i guess when you see people with talent and bad judgement putting out videos riding a bike off an a cool big "A" and showing the bike hit the FCC regulated "A" for the whole world 2 see in the age of the internet. well? the guy who made that video sure is lucky nobody ever came after him. that's destruction of private property! i mean the video's out there! that's evidence! we should all be careful about the video's we make besides you, they reflect on all BASE jumpers. they think were all like that.
unfortunately there seems to be the whole "all about me" attitude out there and "f@#k em' if they can't take a joke" attitude as well. do you really need attention that bad. why can't you do all that stuff and know you did it and just keep the video to yourself and close friends!
i mean illegal tresspassing is one thing but f@#kin' shit up on top of it and showing everybody really sucks. oh yeah let's have a video of me drinking a beer under canopy as well !! yeah that really adds to the video! i not saying don't do it. i'm just saying don't be such attention seekers about it. this ain't JACKASS!
i guess that sort of thing is what nick d. is talking about???? ehh, what do i know? i'm not even a real hardcore BASE jumper like you guys anyway!
Calvin19 0
Scoop 0
Don't you think making such a big deal out of this bill that is being introduced, on a public, internationally accessible forum is just going to reinforce to the parties involved, media out there spying and other local authorities who may be looking into the impact of this, that it would have the desired effect. People are already talking about putting off new jumpers and disrupting the industry. This is exactly what they want to hear. If they know its going to work in preventing BASE jumping then they will do it and maybe not just locally to New York, but more widespread.
Whether thats Scoop's chaos theory in action or not I don't know, anyway, I'll drag my sorry ass back to the bonfire now.
Stay safe
wwarped 0
Quotedude, all the actualy talented BASE jumpers got banned from dorkzone.
they may be banned from posting, but they CAN still read... or can't they?
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
Calvin19 0
Skin 0
It's no more difficult now than it ever was than it ever will be.
You could die on any jump. What difference does it make that you could do bird if you get caught?
BASE is for renegades. You get caught...you got caught.
Jeb is the perfect example. He knew the score, he did the deed regardless. Risk management 101.
Figure out your values and act accordingly. Lie in the bed you made.
Too many light weights in this "sport" already.
There's only one Tom Aiello...
Quote...putting out videos riding a bike off an a cool big "A" and showing the bike hit the FCC regulated "A" for the whole world to see...
In all fairness, I think Jeb's jump in New York City had probably more to do with the suggested law than the HIDGAF jump in California. I doubt the senator has ever seen the bike jump video, but I'm reasonably confident he has followed the aftermath of Jeb's jump.
That doesn't make Jeb's jump worse than the bike jump in my book, but we shouldn't run and blame HIDGAF immediately either.
I showed Radix to several non-jumping friends and we were all rolling over the floor laughing, similar to how I can enjoy Jackass in the theatre (judge all you want, but Hollywood choreagraphed stupidity makes me chuckle and if you disagree I'll just say you're a snob).
I do think that the bike jump deserves higher penalties than jumps that follow the backpacker's credo, but if extrapolating the former results in higher punishment for the latter, fault lies mostly (albeit not entirely) with the legislators who can't see a difference between simple trespassing or damaging property.
The question then is, is my chuckle and HIDGAFs video whoredom worth the risk? I'd say that it has so far, although I'll admit that more care may be justified in the future.
I think Lifewithoutanet said it right. There's really not much happening yet, and writing letters is only going to add fuel to a fire that is almost dead anyway. Besides, I'm struggling to understand what would be in such a letter. How about this...
Dear legislator,
Please don't make trespassing a felony. I know
it's against the law and not entirely appropriate,
but I'm not harming anybody and just borrowing
some altitude.
Come one people, it's still trespassing at the end of the day and I, for one, am happy there are laws against it so I don't have to worry about people running around in my house while I'm asleep.
What matters are the consequences attached to our petty crimes, and history as recent as Jeb's case has shown that most people still have the brain to put things in perspective.
I get significantly more worked up over the existing law against aerial delivery than a D.O.A. proposal against BASE jumping in the middle of the night.
I also thought it was interesting that Nick D is right about me not being alive in a world where BASE didn't exist. I was born in march 84.
