exit point gear check

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what would constitute a proper exit point gear check?

Rat for Life - Fly till I die
When them stupid ass bitches ask why

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for yourself or someone else? I check my 3 rings, cable routing, velcro/pin tension, chest and leg straps are tight and routed correctly. I also keep my PC stowed until I'm geared up, then take it out for handheld or staticline (that way I know i couldn't have wrapped my bridle around a legstrap or something). Also I check my bridle routing about half a dozen times prior to exit.

I ask people if they checked their 3rings and visually check for twists in their harness and proper leg & chest strap routing. I always check their bridle routing as I've yet to have someone to tell me to fuckoff while doing so. I'll ask how they feel or if they want checked their pins too.

If I swapped a PC or something I double check for symmetrical attachment at exit (or prior to climb) as well.

...but if you've taken a FJC, or even groundcrewed a few times, you should already know this.

Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

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what would constitute a proper exit point gear check?

do it on the ground for the most part before climbing. at exit,

"""""leg straps, chest strap, pilot chute, balls,''''''''''''

i cant take credit for that, its deadmans check. i use it every jump now.

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At the last Turkey Boogie, I gave a pin check at the exit point and found both her three rings were hooked up wrong. She had been given pin checks throughout the boogie and nobody caught it (probably focusing on the chest strap region too much). I think it was her fifth or sixth jump at that point.

Just make you the right stuff is being looked over.

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I saw a guy in our crew ask another guy in the crew for a gear check. The guy giving the gear check just waited a second, then gave him the pat on the back. Later that night I asked what they thought constituted a gear check. The guy who asked for the gear check said "Just for someone to pat me and say 'you're all good." I fucking loved it.

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Wa he another one of those front lawn freaks?? :|
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The guy who asked for the gear check said "Just for someone to pat me and say 'you're all good." I fucking loved it.

that is fucking hilarious.:D

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at exitpoint
3rings,loop tension,perhaps prime the pins,goingstowed?chekking good grip on pc,gear on,chek legstraps chek cheststrap,still going stowed? chekking pc grap again,if not do the pc and bridel,doubel chek your SL if you do such.helmet on.
quick look down if chest and leg straps looks ok off you go..

The above is what i do each time.Mostly solos so i made it a habbit to gearchek myself,often i dont like people to doubel chek on me unless i ask,or they see somthing wrong..
Its my responsibility not a mate whos dealing whith his own shit.

I gladly give gearcheks but only if im asked to..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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The guy said "Just for someone to pat me and say you're all good."

When I finally quit laughing I almost cried....that guy
is probably allowed to vote, drive, jump & run for office.
Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM

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Is there any way to check for a hard pull on the PC?

I always check and repack my PC before exit (I've never been in a situation where there wasn't time for a thorough gear check, even on illegal objects). However, I can't think of any way to check for a hard pull on the PC, without actually removing it from the BOC.

Yes, you can just give it a little nudge, say a few millimeters, but that's no guarantee that it'll move all the way out of the BOC without problems.

The reason I bring this up is that I recently experienced, on the ground, a hard pull with a 45" PC. Granted, it was a 45" F-111 PC that had been packed for about two weeks. Still, if that kind of effort was required to remove a 45" from the BOC, I can easily imagine similar effort being required for a sloppily-packed 42".

Any thoughts? What do you all do to help ensure an easy pull when going stowed?

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My own habit is that my PC is never sitting around packed or hanging out packed. The only time it is packed is several hours prior to exit; on the way to the exit point (it's never packed when the canopy is packed).
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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DONT pack your 45 46 or 48 STOWED!!!
whaths the reasson?
what altitude are you jumping from as you use the 45?
i will say sub 300ft(ill happy use my 42 down to 250ft).I see no point beeing stowed below that.

INCASE you need to reach a exit poin were you need both hands climbing out there ite another issue,but personaly below 250ft you wont see me climbing out stowed anyway..(i have 2 kids they want their dad back home).

Packing your 42 corectly it shouldnt give any hardpulls,i never experienced one.. im keen to hear if any packed their 42 by a mushroom or supermushroom and experienced a hard pull... if they did how tight were their spandex then?

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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my freind and i stow and jump our 46's all the time. i have seen no problem with it, and neither has he. i jump BJ-ZP 260, he jumps troll 280.

i can see your point, but it fits fine in our BOCs, and it comes out just as well as a 42. the PCs have a cordura cap, just like the stowable 42.

I have seen a 48 go stowed, only once. looked fine. BOC was big. i dont have a 48, and dont want one.

