diablopilot 2 #1 May 30, 2007 Did a memorial day weekend actually pass at TF with no major incidents?---------------------------------------------- You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndrewKarnowski 0 #2 May 30, 2007 I'm actually pretty pumped about that too. I can't count how many times I was told not to go, and after I decided to, was told to video the carnage. it was a good weekend Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin19 0 #3 May 30, 2007 even i told you not to go... i stand corrected. as usual. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Treejumps 0 #4 May 30, 2007 It seems that the best of the worst this year was some knucklehead who tried to do a reverse rollover (do an I-rock dude) and managed to do it with an entire line (group) over, and spiraled all the way into the ground. Apparently sheer dumb luck won out over complete lack of skill or common sense and saved him from seriously injury. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablopilot 2 #5 May 30, 2007 Amazing, simply amazing.---------------------------------------------- You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avenfoto 0 #6 May 30, 2007 that is called the sleep-over.or slumber party. not just one, but the whole group came over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Para_Frog 1 #7 May 30, 2007 Abbie coined it the "fucking riser-over." You can now add it to the BD safety vid.- Harvey, BASE 1232 TAN-I, IAD-I, S&TA BLiNC Magazine Team Member Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #8 May 30, 2007 Photo attached. The jumper spun into the trees, and thankfully the trees broke his fall, and he was relatively intact (I heard a rumor that he might have broken a rib, but I'll class that with dead Jason and bionic bunghole stories until I know better). I think JP has the important point here, which is that there were no serious injuries. Even if this was a result of dumb luck (imagine if this jumper had hit the ground or the rocks, rather than crashing through relatively soft treetops to break his fall), I'll take it.-- Tom Aiello Tom@SnakeRiverBASE.com SnakeRiverBASE.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stitch 0 #9 May 30, 2007 Another "Oh Shit!!!" moment."No cookies for you"- GFD "I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65 Don't be a "Racer Hater" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #10 May 30, 2007 How did that happen? Slack in the lines or was it screwed during setup?Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #11 May 30, 2007 QuoteHow did that happen? Slack in the lines or was it screwed during setup? Perhaps a bit of both. There doesn't appear to be too much slack in the launch photos, but they only show the jumper and a few feet of lines. I'm not sure if it was his intention to maintain line tension during the roll, or if he was trying to induce line slack. According to another jumper who was at the exit point, the canopy appeared to invert prior to launch (due to a wind gust), and the guy at the launch point shouted something like "stop! don't do it!" but unfortunately the jumper thought that was a joke and launched immediately thereafter.-- Tom Aiello Tom@SnakeRiverBASE.com SnakeRiverBASE.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UPS 0 #12 May 30, 2007 Can u show more pictures of that jump? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tfelber 0 #13 May 30, 2007 That's pretty harsh Tree coming from someone who wasn't even there. But I guess since your Tom's buddy and Nick is banned from this forum anyway that kind of remark is acceptable, huh? For a little bit of truth to the story from someone who was standing there and saw the entire incident, Nick was doing an IROC where you hang the canopy below you and exit backwards flipping over the canopy. The line group over was due to having to turn himself through the lines to get everything facing the right direction. As he launched the lines caused the canopy to spin putting him in line twists. He kicked out of the twists but was too low to clear the lineover, even if it was possible. He prepared to PLF and landed the canopy as well as he could given the lack of control. He did not hit a tree. He landed beside a tree and the canopy fell over the tree. The broken rib was from his knee hitting him in the side as he attempted a PLF in thick brush. Here's a quote from Nick regarding the incident: "Granted that I left the bridge with whole riser-over, the fact that I survived the landing has nothing to do with luck. For the record Mark and Tom did not see the jump, they were not even on the bridge. First I did not land in trees. Second I did not spin into the ground. Those are lies ... I had four line twists coupled with tons of line over. As I was kicking out the line twists I looked up and saw no brake lines over. So as soon as I got out the line twist I had the toggles in my hand, made a correction to the heading not to hit a ditch, flared and PLF. My canopy ended up on a tree but I PLF on ground." Tom, for somebody that generally tries to keep the rumors to a minimum and not talk about things until you understand what really happened you sure missed it on this one. That really makes me question some other reports you posted, like say "The center jumper exited significantly before the outer 2 jumpers." from last year. WRONG!!! And I have the video and stills from that jump to prove it. I generally try to stay out of this petty bickering but it is reaching a level of childishness I haven't seen since the third grade. Grow up ya'll! edited to remove text from Nick's quote that could be considered a PA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pBASEtobe 0 #14 May 30, 2007 Can you or someone post these launch pics? I started a new thread on this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,534 #15 May 30, 2007 Quote The line group over was due to having to turn himself through the lines to get everything facing the right direction. So he put the malfunction in place before he even launched? There's a saying in aviation that superior pilots utilise superior judgement to avoid having to use their superior skills. Kudos to the guy for having the skills to survive, but it all sounds like a major fuck up to me.Do you want to have an ideagasm? