
Chicago Spire

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Looks like a vibrator.

Tom...I searched and searched...if I missed it, move it...and accept my apologies.
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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Looks like a vibrator...

It reminds me of that Swedish building. Quite stylish.

I don't know about the wisdom of BASE jumping in Dubai, though... don't they give the death penalty for everything? Or for women, maybe they'd just sentence you to an arranged marriage. That might not be so bad.. find me someone wealthy. B|
Looking for newbie rig, all components...

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I don't know about the wisdom of BASE jumping in Dubai...

Either that is a very off topic comment, or there's a district of Dubai called Chicago?
-- Tom Aiello


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The first article mentioned that there is a tower under construction in Dubai that is to be even taller than the Chicago Spire.
Looking for newbie rig, all components...

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check mate... :P


..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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how tall is kl towers i thought those were the tallest thought they were 180 storys.
light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak

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how tall is kl towers i thought those were the tallest thought they were 180 storys.

They were the tallest buildings in the world, until the Taipei 101 building was completed in 2004. The KL towers are 88 stories ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petronas_Twin_Towers ); the Taipei building is, would you believe it, 101 stories.

What matters for BASE jumpers is not the height of the towers, but the height of the exit point.

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