
New Fatality List

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You know what black humor is??


It also looks like we're up to 113 now... :(

if you´ll be #113


HAHAHAHA good one!! Glad to see you are getting into the spirit!:P

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I agree with much of what you write. The BASE community is amazing and my best friends are all jumpers from around the world. Heck, I just flew to Kansas City last month to visit Donk, yet, I might balk at driving 5 miles down the road to visit a local non-jumper friend. And if I burn in, I'd rather see everyone celebrate my life rather than my death as well. I do see where most people find humor in putting Jimmy's HIDGAF as #113, but we've had time to laugh and now I'm glad the entry is gone.

Many people struggle with the risk of BASE jumping and whether or not to participate. After 15 years, I still struggle with this as well since a serious injury or death would greatly affect my family (wife and two kids now). But I continue to jump because it's in my blood.

We might not all agree with each other, but we are all BASE jumpers. I'm happy to jump with any one of you because we all share a very common bond.

EDIT: Group hug, anyone?:)

(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

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It is the posters responsibillity, and he can not say he is only the messenger!

Oh, I don't mean to wash my hands clean. That's why I pointed out that I thought it was pretty darn funny.


...if you´ll be #113

That would be pretty ironic, I agree. And if that were to happen, I hope you'll all have a good laugh over it.

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I do see where most people find humor in putting Jimmy as #113.

Wait a second! Nobody put Jimmy up as 113. The author put the HIDGAF acronym up as a fatality. That's a very different thing.

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instead of flying free brother ill write HIDGAF,but only if you nail it to 113

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Instead of flying free brother I'll write HIDGAF, but only if you nail it to 113.

I'll try my best, my friend! :D

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Yep, my bad. I changed the original post. But Jimmy's name was in the description and I doubt anyone wants their name on that list while they're alive, joke or not.


Wait a second! Nobody put Jimmy up as 113.

(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Actually, it's the old schoolers that don't like the present format of the fatality list. I count 15, 17, and 25 years in the sport for the most outspoken opponents.

I don't think it's really an issue of old v. new. This appears to be an issue that doesn't really split that way. Avery, Jason, Jimmy, Clair--full spread of BASE "ages" there. What about Rick, Nick, myself, and Ether? Again a pretty full spread.

I also think it's a bit disingenuous to suggest that Jimmy has been BASE jumping for that long. He did one jump a long time ago, then started actually BASE jumping much more recently. He posted the story to this forum, if you want to search for it.
-- Tom Aiello


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You're right, BASE age doesn't really matter. Someone please tell that to MyTwoCents, who originally attempted to correlate BASE experience to BFL opposition.

Gotta run, cya.
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Yo Jason,

We got number 2 on the way now too. Group hug when you come visit.


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You're right, BASE age doesn't really matter. Someone please tell that to MyTwoCents, who originally attempted to correlate BASE experience to BFL opposition.

Can you point out where I claimed such a correlation exists? I did, however, say a correlation exists between the new-school attitude and our fading sense of black death comedy. I'll admit that it appears to be less about age, but more a general perception about the sport.

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yeah I did one jump with Seth Blake when I was 18 in 91.

I didn't actively begin to jump until 2000 or 2001. I give myself about 6 or 7 years of real BASE experience.

However my father jumped quite a bit with Mike Alderman in '90 and '91, and his adventures with Mike left him stranded with a broken back to fend for himself throughout the night in the bottom of a canyon in Arizona.
The canyon floor is at like 6,000' and it was mid-November. My father should have died.

Anyway, I took no offense at the HIDGAF and my name on the NWBFL, but it's really not funny and it can't be justified with references to dark humor.

I know that Clair is often accused of being immature, but when it comes to BASE jumpers dealing with death in a respectul way that does the sport and the deceased justice, I see a lot more immaturity than what my wife has displayed.

Like Jason, I don't laugh at death.

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Heck with group hugs Jason, how bout some group sex! That would really settle me down better. I think weve moved beyond hugs here. IMO.
"It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"

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aww, now that'll make it all better! c'mere hunny...
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Cleveland Skydiving
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im still scared of crotch crickets. no group BASE jumper orgy sex for me. ill stick with college girls.

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Heck with group hugs Jason, how bout some group sex! ...

Make it a group scat party and i'm in! :P

Black humor rocks. The List is (was) a good thing. Both should remain in BASE

Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

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I am iffy about black humor.

I would want people to laugh and make fun of me, but it scares me to talk in a jokeing way about my departed freinds.

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Actually, it's the old schoolers that don't like the present format of the fatality list. I count 15, 17, and 25 years in the sport for the most outspoken opponents.

In that case I have to add my name to the List's supporters. I remember reading or hearing about most of these fatalities when they happened, but they make much more sense in a list where you can view trends, etc. rather than hearing about it and then forgetting a month or a year down the road.

Skypuppy BASE 92
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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DW would be turning over in his grave (he has lots of them - he's everywhere ;)), if he was listening in on this one.

Death sucks.

Losing friends sucks.


The list is here to stay whether people like it or not. All you (or a media person, or whatever other reason you have against the list) has to do is spend five minutes on Google and you will find reports on most of the BASE fatalities. As you would road accidents, as you would aviation accidents, as you would cancer vitims, as . . . .

Look at your local paper, there is a "death section" announcing deaths in there.

Look at the news, death notices EVERY day.

Look at the papers, death, death, and . . . . .

Look at religions, some celebrate death and life thereafter.

I know death sucks, I have had to deal with it on a very personal level many times - both inside and out of the sport.

But the fact remains, and I repeat, I / YOU / WE ALL have two choices:

1 - Deal With It

2 - Don't Deal With It.

1 shows a great maturity and acceptance that life brings death. It also brings both sadness and sanity.
2 shows potential custom on someone's couch at $250 per hour.

Whether Nick hosts it or not, the list is here to stay. If you don't like it, don't read it.

p.s. there is value in gathering data. SPC. Systems and process improvements. Education. It adds meat to the information relayed to those that are learning. Remember that it easier and more likely for a normal person to absorb and remember information if more senses and feelings are affected by the information.

Yes, it is sad for those loved ones left behind. Yes, it can be difficult / depressing to look at your friends on the list, but the information has value.

Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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