How many jumps do you have on Blackjacks?

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I would like to know who out there has a lot of jumps on Blackjacks. (more than 100 at least)

Please state what size, if it has/had the CUS option and what upper control line configuration.

Also, please mention what other canopies you have jumped and how many jumps on them so I know who has a good frame of reference for comparison.

If you do not want to post this info, please PM me.

and to the smart-arse who now feels the need to post and tell me to contact the manufacturer: please don't bother I have done that already!


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BJ 260 = 350 jumps 4 control lines inner setting
Ace 260 = 250 jumps 4 control lines not inner setting
Neither one has any ZP on it.

(The inner control line connection point was moved 1/2 a cell out maybe 2 years ago by Adam and Marty. Correct me if I'm wrong about this.)

My BJ is the old style, my Ace is the new style. I can feel the difference in flaring now, but couldn't for my first 200 jumps. So I don't think there is much difference. I think the change was made to appease terminal jumpers that complained off line-twist on opening.

These are the only 2 canopies I've jumped except maybe 10 jumps on my new Troll DW MDV 245 (PIA 260) the Troll flares nicer, but the others are getting a bit ragged out... not a fair comparison there.

Hope this helps. PM me for any specifics.

See ya

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I have 200+ jumps on a BlackJack 280 including about 10 skydives. It does not have the ZP option. The first and fifth control lines are longer -- always have been that way.

I also have 80+ jumps on a Mojo 280 and a handful of jumps on other canopies.

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Around 120 on a 220 with CUS/5 control lines. DOM was July of last year so I guess that it's new style.

Also have 120 on a Fox 245 vented w/covers.

Both canopies have their distinct advantages over the other in specific situations.
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0, Ive seen them jumped alot though, they seem nice! Have almost 600 on fox 265 V-tec Multi no covers. Its nice too..
Nothing I could do, I totally shit when I fart! -JK

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Hi Bill

So your Ace an Blackjack have 4 upper control lines?

I was not aware that they made any that way. Is it a special option?

My first Blackjack 260 was DOM 2003 and had the upper control line configuration with the innermost upper control line spaced double compared to the other 4.

My second Blackjack 260 was DOM 6/2005 and had the updated upper control line configuration where all 5 are equally spaced. This also came with the new standard slider, it is small mesh, very wide and not too long.

everyone else, thanks for the responses, keep them coming!

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So your Ace an Blackjack have 4 upper control lines?

No, thanks for catching me on that one, I meant 5 lines. Sorry.

Fear is the thief of dreams...

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