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We are all fucked, totaly fucked and its all our fault. no one will ever do a BASE jump again in the USA, the Manufactures will be treated like drug smugglers, and the poice will exercise their own judicial discretion whenever they see a base jumper, the will shoot us in the head for holding a backpack that reminds them of a parachute.

do you ever think any of the options will happen? check all that you do


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Bored, eh??
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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Bored, eh??

really bored man. i need to be entertained or banned. again.;)

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What have you guys been smoking up there?
The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:

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here you are chum.

my hovercraft is full of eels.

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If you just pay attention, everything will be fine.

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I've got this really hardcore group of gaurdian angels that need a free paid vacation.
~Dan Osman

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No more building collapse training? :|
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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hey man, i agree wit what he said, but did nick have to be so insulting and dramatic about it? this thread was also started for reasons besides nicks rant.

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Look, I have great respect for Nick, but I have to agree with Calvin on this one.
I think DG is blowing this thing way out of proportion and at the same time being pretty insulting, which is, as someone pointed out, not like him.
The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:

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My apologies if my reply felt like a poke in the eye

Nick may have gone a bit over the top. Then again, maybe not. After all, it's a fact that there are plenty of "me Monkeys" in BASE these days. Some of them are really nice people just trying to keep from getting real jobs. Others seem to have a rare form of attention deficit disorder in that they feel that not enough people are pay them enough attention. Personally, I waste no time on the later

Ask your self this question.
Given our nations ever expanding desire to regulate it's citizens through legislation, (smoking bans, trans fat bans, bans on walking through intersections with head phones on etc),
is anything he said really that far outside the realm of possibilities? If not, then how will those who laughed feel when Nicks chickens actually come home to roost?

As to the other reasons you started this thread, I've no opinion or comment. Sorry if I hijacked your thread. Carry on

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when he would say it with other words-nobody would listen....
wait a couple of years and than take a look who is laughting....

we will face the same problems in germany because some idiots are not able to handle the gift wisely...
objects get burned by people who are not able to see that everybody is responsible for the hole BASE-comunity.....
and ist getting more and more of this
"100 skydiveiknownothingaboutbasebut iamcool"Dumbasses

it could be so easy.....

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I dont disagree with you there, elduderino, I usualy completely ignore the old schoolers posts about how the sport is totaly fucked because of us, mainly because they consider me one of the 'us', andi most of us short of the other old schoolers would have ignored it as well. so good point.

seriously, I am a newer jumper, i was one of few americans who still learned from a few mentors, and i feel the need to defend myself from nicks post. I have posted 2 films online, neither about BASE, but both with only legal moab BASE jumps in them, cant say that the flying was legal;), but thats a whole new panty grundle.

and kevin, you didnt hyjack the thread,

A-its a thread, and you didnt take hosteges, there were no injuries
B-its a thread, its supposed to be hyjacked if nobody disagreed, why the fuck are we here? it gives me a good break between school tests online.

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