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which altitudes are you jumping from what kind of delays?


it fits fine in our BOCs

how does your terminal pc fit afterwards then?
how often do you replace your spandex?
even stowing my 42 makes me conserning the day im doing terminal if the spandex comes too loose..


the PCs have a cordura cap, just like the stowable 42.

Ijump the Asylum av zp pc series they come whith no handel or cap i feel just fine like that,in fact all my pc´s are like that..
I dont think the cap does the big diff in case of a hardpull.actualy i dont use them as i dont like the grip you get on them..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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both our rigs are gargoyles. i have a warloc as well, but i have never put the 46 in there.

the PCs are morpheus, and i think the cordura handle/cap makes a big difference when going stowed, i have jumped 46s without the cap, only the ZP (it was not vented) and i did not like it.

I have not noticed any stretching of the spandex, i have only jumped that rig about 60 times. pretty much half with 44/46 stowed, and other half from 1600' or out of airplane. (36"pc)

i might eventualy see the spandex stretching, but im not worried, ill just replace it myself.

i dont thin its a great idea to use 46 stowed all the time, but if the only bad thing is rig 'damage', im going to keep dooing it, i have not noticed anything yet.

edit-with the 46s, we jump 180-350, above that, we use 40/42, the normal i think. i dont like long slider down delays. usualy not more than 2.

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i think the cordura handle/cap makes a big difference when going stowed

i guess its religion.. if you like the car better then use it. i cant however see the big difference..


I have not noticed any stretching of the spandex, i have only jumped that rig about 60 times

which delay and altitude?Im really keen to hear this.and the reasson to why?makes you feel better short delays etc etc


i might eventualy see the spandex stretching, but im not worried, ill just replace it myself.

the problem aint replacing the spandex,its easy any rigger can do it.but what about the day your about to go on a trip your spandex is abit loose but you dont worry,on a terminal jump you experience that the pc drop out and open your canopy into the face of your buddy just above you.. or too close to the wall...

I do jump Gargoyle aswell i howver usa Asylum av zp pc´s i do belive that Morpheus pc´s are even bigger(the way they meassure it,do a search).. i have replaced spandex at both my rigs whith in 340jumps.I NEVER (unless im climbing a place were i might fall) will pack my 46(my biggest pc) stowed,if i need my 46 on a sl jump or handheld on a regular A,i stow it in the small pocket between my bag and the canony..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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like you said, its religion.

ill change when it causes a premature on a terminal. but i think that you can see how much the spandex has stetched when you pack, i think that if it will happen, ill catch it long before it becomes a problem.

i wore out the spandex on my warlock, and when i got that rig, my mentor told me to stuff 2 beer cans in it to stretch it out! i thought it was weird for the same reason!

and like i said, i dont reccomend it. as soon as i see the spandex stretch more then i like, ill replace it, and stop packing the 46 in there. I have put the 42s i build in there, and those are even bigger than morpheus's 46.

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i think that if it will happen, ill catch it long before it becomes a problem.

rember its a newbie forum you cant expect people to see this if they aint rigger or only are used to skydive equipment.
Ido agree that most BASEjumpers would notice but i see no reasson to push the lemmon.

Genneraly i recomend only to use 42 if you want to go stowed,only reasson to use a 45-46 to me would be objects were i need to climb to exitpoint whith a chance to fall,in suchcase ill stow my big pc,if i can unstow it again at exitpoint ill do so.(this only has apered once as i have jumped-to me ofcourse).
I just dont see the reasson to stow the big pc.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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i dont disagree on any particular point.

i deleted mine,

dont make me look like a retard:P

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dont make me look like a retard:P

i thourght you were after your crash anyway:P:Dyou should look at me now,drug eyes and a limp that will make the one legged man look like a healed one:D
hows the healing? all good i hope:)
the above posts is just copy over time,its like people who only want to use a paticular brand,i cant tell if im right over you but i think so,i belive in my brand:P:D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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im all healed up, pretty much.

i got an injection of something, cortezone i think in my ankle, and i have NO pain walking. no limp either. its great.

my head, well, i always was crazy and lacking. :P

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Are you two having an 'Oprah' moment?:P:D
The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:

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Are you two having an 'Oprah' moment?:P:D

*sniffle. i feel so much better. im sorry faber, im sorry!,,,,waaahhha!!!

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I just dont see the reasson to stow the big pc.

if you stow the pilotchute and then you put the rig on and then take it out for hand held or s/l you will never have the bridle through the legstrap malfunction.


Ido agree that most BASEjumpers would notice but i see no reasson to push the lemmon.

what is the meaning of this?, its the funniest thing i have ever seen you post.
my hovercraft is full of eels.

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