
Slider down/Slider off?

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Pardon me, but what is a "DP?"

The Apex BASE DP is their Dual Pin container.

More info here.
-- Tom Aiello


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i have and use both setups regularly. the only thing you really NEED to do is a gear check @ the exit point.

if you're slider off and worried about a riser release and not jumping over moving water, put a SLINK through your 3 rings.

just my $0.00000001

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Pardon me, but what is a "DP?" That acronym has a lot of potential meanings. :$

I hope it was a sarcastic post, but a DP is the star rig from Apex BASE, the company formaly known as Vertigo BASE.

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If this thread hasn't already gone too far off topic, can someone post a pic of the snap to hold the slider down on the Gargoyle? I didn't see it on their website.

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if you're slider off and worried about a riser release and not jumping over moving water, put a SLINK through your 3 rings.

Damn.... that is so obvious and i never thought of it before. thanks.

of course this will reduce the chances of me gift wrapping a pursuing security guard like my favorite jersey jumper did 3-4 years ago in atlantic city. damn i've always wanted to do that since then.........

"Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."
Hunter S. Thompson

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my gargoyle is packed, so i don't have a picture.. but it is simply a 4 or 5 inch piece of nylon tape with a snap sewn on the riser just below the link.

also, depending on when the risers were made... some have the snap loop on both front risers.

personally, i don't care for them. i'd rather just do the below the bumper trick because i can get the slider to fold neater. the snap loop holds the grommets at a weird angle.

if no one else does, i'll post a pic tomorrow after i jump that rig.

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