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Morning, all! My name is Cora, and I jump at Sky Knights in East Troy, Wisconsin. I have 45 jumps so far and am looking forward to many more years in the sport with tons of jumps.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Hi! I go to school in Madison, but I jump at Skydive Chicago.

Welcome to the forums!

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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Hi. Don't be surprised if you find that most people here fall under one of two categories.
Animal Lovers (the good way) :)Animal Lovers (the bad way) :S
Have fun, and welcome to the new world. B|


I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Bile is actually a Gerbil, who types by jumping from key to key, honest ta god, I swear its the truth...;)


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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LOL. This is true ;)

Bear in mind though, FireCat, that if you see a line of gibberish in the middle of a sentence like he oho dajh ohfdoahd ff then I did a bad jump from one key to the next and had to do a PLF.:P


I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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"gibberish in the middle of a sentence like he oho dajh ohfdoahd ff "

Are you sure your not Scottish Bile? ;) cos that makes perfect sense to me..;)..and thank you, I'll have a pint.B|


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I've had a lot of practice.:)

As soon as I touched down on my last jump, the guy on the one-way radio was going, "Stay on your feet, Stay with it, Stay with..........oh, unlucky." :D
Can't wait to hear your experiences.


I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Don't feel bad. I'm pretty good at PLF'ing as well. Out of my 45 jumps, I've stayed on my feet 4 times. LOL Still working on being able to tell when to flare. :)

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Thanks. I've kinda adopted the saying that any landing you can walk away from is a good one (no matter how bad it looks on camera ;)).

Any landing where you don't get hurt is a good one and any landing that you stand up is a great one. :|

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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LOL You can't do much worse than my Warp 1 - and it's on video. (Where I dive, the wrap series helps you transition from student gear to sport gear.) It wasn't the landing that ended up being the bad part of the dive, it was deployment time.

I waved off, reached for my BOC, and ended up on my back as I forgot to put my left hand on the top of my head. :D Here I was falling towards 3,000 ft thinking "This is sooo not good." And even though I was on my back, I still deployed my canopy instead of flipping myself over and getting stable again. My poor jumpmaster - Tom B. - thought I was a goner and didn't know what to do. When I got to the ground (and PLF'd), he came over, gave me a hug, and then yelled at me (very politely) not to scare him to death again. The good news - I haven't done that since.

I've done other stupid things like misrouted a chest strap and found out in freefall (again...thank God for my jumpmaster - Raven). And, I've had a malfunction that I ended up cutting away and doing a reserve ride (wonderful instructors - Kermit, Rave, et. al. that helped me know what to do should things like this happen) with a PLF landing - nerves were too shot to try and stand it up. LOL

Just remember to keep your wits about you, check your gear, make sure everything's routed correctly, ask for a gear check, and relax....have fun. You'll learn to stand up your landings just like I will in time. The best sky divers didn't learn it all in one jump, and I have to remember just like all new jumpers, it takes time, practice, and determination to do good in the sport. And...the best thing about taking up this sport...is the wonderful people that have more experience than me that are willing to teach me how to get better.

**Sorry for the long post** :$

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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No need to apologise for a 'long' post that makes good reading on these forums.

I can't imagine forgetting to bring the arm over when I reach to pull because it was one of the first manouveurs I was taught. For me it would be like going to the toilet and forgeting to drop my pants. ;) I'm sure I'll do something similarly dumb in the jumps to come though, and when I do I'll post it on these forums to allow you to take the preverbial out of me.:)


I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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LOL I never thought I'd forget it either. I had even practiced in on the ground. Oh, well...I lived to tell about it and learned from the experience.

And...I'll look forward to seeing and hearing about the "dumb" things. ;)

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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The truth that I found we are only alowed to make one mistake if we make the same mistake twice then there is a problem.
Just my 2 cents
Cielos Azules

"If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

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