrity. I can only assume we've run into problems with the definition here. You've plumped for 'adherence' but i've gone for 'honesty'.

you misrepresent my views...
as no one has come up with a clean, non-controversial way to classify ALL objects as a "B," "A," "S," or an "E," then I'll see no reason to change the heritage. I don't claim to be a BASEO jumper afterall...

since there is so much disagreement, and lack of consensus, claiming "integrity" seems odd. it appears to be a device to raise and elevate you above the masses, to establish your rank in the pack.

as I mentioned up board...

as an honor system, there seems little point in lawyering it to death...

the key should be the skills and knowledge required to jump a particular object, not how you classify it!

have fun, be safe, and land with an ear to ear grin!

as for me,

-jumping from the structural steel of a building under construction does NOT feel like a "B."

-jumping from a giant tv antenna with an observation platform such as one of the various concrete "needles" or "towers" does NOT feel like an "A."
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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since there is so much disagreement, and lack of consensus, claiming "integrity" seems odd.

Like i said, integrity in this context meant 'honesty' and to the 'masses' you refer to, nothing would be odder or more dishonest than pointing to that excavating machine posted by Gary above and talking of it as a building or antenna when patently it is neither. It is an object 'other than' a B.A.S. or E. and by accepting that, I think it protects the heritage you speak of by closing the door to ridicule and esoteric wranglings.


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It is an object 'other than' a B.A.S. or E. and by accepting that, I think it protects the heritage you speak of by closing the door to ridicule and esoteric wranglings.

but who ever engages in such "esoteric wranglings?"
ridicule? from who?
it only seems to happen amongst fellow jumpers.:(

as I approach an object, all I care is if we CAN jump it. does everyone wishing to jump have sufficient skill and appropriate equipment? (am I the weak link?)

as I spell BASE with 4 letters, I'll squeeze every object into one of 4 categories. if it does not fit well, oh well. if someone else chooses to do it differently, so be it.

how anyone will log an object never really comes up...
if it does not matter to Joy & Rick, it does not matter to me.

use of the term "integrity" indicates it matters to you. doesn't that lead to the "esoteric wrangling" and "ridicule?"
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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That old forum chestnut.... It seems to matter to you but i don't care routine.....I'm easy......honest.......why you getting so wound up.....zzzzzzzz

If you didn't give a hoot we wouldn't be having this debate so it is something you care about and it is something you discuss with others.

And naturally i'm talking amongst jumpers and their interested associates. Who else is going to debate this. Next doors cleaner?

You spoke of heritage so I assumed you did think integrity mattered, because i can not understand why you would fly that flag if it's credibility was something you couldn't care less about.

This is, of course, going nowhere fast. As Gershwin kind of wrote "You say potato, I say potahto....You say antenna, I say construction crane. Let's call the whole thing off."

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Did you guys see www.BASEJumpIreland.com ?

He jumps a crane in a ship yard and claims it as a "B"

I like the 6 year old explanation.... You know a kid isn't going to call a cran a "B".


Not a B in my book!

A Damn would be more like an "E" and a Crane like that one is more like an "S" to me.

If a crane is on top of a "B" I would still call it a "B".

Just like how I would consider a power tower/plyon or a water tower an "A"


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I like the 6 year old explanation.... You know a kid isn't going to call a cran a "B".

A Damn would be more like an "E" and a Crane like that one is more like an "S" to me.

If a crane is on top of a "B" I would still call it a "B".

Just like how I would consider a power tower/plyon or a water tower an "A"


What if there is an A on top of a B?

I saw this on a recent road trip and because of this thread, I snapped a couple pics.

My vote is an: 'A on a B'

Access would be like a B, exit like an A and wind on exit like an A, but wind under canopy like a B. Thought it was cool anyways.

Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid,
the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain

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Same thing goes for "Grain Elevators" people, and you know who I'm talkin to!

You need to look up the definition of building dude. The grain elevators around here are inside four concrete walls with a flat concrete roof. They also contain offices and other rooms within the same confines. Please explain what part of your definition this does not fit.
BASE 1043 Night BASE 160
BASE is to skydivers as skydiving is to whuffos

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Then why did you just call them grain elevators, instead of buildings. You just made my point. I don't actually care what you wan't a building to be.

And judging by your sweet list of: Ar. Night Naked BASE jumping with a Kazoo #1, you must really need to call them B's. Have at it bro, just funnin ya.....
"It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"

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Ar. BASE#1 Ar Night BASE #1
Don't pull low unless you are!
BASE is to skydivers, as skydiving is to whuffos!

What is Ar. BASE?
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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Then why did you just call them grain elevators, instead of buildings. You just made my point. I don't actually care what you wan't a building to be.

And judging by your sweet list of: Ar. Night Naked BASE jumping with a Kazoo #1, you must really need to call them B's. Have at it bro, just funnin ya.....

So a house, Wal Mart, or Trump Tower are not buildings either, by your definition. I don't care what you call a building either.
And BTW I'm gettin my naked kazoo BASE soon. Thanks for the idea. Not much to BASE here, so you take what you can get. Come down sometime, and we will help you get your naked kazoo BASE!;)
BASE 1043 Night BASE 160
BASE is to skydivers as skydiving is to whuffos

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Ar. BASE#1 Ar Night BASE #1
Don't pull low unless you are!
BASE is to skydivers, as skydiving is to whuffos!

What is Ar. BASE?

All four objects in Arkansas
BASE 1043 Night BASE 160
BASE is to skydivers as skydiving is to whuffos

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Then why did you just call them grain elevators, instead of buildings. You just made my point. I don't actually care what you wan't a building to be.

And judging by your sweet list of: Ar. Night Naked BASE jumping with a Kazoo #1, you must really need to call them B's. Have at it bro, just funnin ya.....

So a house, Wal Mart, or Trump Tower are not buildings either, by your definition. I don't care what you call a building either.
And BTW I'm gettin my naked kazoo BASE soon. Thanks for the idea. Not much to BASE here, so you take what you can get. Come down sometime, and we will help you get your naked kazoo BASE!;)

children, children, keep in mind that as we have discussed before, my imaginary freind is cooler than all of yours. so, get over it.

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Yeeehaw, dude. Thank's for getting the humour. We have a local GE and I like to kid my peeps for using it as thier B. I KNOW IT"S A DAMNED B! Whatever...... Would love to come and do some rock climbing in Arkansas, and that other thing as well.

Future Ar. Naked Kazoo BASE#1
"It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"

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test: does this forum replace the words 'rock climbing' with the link automatically or do people just keep doing that on their own?

edit: fuckin' a it does... sorry about the useless post...
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Cleveland Skydiving
"Hey, these cookies don't taste anything like girl scouts..."

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Yeeehaw, dude. Thank's for getting the humour. We have a local GE and I like to kid my peeps for using it as thier B. I KNOW IT"S A DAMNED B! Whatever...... Would love to come and do some rock climbing in Arkansas, and that other thing as well.

Future Ar. Naked Kazoo BASE#1

Sweet! I guess I'll have to be #2:(
There is actually suppose to be some decent spots here to rock climb, but I've never done any, other than climbing to an exit point or out of a landing area.
I've gotta go to Wal Mart tonight and get a kazoo so i can get a head start on you. Maybe I can still get #1.
BASE 1043 Night BASE 160
BASE is to skydivers as skydiving is to whuffos

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test: does this forum replace the words 'rock climbing' with the link automatically or do people just keep doing that on their own?

edit: fuckin' a it does... sorry about the useless post...

See here.

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