
what means the number after BASE ?

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Hi there, I have no idea of base jumping and I'd like to know what means the number that is posted after the word "BASE". Like BASE293 for example.

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what means the number that is posted after the word "BASE". Like BASE293 for example.

lower # = more grumphy..
it levels out in the 800-900 area then pick up again

Do a search:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Try this page:

Extract: "Anyone who accomplishes a jump is recorded in a notebook. When they complete one jump of each type, they are assigned a BASE number in sequence of the people who have completed all four types before."

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I suggest you ask this guy. There is no one more qualified than him to give you a complete answer.
-- Tom Aiello


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Extract: "Anyone who accomplishes a jump is recorded in a notebook. When they complete one jump of each type, they are assigned a BASE number in sequence of the people who have completed all four types before."

Although that's a reasonable summary, it should be noted that you must apply for a number--it's not just given to everyone--making this an entirely voluntary process.
-- Tom Aiello


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