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #16 May 30, 2007 Quote Can you or someone post these launch pics? I started a new thread on this. I was actually trying to avoid that, because they clearly identify the jumper, and I was hoping not to turn this into a personal discussion. I guess some other folks didn't share that view, though. -- Tom Aiello Tom@SnakeRiverBASE.com SnakeRiverBASE.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pBASEtobe 0 #17 May 30, 2007 Oh, oops. I'll just let my other thread be and see if it gets anyone to post some other pics of a reverse rollover launch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #18 May 30, 2007 Tony, Remember that you are the one bringing names and personalities into this discussion. Everyone else was leaving those things out (I thought wisely). My thoughts on the accident come from (a) viewing the photos, and (b) talking with another jumper who was about 2 feet away, at the exit point, during the launch. I'm not sure why you want to bring up last year's incident. Can you explain what bearing that accident has on this one?-- Tom Aiello Tom@SnakeRiverBASE.com SnakeRiverBASE.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base935 0 #19 May 30, 2007 Hey Tom, if you disagree with it so much, why don't you remove the pictures? Tony is right. You're selective implementation of dorkzone rules is getting ridiculous. Yes, its everyone's choice to come here or not, but you are creating an environment that is based on lies, misinformation, and bias. As to the poster, YES- they are in order. Maybe next swoop comp or skydive boogie you're at, I'll be waiting there with a cookie Sunday night if nobody femurs in...Gravity Research Institute Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tfelber 0 #20 May 30, 2007 I said who the jumper was because he asked me to post a rebuttal. I posted my observations because they were parallel to Nick's and I was there. I was pissed that you and Tree posted what you thought happened without even being there and Tree was being quite flammatory in his post. I also thought the goal was to keep the unknown interpretations to a minimum and let people who know what happened comment. And that's the reason I brought up the incident and interpretation from last year. Because there again you made an incorrect statement regarding what happened and you are speaking from a perceived position of authority. Quite frankly, Nick did a hell of a job getting that canopy flying and not getting severely hurt. I told everyone watching he was going to pull it out and swoop the landing, so he let me down a little there, but he still dealt with it quite well. I admit he created the situation but you guys act like it was a total dumbass act when it wasn't. It was a simple accident, nothing more, nothing less. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Treejumps 0 #21 May 30, 2007 Hey Tony, I didn't mention any names and I got the report from someone who was there (not Tom). There is a pattern of behavior here that others should not look up to or seek to copy. I have only referred to that behavior as to avoid a bunch of internet crybaby BS. If someone repeatly does foolish things and gets other people or themselves hurt, I think its worth commenting on. Leaving an object with visably tangled lines after being told not to go is pretty foolish. Being "that guy" at the same object, at the same event, doing the same kind of jump (unpacked) two years running should be a wake up call. If not to the jumper involved, to the people who might think his way of doing things is "cool dude". If we can't discuss incidents (without using names) without upsetting people, how exactly are people supposed to read about what is or isn't working? Try to think only about what happened and not who it it happened to. That was the only thing being mentioned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tfelber 0 #22 May 30, 2007 Maybe you should re-read your first post. I just did and it still sounds like bashing to me, regardless of who's involved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicrussell 0 #23 May 30, 2007 wow, there seems to be no love loss in twin falls, how strange Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghetto 0 #24 May 31, 2007 Someone needs to tell ESPN to go home and give Dr. Phil a call. The camera crew can stay. Web Design Cleveland Skydiving "Hey, these cookies don't taste anything like girl scouts..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wwarped 0 #25 May 31, 2007 I'd like to thank all those who safely participated in this year's Memorial day event. it is refreshing to hear after last year. ----- o.k., Ghetto makes a great point. Tree posts inflammatory language such as "knucklehead" and "Apparently sheer dumb luck won out over complete lack of skill or common sense." it was predictable that such criticism would act like a lightning rod. Tom gets attacked for NOT censoring Tree (even though Tree did not mention names. a bit of a technicality.) the jumper lashes out, denying any responsibility, claiming it was an accident. but don't two accidents make a trend? isn't that one of the criticisms of Tom? Tony, responding to Tree's inflammatory remarks, acts as a conduit for the jumper's denials. truth IS stranger than fiction. if soap opera's tried this, it would be laughed as unbelieveable! can we stop throwing stones at each other? please?!? unfortunately, we seem to have competing views regarding BASE. some want to focus on safety, others on fun. some want more legal sites, others hate the resulting compromise. some prefer being a renegade, annoying those trying to work with authorities. 'course earlier eras had their own conflicts. anyone hear of "tar and feather?" peace? doubtful, unless Dr. Phil can help. anybody got his number? DON'T PANIC The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse Share this post Link to post Share on other sites