
Jumpers in Twin yesterday (tuesday)

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I got a call from my dad yesterday, he was on business in Twin. He's been through a few times and always been disappointed that he hasn't seen jumpers... until yesterday. So to who ever jumped the potato bridge yesterday, big props from my dad.:)
....so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

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Yesterday we had a big group from SLC (maybe 8 or so), 2 from Arizona, a couple locals, 3 from Australia and 1 from Canada. I'm sure there were a few others I can't recall. At any rate, there were plenty of people here.
-- Tom Aiello


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...and 1 from Canada.

Is that the guy from Kamloops? If you deem him safe and scared enough, tell him he needs to pass through my city on his way back up. I'll throw him off something dangerous and stupid. There is cold beer in the fridge.

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yes it was the guy from kamloops!! That's me! Where is your city!? I would love to be thrown off of anything!

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If the exit point involves climbing, he's gonna need to train up for it! :D

Oh wait - he saw the down-winder - I better shut my pie hole.

Nick, The scabs are peeling nicely btw

- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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ah ha, I did see the down winder... and i wasn't the only one too wimpy to climb up the face.. I did it once... that's good enough!

I enjoyed the hikes out the long way. I'm in better shape now than ever!

Keep enjoying that bridge! I am already trying to organize another trip somewhere. I need more!!

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