Even if it becomes a felony people will base jump, and after a few three strikes you're out cases, where they try to send people to jail for life, because they were base jumping, I think they'll realize it shouldn't be a felony.
~Dan Osman
Quote...they try to send people to jail for life, because they were base jumping, I think they'll realize it shouldn't be a felony.
Don't watch the news much do you? Are you aware how many people are in jail for a long time because they smoked weed or did mushrooms?
TomAiello 26
Quote...Brooklyn. Some 150 miles away from the senator's home turf of Albany. He didn't even rate locally.
Um, isn't Brooklyn his home turf?
I'm pretty sure that he represents Brooklyn in Albany (which is the state capitol).
QuoteUm, isn't Brooklyn his home turf?
Actually, you're right, it is. I was referring to a Senator's general representation of state over district, though. Still funny to me that it was only covered by the media in his district and nowhere else.
Quote...Maybe it's about time for something positive from the BASE community to make BIG time national news...
The only (local) thing that I can think of that comes close to positive; is a benefit for children at the Perrine.
QuoteAre you aware how many people are in jail for a long time because they smoked weed or did mushrooms?
Mushrooms are illegal?

RiggerLee 61
321Cya 0
QuoteWhat a bunch of queers!
It's no more difficult now than it ever was than it ever will be.
You could die on any jump. What difference does it make that you could do bird if you get caught?
BASE is for renegades. You get caught...you got caught.
Jeb is the perfect example. He knew the score, he did the deed regardless. Risk management 101.
Figure out your values and act accordingly. Lie in the bed you made.
Too many light weights in this "sport" already.
Well said.
Skate videos constantly show athletes trespassing, i dont see skaters complaining about their peers.
I enjoy watching those "hey look at me videos." I think they are rad, and if you are not entertained by them then you are a silly sally.
plus it doesnt matter i am so fast at running and good at being stealthy i will never get caught in NY.
QuoteQuotedude, all the actualy talented BASE jumpers got banned from dorkzone.
they may be banned from posting, but they CAN still read... or can't they?
some cant even access www.dorkzone.com anymore. They are not able to receive the usuful information the website has to offer, and cant browse the classifieds.
pocbase 0
wwarped 0
QuoteQuoteQuotedude, all the actualy talented BASE jumpers got banned from dorkzone.
they may be banned from posting, but they CAN still read... or can't they?
some cant even access www.dorkzone.com anymore. They are not able to receive the usuful information the website has to offer, and cant browse the classifieds.
are you saying banned people can't go to a friend's home and view dz.com? or use a public access pc, such as at a library?
and if the website offers useful information, why do you insist on changing the name? it insults the site and the people who find value here. it shows little respect.
(oh, and btw - plenty of talented BASE jumpers have NO problem posting here. some names you might recognize, and some you might not. not every talented BASE jumper seeks a soapbox, fame, publicity, notoriety, etc.)
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse
pocbase 0
Damn BASE jumpers!!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:
Second of all, this would only impact NY. (even if it does pass, which would be doubtful cause of the length of time required to drill the bill through) I doubt many other states would follow suit for numerous reasons. First, the Northeast doesn't have much in the lines besides tresspassing sites. Also, the current sites realize that it is a tourism that brings $$$. So, the South and West are highly doubtful that it would follow NY. Furthermore, NYC politics are whole different breed, and I doubt that there is engouh public worry to make this a national issue. (Just stay the hell away from anything that is possibly jumpable in DC) Thus, a federal felony would never occur, and the way that the american's law work is that state laws can't bleed over into other states.
Finally, if you are going to start a campign against this idiot of a senator, then keep it quite till the time is right. Start gathering signatures. The more that the community brings it to the attention of policy makers, then the more they will be able to think and hear about BASE jumping. Everyone needs to lay low on the issue and work together forming a good startegy for if this actually comes to the floor.
Stay Safe
Ummm... Just a thought here, doesn't the NPS also have the jurisdiction/right to grant permission for BASE jumps in parks?
I could very well see the building owners/city granting BASE access to a building just as often as the NPS does in parks.
Disregarding Bridge Day, it will never happen. Not on this continent, anyway.
agreed. but still, its better than absolutly not never.