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I am looking for anyone who is out may way that would be interested in talking to me about BASE, I am still in the research phase. I would like to make Bridge Day my first jump. I don't think that it will be this year but I will be there to check it out. I have been lurking on the forums for about a year now and I decided it was time to post.
PM me it you are interested.:)Thanks

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The 1st thing that is going to be said, is fill out your "profile". So folks that may or may not contact you will have an idea of your background and experience.
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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She's a she. BASE dogs will come a callin' anyway. You know the drill Stitcheroo.


Read This Padawan

One word of advice...Marta. Move out and draw fire.

~Edit to add clilcky because I too like the sticky icky icky.
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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The 1st thing that is going to be said, is fill out your "profile".


She's a she.

The 1st thing that is going to be said, is post a picture!

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The profile is there but no picture right now.

Now just put in your jump numbers and you're almost there...

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As of now I have not had any jumps :( I am going on my first skydive as soon as I get back from the road trip I am on. I plan on going to nashville and do my first skydive there.


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As of now I have not had any jumps :( I am going on my first skydive as soon as I get back from the road trip I am on. I plan on going to nashville and do my first skydive there.

Are you under 21? Jimmy will help you learn, and then want to marry you probably.
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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So far from 21 that it is just a fading memory. BASE is just something I want to do before I turn 30 but it looks like it will have to be after that because I will not have enough time to learn everything I can about the sport. I never do anything without know as much information as I can.

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As of now I have not had any jumps :( I am going on my first skydive as soon as I get back from the road trip I am on. I plan on going to nashville and do my first skydive there.

Why nashville? goto the farm. get lots of jumps. prolly too late to get started for for a jump at BD this year unless you have a lot of money and free time on your hands. plan for next year. at least you got the weather in your favor we need rain BAAADly.


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because I will be in nashville next weekend and I am there almost 2 weekends a month, so I can take my first jump tandem and then jump single from then on.

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Post an email for personal contact reasons off th is board. There are some tandem instructors that also base in the area. No need to go to nashville when all the resources you have are right here. Why not start with someome here and that way they can see first hand your skills, and then work from there.

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The reason is that I found a place in nashville and I will be there so much this summer and I really don't know anyone in the area that does so I thought if the opportunity presents itself I would just go there.

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post email.
not for me for those who you need to speek with off this forum.

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Kate, you sound just me about 8 months ago, so I'm going to reply to a few points I see...


As of now I have not had any jumps...

Have you read the "Getting Into BASE" link at the top of the BASE forum? The first, and most important thing to do, is to start skydiving. Put BASE out of your mind until you have at least had a few skydives. At best, any technical information you learn now about BASE will not make much sense until you start getting your hands on typical skydiving gear, and at worst you will pick up false information that will not transfer to skydiving and will jeapordize your safety. (One typical example: I was astonished the first time I saw a skydiving pack job, because I had gotten the impression from BASE that all pack jobs take half an hour and are meticulous about flaking. I was a little hesitant at first to jump a rushed two minute pack, until I read some manuals and convinced myself that it was safe.)

After you have started skydiving, sure, come on back and start reading about BASE, but your first priority is to become an experienced skydiver. BASE is not going away, and you should be having fun skydiving for its own sake, not just as a gateway to BASE.


I would like to make Bridge Day my first jump...

You might want to reconsider that. There are a number of technical factors that make the NRG an unsuitable first jump site; the recent thread on Brian Schubert's death discusses this in more depth.


I never do anything without know as much information as I can....

That's a great attitude, and will keep you in good stead as you progress.


Is it so rare that a woman is on the base boards. I am just wondering what all the fuss is about.

Now I know you haven't gone skydiving! ;) It won't be any better at the dropzone. If this concerns you, you can discuss it in the Women's Forum, but a better approach would be to accept the culture you are entering and try to have a little fun with it.

- Ether, a fellow female BASE groupie
Looking for newbie rig, all components...

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I'm going to totally disagree with your attempt to discourage BD a a first jump. It's probably one of the safest places to get a first jump...for a bunch of reasons

Kate, even if you just go and watch this year, you'll gain a huge amount of knowledge being around that atmosphere. If you're there, go to all the seminars you can.

I sent you a PM, drop me a line.


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I have read all of the "read before you post threads" I have been on the fatality site. I have read as many websites that I can that come up when I google BASE Jumping, and you would be suprised how many are not base related. I have been reading as many back posts on the forums I think I have been through almost 2 years of them. There is some good information but I had to weed through the just talking post.
I have done my homework and I plan on making the skydives but I would like to have as much knowledge about BASE as I can so that I will understand all of the risks that are involved with the sport. . Also I have come to see that I am rare on this section of the forum.
Thanks for all the replies.

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I have been reading as many back posts on the forums I think I have been through almost 2 years of them.

So you've read enough to know that you still want to pursue BASE; great! But why keep reading more now? What do you hope to gain at this point?

Research is good, but you are doing yourself harm by doing this research too soon. You will get much more out of becoming a good skydiver first, and pursuing BASE after that. You are also going to sell your skydiving experiences short. Focus more on the "now", and less on the "later".

Disregard this if you like, but I am just telling you what I have learned from my own experiences so far. I didn't listen enough to the advice that I was given... but perhaps there is little benefit to offering advice, as everyone has to figure it out the hard way for themselves anyway.


Also I have come to see that I am rare on this section of the forum.

Actually there are quite a few female BASE jumpers; not all are identifiable by avatar or username. But does it matter? What matters more, I think, is how each person approaches the sport and how they relate to their mentors and fellow jumpers. There are lots of examples of good and bad ways to approach the sport in the archives, as I am sure you have already seen.
Looking for newbie rig, all components...

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Research is good, but you are doing yourself harm by doing this research too soon.

I disagree, here's why at least in my "base life"

I knew I wanted to BASE before I strated Skydive. I started learning about it prior to my skydiving life... I don't see how starting researching early is bad. It helped me to form my own ideas such as about what type of canopy I wanted to practice with, types of canopy flight, not to mention things to focus on in the air.

I feel that as long as you(she) can set goals and have a "moldable plan," you (she) can be productive and successful.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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One night many years ago I am out in a bar with
a friend of mine, we start chatting up some chicks and
being in a college town the "what's your major" topic
of course came up. At the time I was in grad school
studying economics and said so. My buddy says he is
going to do" Psychological profiling for Interpol".:S

Naturally not wanting to cock-block a good friend I said
nothing, but once we were on our own I laughed my ass
off razzing him because at the moment he was in like
his 3rd semester of community college studying basic
math and english and doing that poorly.

As someone who teaches people to skydive, I personally
think a student needs to focus on the important subject
matter at hand and not be distracted by the "IDEA" that
they will be BASE jumping in 200 jumps.

Don't get me wrong, once someone earns their A license,
they probably have enough skill and knowledge to start
to focus their jumping towards future goals. However,
when guys & gals with 0 or 1 jump to boast their BASE
intentions I chuckle.;)
Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM

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